

作者:sujie_alex  於 2009-2-10 06:52 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村
















「人們可能難以相信,住在紐約上東城年薪兩三百萬美元的銀行家們在支付完必需的信用卡和房屋貸款賬單后,年底的積蓄也基本為零。」 "The Manny「(描寫上東城生活方式的小說)一書的作者Holly Peterson說。Holly Peterson也是私募基金黑石集團創始人Peter G Peterson的女兒。「50萬美元的年薪意味著要他們的孩子離開私立學校,並且拋售他們的房子。」




如今沒有人會悲憫這些金融高管的命運,特別是在他們管理的金融機構崩潰釀成了無盡的金融苦果后。但是,位於曼哈頓的非贏利研究集團,城市未來中心(The Center for an Urban Future)估計在紐約需要花123,322美元才能享受到在休斯頓50000年薪可以享受的中產階級生活,而令他們從繁重的賬單中解脫出來的確很困難。




就如那些稅務。Martin Cohen一位曼哈頓的會計師說,對於婚後育有來兩個孩子的人,50萬美金的年薪每周要交的稅包括所得稅2645元,社保稅596元,醫療139元,州所得稅682,城市所得稅372元。那此人實際的周收入為5180美元,年收入大約為269000美元。




地產經理人Babara Corcoran說大多數的小康家庭每年至少有2次外出度假,冬季的陽光之旅和春天的滑雪之旅。












對於那些必須身著正式的禮服出席慈善晚會的人在健身房鍛煉是必須的。紐約社會日記(newyorksocialdiary.com)的編輯 David Patrick Columbia說:「出席那些派對,女士們需要花10000或15000美元用來置裝。如果她每年要參加三至四次的話,不可能穿同樣的衣服去。」




不是每個銀行高管都有學齡的孩子,但是對於那些有的人,支出是巨大的。除了付學費之外,你不可能不讓私立學校的孩子接受課外輔導的。Sandy Bass,Private School Insider的編輯說。Private School Insider是一份關於紐約地區私立學校的時事通訊。而每周一小時的課外輔導需要支付125美元。「這還是低端的,」Sandy Bass說。「高端的價格是150或者175美元。」高考的課外輔導價格是大約250美元一小時。一年總共30周課外輔導的支出約為3750美元。








還有更多?去餐館吃飯,乾洗,每件Brooks Brothers的西裝需要大約1000美元。如果你在管理一家銀行,你總不能穿得不修邊幅吧。









You Try to Live on 500K in This Town

PRIVATE school: $32,000 a year per student


Mortgage: $96,000 a year.

Co-op maintenance fee: $96,000 a year.


Nanny: $45,000 a year.


We are already at $269,000, and we haven』t even gotten to taxes yet.


Five hundred thousand dollars — the amount President Obama wants to set as the top pay for banking executives whose firms accept government bailout money — seems like a lot, and it is a lot. To many people in many places, it is a princely sum to live on. But in the neighborhoods of New York City and its suburban enclaves where successful bankers live, half a million a year can go very fast.


「As hard as it is to believe, bankers who are living on the Upper East Side making $2 or $3 million a year have set up a life for themselves in which they are also at zero at the end of the year with credit cards and mortgage bills that are inescapable,」 said Holly Peterson, the author of an Upper East Side novel of manners, 「The Manny,」 and the daughter of Peter G. Peterson, a founder of the equity firm the Blackstone Group. 「Five hundred thousand dollars means taking their kids out of private school and selling their home in a fire sale.」


Sure, the solution may seem simple: move to Brooklyn or Hoboken, put the children in public schools and buy a MetroCard. But more than a few of the New York-based financial executives who would have their pay limited are men (and they are almost invariably men) whose identities are entwined with living a certain way in a certain neighborhood west of Third Avenue: a life of private schools, summer houses and charity galas that only a seven-figure income can stretch to cover.


Few are playing sad cellos over the fate of such folk, especially since the collapse of the institutions they run has yielded untold financial pain. But in New York, where a new study from the Center for an Urban Future, a nonprofit research group in Manhattan, estimates it takes $123,322 to enjoy the same middle-class life as someone earning $50,000 in Houston, extricating oneself from steep bills can be difficult.


Therefore, even if it is not for sympathy, consider the numbers.


Like those taxes. If a person is married with two children, the weekly deductions on a $500,000 salary are: federal taxes, $2,645; Social Security, $596; Medicare, $139; state taxes, $682; and city, $372, bringing the weekly take-home to $5,180, or about $269,000 a year, said Martin Cohen, a Manhattan accountant.


Now move to living expenses.


Barbara Corcoran, a real estate executive, said that most well-to-do families take at least two vacations a year, a winter trip to the sun and a spring trip to the ski slopes.


Total minimum cost: $16,000.


