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來往加國 發表於 2008-3-21 20:34 | 顯示全部樓層

My Testimony
-- I rely on God for my entire life

Ladies and Gentlemen, Sisters and Brothers:

My name is L. My wife is V. We have a daughter, L. She is 10 years old. We came from China.

I once had a broken marriage. It was God saved my marriage and my family.

16 years age, I met a beautiful girl and we got married 2 years later. She was my wife V. I tried to be a good husband, but I failed. We had many different habits, opinions, and interests. I always asked her why she didn』t understand me, and I tried to change her. The result was we began to be angry at each other.

I read a lot of books about marriage, tried to find some ways to help my marriage. But it was useless. I thought if we had more money it would be better, but it did not work. I thought if we had a child we would stop to quarrel with each other, but it didn』t change. I thought if we moved to a new place the problems perhaps would be resolved, so we moved to Shanghai – a bigger city in China, but again we began fighting with each other.

In China, there is a slang saying: 「Marriage is the tomb of love,」 It means when you got married, your love will end. At that time, I believed it was true. I was like a sheep, lost my way.

I didn』t know God. I didn』t know Jesus Christ. I didn』t know the Good News. I was living for myself, and doing what I want to do.

And then we applied to immigrate to Canada. At that time, I still believed if I could earn more money, my life would be better. But one week before we came to Canada, we separated, because I couldn』t stand her anymore.

When we arrived in Canada, we ended up living in two different cities. Some friends introduced me to learning English in Church. I began to come to the Church every Friday night. I learned English song from the Church. I remembered the first song I learned was 「Amazing Grace - how sweet the sound」. I learned the pronunciation from D.I. She was so nice. I met many teachers and friends, but I never told my situation to anyone. At that time, I began to know God. I knew the God was looking for me. But I refused, because in China, since my childhood, I have learned this song: 「There is no Savior in this world, and we should be saved by ourselves」.

Although 3 months late, my wife and I got together again through friends』 help, but we still got angry at each other. I never forgave wrong things what she had done to me. 3 months late, we separated again. But this time, God came to save us. I think this was a miracle. Right on the day when we separated, my wife and I took my daughter to learn piano. This was first time we met my daughter』s piano teacher – a Christian. She found out our situation and immediately told us: 「Both of you have to know God.」 And then she spent several hours to tell us her story: how the Lord saved her marriage when she and her husband had similar situation like us. On the following day, the piano teacher brought us to a Sunday service and to study the Bible in the church. Since that day, I have been going to church to worship God and study the Bible.

I know that God loves me so much that He sent his only Son – Lord Jesus Christ – died upon the Cross, for me, and for my sin. I know I have sinned in my thoughts and actions. I am sorry for my sin and ask His forgiveness. One day, I prayed to Lord Jesus Christ and asked Him to come into my heart, come in as my Saviour to cleanse me. I became a Christian. Since that time, my life began to change.

I attended 「A Christian Home」 marriage class. I learned a lot from the Bible: 「Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.」 (1 Corinthians 13:4-5).  I learned how to love my wife, how to love other people, as Jesus loves me. When I feel angry, I pray to God in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ: Lord, please help me to calm down, and help me control myself. When I recall her past actions, I pray to God: Lord, help me to take those things aside, throw them out from my mind, and do not let them bother me anymore. In the beginning, it was really difficult, but God always help me to go through the troubles.

3 months later, my wife, my daughter and I moved to a new home.  And we have been living together until now. Every morning, when I leave home, I always give a kiss to my wife. She likes it. She is really happy for this. It is sure. My daughter always reminds me to do this. She likes we have a happy family.

Before, I never believe miracles, but now, I believe. God is a living God. When I pray, He always answers. Whenever I am close to God, my family is better, and whenever I am far from God, there are always some problems in my family. I believe there would be no love and peace in my home without God.  I rely on God in my entire life.

Now, I really want to thank each and everyone who has helped me. If I mention all their names, it will take you a whole night. I think Pastor did not permit me to do this. And other people are waiting to stand here. Anyway, I want to pray now:

Dear heaven father, thank you, thank you for every amazing thing that you have done in my life. Thank you for sending sisters and brothers to help me. I trust you because you are a living God. I know I am whom you love. I will serve you all the remaining years of my life. Pray in Lord Jesus Christ』s Holy name. Amen.

[ 本帖最後由 來往加國 於 2008-3-22 10:01 編輯 ]
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來往加國 發表於 2008-3-25 21:15 | 顯示全部樓層

How could I find a job?

My name is L. I have been in Canada for more than three years and was baptized this past  May. At that time, I was studying to be a civil engineer in college and I wanted to be a construction estimator. I believed that God would prepare a suitable job for me, because I trusted God and that He loved me.

After that time, I experienced a challenge in my faith.

This past April, when I finished my courses and began my Co-op, I started looking for a job. I thought it would be better to find a job before July 13 because I would not have income after that. It was my mistake to set up a deadline with God. I said to God: I trust you my Load, so give me a good job before July 13. You have three and half months to prepare a job for me.

