

作者:homepeace  於 2009-10-3 07:01 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村




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回復 宜修 2009-10-3 11:52
醜女多做怪: 還說中秋送歌給你呢
回復 醜女多做怪 2009-10-3 11:58
宜修: 本來想為國慶、中秋準備朗誦的......忙死了!
心……………………安了! 你忙點兒好!
回復 宜修 2009-10-3 12:02
醜女多做怪: 心……………………安了! 你忙點兒好!
回復 snortbsd 2009-10-3 12:15
xqw63: 原來咱和你一樣激進,無法理解40而不惑,50知天命的含義,當年齡增長了,見識增長了,就理解了。
no, not 激進. far left and far right are the same pile of shit, juts smell differently.

i am well traveled (over thirty countries) and i have seen a lot. 15 or 20 years ago i beleived the "democracy" was a fix for anything. not any more. now certainly i know where i am standing...
回復 xqw63 2009-10-3 12:22
snortbsd: no, not 激進. far left and far right are the same pile of shit, juts smell differently.

i am well traveled (over thirty countries) and i have seen a
回復 snortbsd 2009-10-3 12:24
haven't see you for a while......

tied up by the teens at home?
回復 宜修 2009-10-3 12:28
snortbsd: haven't see you for a while......

tied up by the teens at home?
Too B-Z!    Thanks for remembering me!
回復 巴蜀客 2009-10-3 12:34
回復 homepeace 2009-10-3 12:35
巴蜀客: 好熱鬧
回復 snortbsd 2009-10-3 12:35
xqw63: 15-20年前,咱也認為共產主義救中國,現在咱也知道自己坐標在哪裡了
well, i am not 主義 person. as i said before, i support prc and ccp for very simple reason: under ccp and prc, chinese as people are getting organized and working for a common goal.

the one of biggest differences between the people in west and people in china is: in the west, people are well organized under well defined structure; under that structure, they love to pursue individualism. but chinese are other way around. in that part, we are very much like africans (might not be to that extend).
回復 xqw63 2009-10-3 12:39
snortbsd: well, i am not 主義 person. as i said before, i support prc and ccp for very simple reason: under ccp and prc, chinese as people are getting organize
「chinese are other way around.」,那是對百姓而言的,那個年代,對當權者,天下都是咱的,個人主義沒有抬頭的機會
回復 snortbsd 2009-10-3 12:43
xqw63: 「chinese are other way around.」,那是對百姓而言的,那個年代,對當權者,天下都是咱的,個人主義沒有抬頭的機會
個人主義 is in the bone of chinese/asian culture! where i work now there are quite a few asians. the difference is drastic, comparing to where i used to work.
回復 巴蜀客 2009-10-3 12:44
homepeace: 節日快樂哈!
回復 xqw63 2009-10-3 12:45
snortbsd: 個人主義 is in the bone of chinese/asian culture! where i work now there are quite a few asians. the difference is drastic, comparing to where i used
回復 snortbsd 2009-10-3 12:58
xqw63: 現在全變啦,尤其是獨生子女
no, none of those i work with are 獨生子女.

you must be aware of saying like:"one chinese is hero, three chinese together are worms"....

no wonder we were so screwed in last few hundreds years...
回復 sam333 2009-10-3 13:00
宜修: 山兄說得好!
回復 宜修 2009-10-3 13:11
sam333: 如果沒有制約,長安街一定會出個人海奇觀!
回復 sam333 2009-10-3 13:59
宜修: 那才是對百姓生命的不負責任。
回復 snortbsd 2009-10-3 14:06
宜修: 那才是對百姓生命的不負責任。
could easily get hundreds killed if people stepped over each other...
回復 雪的煙花 2009-10-3 20:43
宜修: 加入贊同的行列!

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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