
真正解決經濟問題需要全球一體 To solve economic problem fundamantally, the world

作者:轉折點  於 2020-10-17 13:27 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村








Nov 11, 2015 at 8:06 PM


真正解決經濟問題需要全球一體 To solve economic problem fundamantally, the world is ONE political system


在《和平的經濟後果》(The Economic Consequences of the Peace)一書中,約翰.梅納德凱恩斯(John Maynard Keynes)斷言了經濟的首要地位,並評論道:「未來的危險不在於邊境和主權,而在於食物、煤炭和運輸」。他呼籲推出強有力的政策以促進共同繁榮和合作,卻無人理睬,這導致了災難性的後果。如今,未來的風險與中國崛起以及商業和經濟領域緊密相關。讓我們希望,我們能夠發現妥善處理它們的智慧。 以及看了劉鶴的文章  


In 「The Economic Consequences of the Peace」, John Maynard Keynes asserts the primacy of the economy and commented: "The danger of the future lies not in the border and Sovereignty, but food, coal and transportation." He called for a strong policy to promote common prosperity and cooperation, but it was ignored, which led to disastrous consequences. Today, the risks of the future are closely related to the rise of China and the business and economic sectors. Let us hope that we can find the wisdom to deal with them properly. 

我不懂經濟,胡扯幾句. 全球的市場, 不是無限大的, 也是相連的. 中國的成功, 是充分發揮政府的政治集權優勢, 配合優化科學合理的經濟政策的結果. 但是在國際上, 由於國家主權的平等及不可侵犯, 既使國際金融資本後面有超級政治力量, 但是, 還是要經過各國政府部門才能行施. 而且, 沒有一個, 沒有更高層次的國際組織來以全球為目標, 超越國家, 分析現狀, 全方位地設計全球的經濟發展策略. 沒有現存的理論來對更深層的, 超大規模不同形式市場的描述和管控, 就象當今中國政府對本地區所做的那樣. 要真正解決經濟的問題,除非全球是一個政體,在現如今的條件下,不可能也不現實.


I don't understand the economy, I know a few words. The global market is not infinite, but also connected. China's success is to give full play to the government's political centralization advantage, in line with the optimization of scientific and rational economic policies. But internationally, because of the equality and inviolability of national sovereignty, even if there is super-political power behind international financial capital, it still has to go through the government departments of all countries. Moreover, there is no higher-level international organization to target at the whole worldbeyond the state boundaries, analyze the realitystatus, and design the global economic development strategy in all aspects. There is no existing theory to describe and control the deeper, ultra-large-scale different forms of the market, as Chinese government has done to their regions today. Solving the economic problem fundamentally, unless the world is ONE political systemUnder the current conditions, it is impossible and unrealistic.

所以,雖然強權有覆蓋全球的軍事系統,但是在設計金融產品時,對全球經濟環境還是了解有限理所當然地更多考慮了自身利益而把外市場當作可以無限接納的空間. 同樣原因由於了解有限當別國購買下手金融產品無從詁量風險後果. 就象中國買二房產品. 還有某國設計金融產品就是為了不負責任坑害別人的. 美國人的眼光是以意識形態和短淺快速遂利為目的的不會全盤客觀考慮的. 但這世界是圓的.


Therefore, although the super power has military system covering the whole world, when designing financial products, there is still limited understanding of the global economic environment, and of course, more consideration is of its own interests, and treat external market as a space that can have infinitely capacity. For the same reason, Because of the limited understanding, when other countries buy financial products, there is no way to evaluate riskjust like China buys second-hand housing products. Also, a country designs financial products in order to irresponsibly harm others. The American vision is based on consciousness. The purpose of shape and shortness is quick and profitable, and it will not be considered objectively. But the world is round.

供需到穩定時是有一定的比例的, 的. 當有破性技術出現, 就要合理大規模整合市場經濟發展時它的線上升. 因為沒有合理追蹤手段, 如果盲目跟隨上升曲線或者經濟狀況是根本沒有這個上升的基礎創造不了那麼多價值那就是危機的根源. 社會有不同的需求而每個產品有不同的使用期比如說吃飯一頓就消化沒了, 還要下一頓補充能量. 衣服可能要穿好幾年而建公路可能用上一世紀. 所以需求頻度是不同的. 而將所有這些在某一時段相加那就是需求就是市場. 經濟發展期正是需求量集中期象春運對交通流量的需求, 比如過去幾十年全球對低價必需品的需求. 

When stable there is a certain proportion of supply and demand, it is balanced. When there is a breakthrough technology, it is necessary to rationally integrate the market on a large scale. When economy develops, its curve rises. Because there is no reasonable means of tracking, if blindly follow the rising curve, or economic situation has no basis for this rise at allit can't create so much values to support, that is the root of the crisis. Society has different needs, and each product has different usage periods, for example, eating, one meal is gone after digestion , you have to replenish the energy. The clothes could be worn for several years, and the road may be built last for centuries. So the frequencies of demands are different. And adding all these needs at a certain time, that is the market. The period of economic development is precisely the period of demand concentration, like the traffic flow demand during the Spring Festival, such as the global demand for low-cost necessities in the past few decades.


但是市場是有限的,而且要回歸比例平衡,還有安靜享用期.如果有有效的對經濟和市場的監管手段,有對各國的行政力進行合理應用的可能,危機就不會象滾雪球增大,因為你有了數據,也有應對的理論和策略. 你看,我又在兜售我的全球經濟大數據管控理論和夢想了!看你們的文件中,好象心中還不大清楚的,有想避免什麼的感覺. 雖然國家主權的政府權力是獨立的,但是經濟是聯通的. 如果別人是百分之三的增長率,最後你也可能是那樣的.有沒有可能通過溝通向他們描繪優化經濟的宏圖?是不是有可能大家設計一個超越國家主權的優化全球經濟的road map? 然後一步一步的實現?戰爭是沒有活路的選擇!最難的是說服別人換一個角度看世界!

However, the market is limited, and it is necessary to return to the balance of proportions, as well as a quiet period of enjoyment. If there is an effective means of monitoring the economy and the market, and there is a possibility of rational application of the administrative power of each country, the crisis will not increase like snowballing. Because you have the data, there are also theories and strategies to deal with it. You see, I am selling my global economic big data control theory and dreams! Read your documents, as if the ideas are still not clear, there is a feeling of  avoidance. Although the government power of each state sovereignty is independent, but the global economy is Unicom. If others have three percent growth rate, finally you may have have the same rate. Is it possible to communicate to them to optimize the economics? Is it possible to design a road map that optimizes the global economy beyond national sovereignty? Then implement it step by step? War is the choice for no choice! The hardest part is to convince others to look at the world from a different angle!









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