
卡羅-艾莫拉爾德 Caro Emerald:這樣的夜晚 A Night Like This (匈牙利茲蓋特音樂節

作者:BANGZI  於 2020-2-18 02:52 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村







卡羅-艾莫拉爾德 Caro Emerald:這樣的夜晚 A Night Like This (匈牙利茲蓋特音樂節現場版)


A Night Like This

From where you are
You see the smoke start to arise
Where they play cards
And you walk over
Softly moving passed the guards
The stakes are getting higher
You can feel it in your heart
He calls you bluff
He is the ace you never thought
He played that much
And now it's more than all this cards
You want to touch
You never know if winning this
Could really be enough

Take a look
Beyond the moon
You see the stars.
And when you look around
You know the room by heart

I have never dreamed it
Have you ever dreamed a night like this
I cannot believe it
I may never see a night like this
When everything you think is incomplete
Starts happening when you are cheek to cheek
Could you ever dream it
I have never dreamed, dreamed a night like this

How many times
Have I been waiting by the door
To hear these chimes
To hear that someone debonaire has just a arrived
And opened up to see
My world before my eyes
That silhouette creates an image
On the night I can't forget
It has the scent of something special
I can't rest
If I resist temptation
Oh, I know for sure that I will lose the bet

I walk away and suddenly it seems
I'm not alone
In front of me he stands
I stop, before he goes

I have never dreamed it
Have you ever dreamed a night like this
I cannot believe it
I may never see a night like this
When everything you think is incomplete
Starts happening when you are cheek to cheek
Could you ever dream it
I have never dreamed, dreamed a night like this

I have never dreamed it
Have you ever dreamed a night like this
I cannot believe it
I may never see a night like this
When everything you think is incomplete
Starts happening when you are cheek to cheek
Could you ever dream it
I have never dreamed, dreamed a night like this









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