A modest three-bedroom apartment, she said, which was purchased for $1.5 million, not the top of the market at all, carries a monthly mortgage of about $8,000 and a co-op maintenance fee of $8,000 a month. Total cost: $192,000. A summer house in Southampton that cost $4 million, again not the top of the market, carries annual mortgage payments of $240,000.


Many top executives have cars and drivers. A chauffeur』s pay is between $75,000 and $125,000 a year, the higher end for former police officers who can double as bodyguards, said a limousine driver who spoke anonymously because he does not want to alienate his society customers.


「Some of them want their drivers to have guns,」 the driver said. 「You get a cop and you have a driver.」 To garage that car is about $700 a month.


A personal trainer at $80 an hour three times a week comes to about $12,000 a year.


The work in the gym pays off when one must don a formal gown for a charity gala. 「Going to those parties,」 said David Patrick Columbia, who is the editor of the New York Social Diary (newyorksocialdiary.com), 「a woman can spend $10,000 or $15,000 on a dress. If she goes to three or four of those a year, she』s not going to wear the same dress.」


Total cost for three gowns: about $35,000.


Not every bank executive has school-age children, but for those who do, offspring can be expensive. In addition to paying tuition, 「You』re not going to get through private school without tutoring a kid,」 said Sandy Bass, the editor of Private School Insider, a newsletter that covers private schools in the New York City area. One hour of tutoring once a week is $125. 「That』s the low end,」 she said. 「The higher end is 150, 175.」 SAT tutors are about $250 an hour. Total cost for 30 weeks of regular tutoring: $3,750.


Two children in private school: $64,000.


Nanny: $45,000.


Ms. Bass, whose husband is an accountant with many high-end clients, said she spends about $425 every 10 days on groceries for her family. Annual cost: about $15,000.


More? Restaurants. Dry cleaning. Each Brooks Brothers suit costs about $1,000. If you run a bank, you can』t look like a slob.


The total costs here, which do not include a lot of things, like kennels for the dog when the family is away, summer camp, spas and other grooming for the human members of the family, donations to charity, are $790,750, which would require about a $1.6-million salary to compensate for taxes.


By the way, the frozen hot chocolate costs $8.50.










發表評論 評論 (23 個評論)

回復 homepeace 2009-2-10 07:00
回復 ww_719 2009-2-10 07:18
回復 千里之外 2009-2-10 08:09
ww_719: 啊??哥們兒,如果這$50萬都那麼窮的無法悲慘生活,那這$5萬的,$5千的,是不是就不活了呀,哈哈哈哈... 最好是大家一起homeless過共產主義生活得了,哈哈哈...
回復 小鹹菜 2009-2-10 08:17
回復 tinydancer 2009-2-10 08:45
The more you make the more you spend. 就是這個道理。大概這村子里的許多人不掙這麼多錢,也在紐約好好地活著
回復 ww_719 2009-2-10 08:55
tinydancer: The more you make the more you spend. 就是這個道理。大概這村子里的許多人不掙這麼多錢,也在紐約好好地活著
回復 tinydancer 2009-2-10 08:57
ww_719: 比如老漢???哈哈...
回復 ww_719 2009-2-10 09:01
tinydancer: 老娃娃,誰是老漢?
回復 沈知魚 2009-2-10 09:01
回復 tinydancer 2009-2-10 09:04
ww_719: 哦,你不認識呀..他曾經是我們這裡有名的名人..在NY,叫拾慌老漢!
回復 ww_719 2009-2-10 09:05
tinydancer: 真的不知道,我真的在這混也不過兩個星期,這村兒里的很多典故還真的靠您點播呢,我過會兒就去搜索這個ID
回復 tinydancer 2009-2-10 09:05
沈知魚: 貨比貨得扔;人比人得那那什麼....是吧...
回復 tinydancer 2009-2-10 09:08
ww_719: 搜吧,一高人!神人!哈哈...
回復 mgoo 2009-2-10 09:22
Don』t worry, they are going to survive. They spend too much and too greedy- that is the problem!
Do you like your tax money given to them to maintain their luxurious life style? especially when they are crying poor but spending big? and this is so-called "悲慘生活"?
回復 浪花朵朵 2009-2-10 09:41
回復 野木耳 2009-2-10 11:57
回復 ww_719 2009-2-10 11:59
tinydancer: 老娃娃,你開玩笑吧,沒這個人。
回復 snortbsd 2009-2-10 12:26
well, who cares... they screwed up, badly and dragged the economy down to the hell. it would be the smallest punishment they could ever get.
回復 xqw63 2009-2-10 13:45
回復 tinydancer 2009-2-10 19:18
ww_719: 他前些時候quit了,據說特難過,是不是失戀了?不懂...你問問這裡的人,都知道他,哈哈哈...

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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