
"Peaceful rise" guides China's future The concept of "peaceful r

作者:Hellomack  於 2023-9-12 15:04 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


 "Peaceful Rise" is a new word that the Boao Forum and China have contributed to the English language and the world. It means "peaceful rise" in Chinese.

On November 3, 2003, Zheng Bijian, former executive vice president of the Party School of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the China Reform and Opening Up Forum, first proposed the term in a speech at the Bowhole Asia Forum.

The proposal of "peaceful rise" has nothing to do with "China". In recent years, how to interpret and view China's rapid development has become a hot topic in the international community. In this context, "China" and "China collapse theory" once had a large market. At the end of 2002, Zheng Bijian visited the United States and had extensive contact with some American political leaders and scholars such as Condoleezza Rice, Henry Kissinger and Brzezinski. The "China" in their conversation made Zheng uneasy. After returning to China, he wrote to the Central Committee in the name of the Policy Research Office of the CPC Central Committee and put forward several proposals, the last of which was the concept of "peaceful rise." The "Peaceful Rise" research group was formally established after the General Secretary personally instructed a "proposal to conduct research on the path of China's peaceful rise". There are eight core researchers, and their research covers domestic affairs, diplomacy, culture, and history.

About a year later, the theory of "peaceful rise" basically took shape. On December 10, 2003, during his visit to the United States, the Prime Minister solemnly mentioned the concept of "peaceful rise" in his speech at Harvard University. Since then, the outside world has noticed that until March 14, 2004, in a short period of three months, the president and the Premier have talked about China's "peaceful rise" in public three times. "Peaceful rise is moving from an academic concept to a strategic choice for China's new leadership," Xinhua said in its commentary. It is not only contemporary China's positioning of its role and future image, but also China's commitment to Asia and the world.

"Peaceful rise" is the second enrichment of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. Professor Jiang Changbin, director of the Center for International Strategic Studies at the Party School of the CPC Central Committee, told China's Newsweek: "The first enrichment was in the 1980s, when Xiaoping pointed out that the theme of The Times was' peace and development. ' "Peaceful rise" and "peace and development" are in the same vein.

"Peaceful rise" has become a worldwide vocabulary. At noon on April 24, former US President George W. Bush, in fact, only six months in the past, "I have noticed that the President and the current leadership (of China) are committed to the cause of what we call the Peaceful Rise Reorganizing Asia Forum luncheon." This is very reassuring to the rest of Asia, and it is very important to the whole face of Asia.

The inner power of peaceful rise

"Peaceful rise is not unstoppable." China Reform and opening up Forum vice chairman Professor Wang Jisi said. The rise comes first from China's own efforts.

Peaceful rise, as the prime minister said: the base point is mainly on their own strength. To achieve this, China needs more profound changes

In fact, change is happening. In 2003, when a new generation of Chinese leaders began their first year of government, China was also entering the "second transition," the core of which was the shift of the focus of the Party and the state from economic construction to coordinated economic and social development.

Recently, the "comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development concept" or "scientific Development concept" has been proposed, both as a solution to domestic problems and as a response to international pressure. A deeper impetus comes from reform. What attracts more attention is Zheng Bijian's institutional innovation, which is officially referred to as the deepening of the socialist market economy and the development of socialist democracy.









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回復 浮平 2023-9-12 22:09
」socialist market economy「,社會主義市場經濟,前蘇聯的國家資本主義,權貴資本主義,權力資本主義,特色社會經濟等等這麼多主義概念模糊混搭連你自己都搞不清楚的,再加上對外的口號:一切為強軍。。。與侵略者無上限的合作,不放棄武統;實際的操作:軍機彈彈威懾,都攪合在一起了,常常會出現自相矛盾的思想理論和相應的結果。所以問題不在於:是否是和平崛起,而是崛起後會不會再和平的問題,說的做的是否一致,自己怎麼想別人怎麼看的問題。

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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