The next week I got my first interview, and almost a success, very close. But at last, they were concerned about my speaking. They said: Sorry about this. We don』t doubt your skills, but you need to communicate with other people when you work. I thank God for having given me that opportunity, to let me know my weakness. So I tried my best to improve my English.

After that time for three months, almost every week I got interview. Each time I felt that I improved from the last. There was even one time, a manager said sorry to me but he also introduced me to another company. I felt closer and closer to success each time. But I always failed. Most of them were concerned with my English skills. I began to wonder if God had  prepared a job for me. What time and where? Or had God wanted me to do another job?

During that time, when I was in Bible Studies, all my brothers and sisters in Christ prayed for my job situation. My family was also involved. My wife began to read the Bible. We began to pray together with my daughter.   

Up until early July, I did get a job. One of my friends, who worked at Pizza Pizza, told me that I could work there first, and continue to look for another job, because I have to put food on the table to support my family. I thought, 「Maybe it will take a long time to get a professional job, because it is not easy to improve my English.」 I said yes. And then I started to look for a delivery job in Pizza Pizza. I printed and read the menu. I tried to remember all names of the Pizzas and toppings. I practiced the restaurant English. I went to Pizza Pizza shops and left my name and phone number to the manager. Soon I got a chance. One owner gave me training and told me that he would call me the following weeks.

After July 13, the deadline I set up to God. The owner of Pizza Pizza did not call me. I still had no job. On July 17, after finishing a Bible Study, sisters and brothers prayed for my job situation. They said you have to trust God, his answer may be yes, may be no, may be wait. When I came home, my daughter and my wife prayed for me too. The next day, I had some time, so I tried to call some companies. I found out one company』s manager actually didn』t refuse me after my interview and I called back to ask him what had happened.

I called him and said, 「Hi, I am L, do you remember me?」

He said: 「Yes, I remember you. I am sorry. I was quite busy those days so I didn』t call you back. Could you come this Friday? My boss will see you.」

「Of course,」 I said, 「I am waiting for this.」

To my surprise, God gave me the job. The company is a family business company owned and operated for 40 years. They are so nice. My manager introduced his family to me. He has 3 kids. One was just born in 4 weeks ago. It is why he is so busy. They weren』t concerned with my accent and were willing to teach me. My boss was not only teaching my job skill, but also teaching me how to make coffee. Last Thursday, the boss taught me how to make Cappuccino, and told me: Enjoy your work. You can make Cappuccino any time if you like.

God just let me waiting for a more week and teach me how to trust Him. Thank you my heaven father. I know what you give to me is suitable to me, it is better than I hoped. Although sometimes I doubt, you still love me so much.

Through this I learned the verse from Bible in James 4:2,3: You do not have, because you do not ask God. When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, …

This is my story about how I could find a job.
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來往加國 發表於 2012-11-10 11:24 | 顯示全部樓層
道路·真理·生命 - 我怎樣從無神論者成為基督徒
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耶穌說他就是通向神的唯一的道路(the way)。沒有其他路可走。梁燕城在打坐時曾感覺有一條通向無窮無盡的路,但卻是往下而不是往上的。所以他覺得奇怪。創世記裡面記載雅各夢見一個天梯往上通向神那裡,有天使上去下來。耶穌說,「我實實在在的告訴你們,你們將要看見天開了,神的使者上去下來在人子身上。」(約翰福音 1:51)所以耶穌說他就是那個通向神的天梯。耶穌說:「若不藉著我。沒有人能到父那裡去。」(約翰福音 14:6)耶穌就是那通向真理、通向生命、通向永恆的唯一道路。

耶穌又是那唯一的真理(the truth)。以前只有人說某個理論是真理,卻沒有哪一個人說自己是真理,也沒有哪一個人敢說、配說自己是真理。而耶穌說自己就是真理的本體。通過與自己以前所相信的「真理」比較,我不得不承認他所宣稱的是真理。例如根據階級鬥爭理論,富人就是有罪的,錢多就是有罪的。其實沒有錢的人也會去偷、去搶。而聖經說,貪財是萬惡之根。所以不在於有錢沒錢,而在於一個人的內心如何。人的罪首先是內在的,是從內到外的。外在的罪行不過是內在的罪性的表現而已。耶穌說,「我實實在在的告訴你們。所有犯罪的,就是罪的奴僕。」(約翰福音 8:34 )對那些不認自己的罪的,耶穌說,「你們若瞎了眼,就沒有罪了。但如今你們說,我們能看見,所以你們的罪還在。」(約翰福音 9:41)耶穌告訴我們只有真理能使人脫離罪的捆綁:「你們必曉得真理,真理必叫你們得以自由。」(約翰福音 8:32)

耶穌又是那永恆的生命(the life.)。  耶穌說:「信子的人有永生」。(約翰福音 3:36)以前只知道人總有一死,人死如燈滅,一了百了。原來不是這樣,這真是美好。



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來往加國 發表於 2012-11-10 11:33 | 顯示全部樓層
青貝殼 發表於 2012-9-27 16:36
那要不要饒恕希特勒呢?要不要饒恕海珊、本拉登、東條英機、岡村寧次、台灣連環殺人犯陳進興呢?不饒恕 ...

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