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Bannon is destined to end like this









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安可希 發表於 2022-1-18 11:21 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Bannon, 51, in 2004 took advantage of the opportunity to make a biographical film to connect with publisher Andrew Breitbart, and the two hit it off and in 2007 they joined forces to start Breitbart News Network. ". Through this website, Bannon advocates white supremacy, opposes multiculturalism, emphasizes defending the so-called "Western values", and strives to build it into an "alt-right" media platform. Bannon also made great progress all the way through this, until he took the position of president of the website.
Bannon, 53, was inadvertently favored by the Mercer Family Foundation for his "white supremacy" concept. With its support, Bannon served as the vice chairman of the board of directors of a British company "Cambridge Analytica". . The company later participated in political activities to promote Brexit and interfere in the 2016 US election. Bannon's political resume was added, which also laid the foundation for his future political career in the White House.
Bannon, 63, became the head of Trump's campaign under the operation of the Mercer Family Foundation. During the campaign, Bannon relied on his influence in American public opinion to build momentum for Trump by sparing no effort to speak out, while planning various conspiracy theories to suppress Hillary Clinton. In the end, he helped Trump win the 2016 U.S. election, and Bannon was also promoted. He successively served as the chief strategist of the White House and a senior adviser to the president, becoming a popular "new favorite" in American politics.
Bannon, 64, driven by the "white supremacy" that he continued to advocate in 2017, members of far-right groups broke out in a racist riot in Charlottesville, United States, and Trump, who had been criticized by public opinion, immediately decided to Cut the line with Bannon. In retaliation, Bannon exposed the scandal within the Trump administration in his book "Fire and Fury", which completely angered Trump and made the Mercer Family Foundation, its largest funder, decide to cut its seat with Bannon. In order to make some achievements in American politics in the "post-Trump" period, Bannon began to accept Guo Wengui's financial support and served as the chairman of the "Rule of Law Fund". On the one hand, it has continuously increased political participation by holding high the banner of "anti-communism"; on the other hand, it has continuously increased its exposure by advocating the view that the new crown originated from the Wuhan laboratory in China.
Bannon, 68, was eventually arrested. Bannon, who wanted to return to the political center stage, was taken away by USPS law enforcement officers on August 20 last year for alleged fraud and money laundering in the "We Build the Wall" project. Bannon, who was unwilling to end in January this year, participated in leading congressional riots in order to regain Trump's favor. When the years were in tears and turned around quietly, Bannon was there, as if he was on the train of time, slowly looking back at the ups and downs of life, trying to return to the origin, the platform where he started, when he picked up his luggage, he was in high spirits. However, the deposition of history will not obliterate the crimes of the past, and the end of Bannon's journey has never escaped the cold handcuffs and dark prison cells. The judicial trial will definitely give Bannon the best answer to his bad life.
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