
雷鬼堂reggaeton風格歌曲:No lo trates /Don't Try It

作者:BANGZI  於 2022-4-20 00:14 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


波多黎各那邊無處不在的雷鬼堂reggaeton音樂。演唱: 鬥牛犬Pitbull (邁阿密古巴裔說唱歌手)+楊基呆地Daddy Yankee (波多黎各說唱歌手) +奈蒂 娜塔莎Natti Natasha(多米尼加歌手),打碟niuss extended。雷鬼堂reggaeton音樂90年代初期發源於巴拿馬,是一種結合了牙買加雷鬼reggae和嘻哈hip pop風格的舞廳音樂,節奏更加跳躍明快,隨後演變成了一種結合說唱元素的拉丁美洲流行音樂,初始階段因為歌詞比較火辣還被當作低俗音樂受到警察的查抄。歌詞以西班牙語為主,主要流行在拉美年輕人群中。在聖胡安的海灘上走一走就能體會到年輕人對這種音樂的喜愛,雷鬼堂的節奏不絕於耳!

Pitbull Ft Daddy Yankee & Natti Natasha Dj Niuss Extended。 歌名no lo trates - don't try it,大概是別弄這事兒的意思。

No lo trates - English translation

[Natti Natasha]

Don't try it, don't

(Natti Natasha) (DY!)

Don't try to fool me

(Pitbull! Mr. Worldwide, let's ride)

I know that you have another girl

(Natti, tell him! Baby, don't get like that with me)

And you want me for hmmm...

(Fire! Daddy, Daddy, Fire!)

Daddy, Daddy Yankee! (Fire!)


[Daddy Yankee]

I don't sell smoke anymore, with you I have been real

Make up a case against me is illegal

That gossip I smoke, I'm going to burn your opinion

I'm not talking about guard, but you are the officer (Wuh!)

Waiting for you, I didn't speak to anyone

Even though I'm on Liberty, I didn't give them cable

With the clean record, I'm guilty (ey yeah!) (let's go)

I live on my own way (go)

I give you a table if you ask me for wood (D.Y.!)

They call me Columbus, planting my flag (ey)

You speak as if you knew me!


[Daddy Yankee]

I don't sell smoke anymore, with you I have been real

Make up a case against me is illegal

That gossip I smoke, I'm going to burn your opinion

I'm not talking about guard, but you are the officer (Wuh!)

Waiting for you, I didn't speak to anyone

Even though I'm on Liberty, I didn't give them cable

With the clean record, I'm guilty (ey yeah!) (let's go)

I live on my own way (go)

I give you a table if you ask me for wood (D.Y.!)

They call me Columbus, planting my flag (ey)

You speak as if you knew me!


[Natti Natasha]

Don't try it, don't

Don't try to fool me

I know that you have another girl

(Another of what, another of what)

And you want me for hmmm




Biddy bing bing bang, I don't want your love

I just want a really, really, really good time

Biddy bing bing bang, I don't want to play with your love

I tell the truth even when I lie (wooh!)

There are no little games here, we speak clearly

And we do it well rich

Clear accounts, little friend, you have me crazy

With that short dress, a so rich baby (wooh!)

Baby, you are hard like raspita 1 (how?)

So hot that you splash (how?)

There are no lies here

So, baby, don't tell me (wooh!)


[Natti Natasha]

Don't try it, don't

Don't try to fool me

I know that you have another girl

(Another of what, another of what)

And you want me for hmmm

(Didili Daddy, didili Daddy, Daddy,



[Natti Natasha]

You want to be my love

And you tell me that you are sincere

He asks me please

He promises me the whole world

I know what is my value

And I don't want a bandit

I have a heart

And I deserve a love of a real man


I'm ready to dance

I'm ready to enjoy

I'm ready, but tell me


Don't try it, don't

Don't try to fool me

I know that you have another girl

And you want me for hmmm

(Didili Daddy, didili Daddy, Daddy)


[Daddy Yankee:] I didn't fool you

[Pitbull:] Baby, you know what it is

[Daddy Yankee:] She is inventing to see if I confess

[Daddy Yankee:] I didn't fool you, eh-eh

[Pitbull:] Friend, you know what it is

[Daddy Yankee:] She is inventing to see if I confess


Ey, Ey, Natti, Natti, Natti


And the siki Daddy, Daddy, Daddy

Daddy Yankee


[Daddy Yankee]

