
人類政治組合按歷史分層進行, 混血和文化交流是動因 The human political mix is car

作者:轉折點  於 2020-10-17 13:24 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


Nov 7, 2015 at 8:39 PM

人類政治組合按歷史分層進行, 混血和文化交流是動因  The human political mix is carried out by history, and mixed blood and cultural exchange are the drivers.


這一次出去,你們把越南和台灣擺平了,superdooper!   有沒有買一點越南的香水?不比法國香水差哦. 哪天把日本印度也擺平了那亞洲就要有大戲了開演了現在是前戲哈哈哈  連昂山素姬都要學鄧小平的理論來治國可見你們的治國理論要比美式民主高明的多. 我覺得緬甸和東南亞幾個國家文化相似. 而尼泊爾孟加拉國印度斯里蘭卡巴基斯坦又是一個文化圈. 好像人類的組合是按歷史分一層一層進行的,以前先是部落, 村鎮, 后是城邦, 後來有了君主皇帝下的郡合成國家,現在到了要衝破國家的邊界的成熟期,將來要衝破種族與文化,當然條件是足夠混血和文化國際化.

Going out this time, you put Vietnam and Taiwan in peace, superdooper!  Have you bought some Vietnamese perfume? As good as French perfume. When Japan and India are also settled, then Asia will have a big show, now it is just a foreplay. Hahaha even Aung San Suu Kyi must learn Deng Xiaoping』s theory to govern the country, you can see your ruling theory is much more sophisticated than American democracy. I think that Myanmar and several countries in Southeast Asia have similar cultures. Nepal, Bangladash,India, Sri Lanka and Pakistan are also a cultural circle. It seems that the combination of human beings is carried out layer by layer according to history. The tribes, the villages and towns, later city-states, even later became the county under the rule of King or Emperor, the country of synthesis, and now it is time of the maturity to break through the country's borders, and in the future to break through race and cultureboundaries, of course, the conditions should be sufficient for mixed blood and cultural internationalization.


美國的種族分離還是很明顯的,種族之間也不太相混. 南美混血很厲害,在街上很容易會看見一個人有藍眼睛的卻有著印第安人的鷹鉤鼻子,或一身印第安人的棕黑色皮膚卻有著歐洲人的臉孔. 好像種族歧視不是那麼厲害. 因為混血所以拉丁男孩子體格強壯比較兇悍. 他們沒有歐洲人那種裝模作樣的矜持教養卻有著安第斯山. 峻峭山岩的粗曠. 不敢惹他們.


The racial separation in the United States is still very obvious, and the races are not too mixed. South American hybrids are very powerful. It is easy to see a person on the street, with blue eyes but an Indian hooked nose, or with Indian  brown-black skin but a European face. It seems that racial discrimination is not so severe. Because of the mixed race, Latin boys are physically strong and fierce. They do not have the pretentious and restrained education of Europeans, but they have the steep rocks of the Andes. So rough. Don't dare to mess with them.









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