

作者:janelee719  於 2009-2-20 02:57 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



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回復 Mir 2009-2-21 03:31
I am sure you will be a real lawyer or a professional one after a few more cases. You will refrain yourself from being a psychologist, a social worker, a gender sensitive female or male, a culture sensitive one. You certainly do not want to promote yourself to a judge.

You have to be not you, but remain as a human with all the biological and social aspects of him, or even a nice human with some moral standard, or at least simply a citizen with his obligations. Can you do that, especially with money on the table?  And that is the question for every law student.
回復 janelee719 2009-2-21 05:24
Mir: I am sure you will be a real lawyer or a professional one after a few more cases. You will refrain yourself from being a psychologist, a social wor
Thank you for your understanding!
回復 Mir 2009-2-21 05:34
janelee719: Thank you for your understanding!
My pleasure.

It is so interesting to look back our own learning curve, or maturing curve, of either our personal life or professional life, we are getting better in one aspect but we are losing something in the other aspect.

The desire to be better is the exact one leading us to the opposite. Am I still guilty then for being not a perfect person?

Defend us, our lawyer.
回復 janelee719 2009-2-21 05:44
Mir: My pleasure. It is so interesting to look back our own learning curve, or maturing curve, of either our personal life or professional life, w
I will, if there is any need, no matter if I'm a layer or not.
回復 Mir 2009-2-21 06:09
janelee719: I will, if there is any need, no matter if I'm a layer or not.
You are so sweet.

I am indeed defending myself against the Rassian bombing in another bolg, can you be my allie?

I just peeked at that blog again. I think I might win the war against xqw63, and Rassian's fishing boat. Why not take my side, and we can have a chance to scream "Ula, Ula", with a real opportunity to go to a bar for a Cognac someday.

I guess I am still in the middle of growing curve.
回復 千里之外 2009-2-21 08:07
回復 janelee719 2009-2-25 11:54
千里之外: 律師呀,一定很多故事,等著聽呀

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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