
《上甘嶺》電影插曲——我的祖國 演唱:郭蘭英

作者:四合院的閑人  於 2009-1-6 11:42 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村




發表評論 評論 (54 個評論)

回復 mgoo 2009-3-12 05:47
四合院的閑人: 可是。。。,咱讀總覺得不順啊!呵呵!

sorry, can't write Chinese fast
回復 四合院的閑人 2009-3-12 05:47
ww_719: 也不是真治療,就試一次,哈哈哈...
回復 四合院的閑人 2009-3-12 05:48
mgoo: no, don't know how to type faster, too slow, take forever to finish a sentence, sorry
回復 mgoo 2009-3-12 05:49
marnifan: NO!NO!NO!這首歌誰也唱不過郭蘭英!!
you maybe right, but people have different taste
回復 marnifan 2009-3-12 05:51
mgoo: you maybe right, but people have different taste
good taste or bad taste...haha, kidding kidding!!
回復 四合院的閑人 2009-3-12 05:51
mgoo: sorry, can't write Chinese fast
回復 mgoo 2009-3-12 05:55
marnifan: good taste or bad taste...haha, kidding kidding!!
韓紅 has full range of voice, 郭蘭英 is a folk singer, Han Hong is pop singer, they are different.
回復 marnifan 2009-3-12 05:58
mgoo: 韓紅 has full range of voice, 郭蘭英 is a folk singer, Han Hong is pop singer, they are different.
chinese pop, 不說也罷
回復 mgoo 2009-3-12 06:02
marnifan: chinese pop, 不說也罷
you mean I have to say I like 郭蘭英 to make you happy? sure, I like her voice too, classic, traditional Chinese style
回復 翰山 2009-3-12 06:03
ww_719: 喲喲喲,大新聞,您還是個男高音那???沒看出來呀,哈哈哈哈....咱倆又對上了,我是女低音,也在一和尚團唱了好多年,哈哈哈哈哈...)))))))
這個事兒, 慢慢再議,是一個大題目。
回復 marnifan 2009-3-12 06:05
mgoo: you mean I have to say I like 郭蘭英 to make you happy? sure, I like her voice too, classic, traditional Chinese style
oh no, you don't have to say anything to make me happy. everybody is entitled to his/her own opinion... thank you though. i was just saying i don't like chinese pop in general...
回復 mgoo 2009-3-12 06:11
Haha, don't worry, if I can make people happy, I will do it.
Today, all my patients wake up so happy, they ask what I did to them? and begging me give them more drugs to take home
回復 mgoo 2009-3-12 06:18
see you, have more fun here
回復 四合院的閑人 2009-3-12 06:23
mgoo: see you, have more fun here

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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