

作者:轉折點  於 2021-1-19 00:31 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


中央政府的網站上,外界隨時都可以查看  The website of the central government, the outside world can view it at any time.


中國是以文字為主要傳播媒介,中國的視覺藝術並沒有很完整地科學地發起來. 每次開會,就看見一眾人物低頭奮筆疾書,很少在國外看見別人開會用筆記的,要麼電腦,要麼就聽!你們是在開秘密會議嗎?現在還用手記?是主席當場即興想出來的發言嗎?沒有文件準備和presentation printout嗎?記得十三五時候有人做了一個13五的動畫宣傳短片,很生動形象地,簡單明了地,把十三五的政治意義宣傳開來,那時候大家都在傳. 誰有興趣去看那些長篇大論了,除了那些專業政治人物. 現在中國進行一場波瀾壯闊改天換地的社會經濟改革,應該讓大眾知道越多越好如果你們只是用文字,黨內文件或者新聞報導,那應該是不夠的. 雖然這是中華民族的好傳統,可政治不應該用簡單文字啟發那麼多想象力. 如果是講經濟生產的改革,就畫一個圖,生產對象,生產力和勞動者.點擊進生產對象,深入講生產對象的改革,比如土地的合理分配,土地的流轉,農業產品生產的地區性調整,等等等等. 


China uses text as the main medium of communication. China's visual art has not developed completely scientifically. Every time you meet, I see a group of people bowing their heads and writing on booksOn contraryrarely seeing others taking meetings and taking notes abroad, either usecomputersor just listen! Are you holding secret meeting? Still write down with your hands? Is President Xi』s impromptu speech on the spot? No document preparation and presentation printouts? I remember that some people made a 13-five conference animated short film during the 13th Five-Year Plan conference. They vividly and plainly  publicized the political significance of the 13th Five-Year Plan. At that time, everyone was spreading. Who is interested in seeing those long documents except those professional politicians. Now that China is carrying out a social and economic reform that is magnificent and changeable, it should be known to the public as much as possible. If you only use words, documents within the party or news reports, it should not be enough. Although this is a good tradition of the Chinese politics, yetpolitics should not inspire so much imagination just with simple words. If it is a reform of economic production, draw a picture, production objects, productivity and laborers. Click into the production object key, In-depth discussion on the reform of production objects, such as the rational distribution of land, the circulation of land, regional adjustment of agricultural product production, and so on.


然後點擊進生產力,進一步講高科技,機械,化工,能源,航太,等等. 還可點擊進勞動者,講勞模,學者,專家,企業領軍者,等等!每一項都可以配有不同的圖片還有視頻. 習主席在台上, 一邊講一邊後面放背景presentation, 開會時別人有補充,在哪方面補充,可以隨時用數字方式就加在那一項. 我看見台下發言的,也都低著頭看著自己筆記本,是在做檢討嗎?像這種改革的大的整體框架,主席每次出巡做的演講主要內容,應該放在中央政府的網站上,外界隨時可以查看,而且可以翻譯成不同語言. 那天下人就知道你在做什麼,怎麼做的!我建議中國政治應該也多用高科技現代化,多一點圖像視頻,那所傳達的信息遠遠勝過文字,而且全世界都能看,而且可以加一些幽默和動畫在裡面,更吸引觀眾,更易於被大眾接受! 還是這所有東西都是保密的?一定要口述手記才行的?

Then click on the productivity button to further talk about high technology, machinery, chemicals, energy, aerospace, etc. You can also click on the labor button, talk about labor models, scholars, experts, business leaders, and so on! Each item can be equipped with different pictures and videos. President Xi is on the stage, while speaking on the backscreen there could be presentationWhen the meeting is supplemented by others, where it can be added, you can add it at any time by digital means. I saw the audience down thestagewhen talking also looked down at his notebook. Is it a review? Like the big overall framework of this reform, the main content of Mr. Xi』s speech, every time he patrols should be placed on the website of the central government. The outside world can view it at any time, and it can be translated into different languages. The next day, you will know what to do, how to do it! I suggest that Chinese politics should also use high technology and modernization, and a little more image and video. The information conveyed is far better than words, and the whole world can see it.  BesidesIt can add some humor and animation in it, which is more attractive to the audienceand easy to be accepted by the public! Or is this all confidential? Must you dictate your handwriting?









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