There is a difference between a flower

And the leaves that surround her

And the leaves that surround her

Why another girl? If you are apecial edition


Don't try it, don't
(Natti Natasha) (DY!)
Don't try to fool me
(Pitbull! Mr. Worldwide, let's ride)
I know that you have another girl
(Natti, tell him! Baby, don't get like that with me)
And you want me for hmmm...
(Fire! Daddy, Daddy, Fire!)
Daddy, Daddy Yankee! (Fire!)
[Daddy Yankee]
I don't sell smoke anymore, with you I have been real
Make up a case against me is illegal
That gossip I smoke, I'm going to burn your opinion
I'm not talking about guard, but you are the officer (Wuh!)
Waiting for you, I didn't speak to anyone
Even though I'm on Liberty, I didn't give them cable
With the clean record, I'm guilty (ey yeah!) (let's go)
I live on my own way (go)
I give you a table if you ask me for wood (D.Y.!)
They call me Columbus, planting my flag (ey)
You speak as if you knew me!
[Natti Natasha]
Don't try it, don't
Don't try to fool me
I know that you have another girl
(Another of what, another of what)
And you want me for hmmm
Biddy bing bing bang, I don't want your love
I just want a really, really, really good time
Biddy bing bing bang, I don't want to play with your love
I tell the truth even when I lie (wooh!)
There are no little games here, we speak clearly
And we do it well rich
Clear accounts, little friend, you have me crazy
With that short dress, a so rich baby (wooh!)
Baby, you are hard like raspita 1 (how?)
So hot that you splash (how?)
There are no lies here
So, baby, don't tell me (wooh!)
[Natti Natasha]
Don't try it, don't
Don't try to fool me
I know that you have another girl
(Another of what, another of what)
And you want me for hmmm
(Didili Daddy, didili Daddy, Daddy,
[Natti Natasha]
You want to be my love
And you tell me that you are sincere
He asks me please
He promises me the whole world
I know what is my value
And I don't want a bandit
I have a heart
And I deserve a love of a real man
I'm ready to dance
I'm ready to enjoy
I'm ready, but tell me
Don't try it, don't
Don't try to fool me
I know that you have another girl
And you want me for hmmm
(Didili Daddy, didili Daddy, Daddy)
[Daddy Yankee:] I didn't fool you
[Pitbull:] Baby, you know what it is
[Daddy Yankee:] She is inventing to see if I confess
[Daddy Yankee:] I didn't fool you, eh-eh
[Pitbull:] Friend, you know what it is
[Daddy Yankee:] She is inventing to see if I confess
Ey, Ey, Natti, Natti, Natti
And the siki Daddy, Daddy, Daddy
Daddy Yankee
[Daddy Yankee]
There is a difference between a flower
And the leaves that surround her
And the leaves that surround her
Why another girl? If you are apecial edition

(Natti Natasha) (DY!)
Don't try to fool me
(Pitbull! Mr. Worldwide, let's ride)
I know that you have another girl
(Natti, tell him! Baby, don't get like that with me)
And you want me for hmmm...
(Fire! Daddy, Daddy, Fire!)
Daddy, Daddy Yankee! (Fire!)
[Daddy Yankee]
I don't sell smoke anymore, with you I have been real
Make up a case against me is illegal
That gossip I smoke, I'm going to burn your opinion
I'm not talking about guard, but you are the officer (Wuh!)
Waiting for you, I didn't speak to anyone
Even though I'm on Liberty, I didn't give them cable
With the clean record, I'm guilty (ey yeah!) (let's go)
I live on my own way (go)
I give you a table if you ask me for wood (D.Y.!)
They call me Columbus, planting my flag (ey)
You speak as if you knew me!
[Natti Natasha]
Don't try it, don't
Don't try to fool me
I know that you have another girl
(Another of what, another of what)
And you want me for hmmm
Biddy bing bing bang, I don't want your love
I just want a really, really, really good time
Biddy bing bing bang, I don't want to play with your love
I tell the truth even when I lie (wooh!)
There are no little games here, we speak clearly
And we do it well rich
Clear accounts, little friend, you have me crazy
With that short dress, a so rich baby (wooh!)
Baby, you are hard like raspita (how?)
So hot that you splash (how?)
There are no lies here
So, baby, don't tell me (wooh!)
[Natti Natasha]
Don't try it, don't
Don't try to fool me
I know that you have another girl
(Another of what, another of what)
And you want me for hmmm
(Didili Daddy, didili Daddy, Daddy,
[Natti Natasha]
You want to be my love
And you tell me that you are sincere
He asks me please
He promises me the whole world
I know what is my value
And I don't want a bandit
I have a heart
And I deserve a love of a real man
I'm ready to dance
I'm ready to enjoy
I'm ready, but tell me
Don't try it, don't
Don't try to fool me
I know that you have another girl
And you want me for hmmm
(Didili Daddy, didili Daddy, Daddy)
[Daddy Yankee:] I didn't fool you
[Pitbull:] Baby, you know what it is
[Daddy Yankee:] She is inventing to see if I confess
[Daddy Yankee:] I didn't fool you, eh-eh
[Pitbull:] Friend, you know what it is
[Daddy Yankee:] She is inventing to see if I confess
Ey, Ey, Natti, Natti, Natti
And the siki Daddy, Daddy, Daddy
Daddy Yankee
[Daddy Yankee]
There is a difference between a flower
And the leaves that surround her
And the leaves that surround her
Why another girl? If you are apecial edition









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回復 successful 2022-4-20 09:57
濃厚的南美風格, 典型的的拉丁美洲流行音樂.
回復 BANGZI 2022-4-20 22:55
successful: 濃厚的南美風格, 典型的的拉丁美洲流行音樂.
回復 successful 2022-4-21 14:14
BANGZI: 快樂的人們,生性樂觀。俺們加州工廠的墨西哥裔工人周末開了工資就吃喝玩樂,有時候周一都不來上班。
沒錯, 我們公司隔壁的墨西哥人,蓋亞那人就是這樣. 他們一有了錢就喝酒,唱歌,跳舞. 那節奏高亢的音樂震耳欲聾. 平時看起來挺和藹的, 彬彬有禮的, 一醉酒了就六親不認. 沒錢的時候幹活很勤快,也按時, 發了工資, 起碼三天你都見不到人了. 他們真的很享受人生.活得瀟洒.
回復 BANGZI 2022-4-21 23:54
successful: 沒錯, 我們公司隔壁的墨西哥人,蓋亞那人就是這樣. 他們一有了錢就喝酒,唱歌,跳舞. 那節奏高亢的音樂震耳欲聾. 平時看起來挺和藹的, 彬彬有禮的, 一醉酒了就六親

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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