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沈三白 發表於 2015-2-27 11:30 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
來源: linna118 於 2015-02-26 06:18:44

此案例由JustStopBy 提供。本人認為是一個很有幫助的案例。做了中文翻譯有助於所有懂中文的人了解。

翻譯如有不當,請高手即時糾正。謝謝JustStopBy 提供此案例!

The shooting of Timothy Stansbury occurred in New York City on January 24,
2004. Stansbury was an unarmed 19-year-old New York City man who was shot
and killed by New York Police Department Officer Richard S. Neri Jr. on
January 24, 2004. Officer Neri and a partner were patrolling the rooftop of
a housing project in the Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood of Brooklyn at
about 1 a.m. Officer Neri, with his gun drawn, approached a rooftop door to
check the stairway inside. Neri testified to a Brooklyn grand jury that he
fired his standard Glock 19 pistol unintentionally when he was startled as
Stansbury pushed open the rooftop door. Stansbury, a resident of an
adjoining building, died from one shot in the chest. The grand jury found
the shooting to be accidental.[1]

On February 17, 2004 after nearly a month of investigation, the grand jury
declined to indict Officer Neri on charges of criminally negligent homicide
and manslaughter, finding instead the shooting to be accidental. Mayor Mike
Bloomberg who like Kelly had not been overtly supportive of Officer Neri
said: Although the death of Timothy Stansbury was a heartbreaking tragedy, a
grand jury today decided that Officer Neri's actions were not criminal. The
Police Department will conduct a review of the case to determine the
appropriate course of action."[5]


Timothy Stansbury 案例發生在2004年1月24日, 地點紐約。19歲手無寸鐵的年輕人Timothy Stansbury 被紐約警察
Richard S. Neri Jr. 槍擊致死。2004年1月24日凌晨1點, 警官Neri 和他的搭檔在布魯克林的 Bedford-Stuyvesant
一帶的一所房頂 巡邏 。 Neri 在法庭上作證時說,當他正 持槍進入樓頂的一道門檢查樓道時,無意中開槍射中開門出來的Stansbury。Stansbury 是樓內住戶,不幸死於胸部中彈。大陪審團裁定槍擊事件為意外。

2004 年2 月17日,事件發生后一月,大陪審團否決了對Neri的誤殺和過失殺人指控,正式裁定為意外。市長麥克儘管不是Neri
的支持者,但於裁決后發表講話表示 「儘管這是一起令人心碎的悲劇事件,但今天大陪審團裁定Neri 警官無罪。警察局將依照內部程序作出處理」。
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