
對台灣的印象和展望 Impressions and prospects for Taiwan

作者:轉折點  於 2020-10-17 13:22 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


Nov 7, 2015 at 7:06 PM


對台灣的印象和展望  Impressions and prospects for Taiwan


期待新加坡的習馬會,給習大大一個big five. Oh yeah! I對台灣人來說好像有點太遲了. 他們有點神之勿之. 剛來美國時英文不好,給我獎學金的做研究助教的是生物醫學系愛爾蘭白人,電機系拿學位的導師是MIT畢業的香港人. 我感受到不同. 對我好的是白人. 同學中很多台灣人. 當時很少大陸人,辦公室里只有我一個.台灣軍方派出來的研究生居然在門上貼了一張台灣國旗. 我只能寫一張「本是同根生,相煎何太急」的紙條也貼在門上. 台灣來的有錢,對大陸來的普遍看不起. 但大陸來的學術水平高. 現在的大陸小留,開著賓士車,進一流學府,衣著光鮮,聚會人多勢眾,港台灣來的成了弱勢群體,對大陸小留學生投以多麼羨慕的眼光. 謝謝胡哥,大大,還有拿羽扇的,把天下的風水扇轉了. 當時中國的航班可以飛世界各地,就是不能去台灣. 真蜚疑所思. 猶太人跟我說,聖經上說,把一家人分開四十年,他們就不成為家人. 猶太人,和美國外交決策者,永遠搞不懂中華民族幾千年不滅的道理啊,只以聖經之語行事,可笑.

I am looking forward to Singapore』s Xi-Ma meeting, giving Xi a big five. Oh yeah! It seems to be a bit too late for Taiwanese. They are a bit of ignorant. When I first came to the United States, my English was not good. A white Irishprofessor of the Department of Biomedicine gave meresearch assistant scholarship for doing research for him. Myprofessor of the Department of Electrical Engineering is from Hong Kong who graduated from MIT. I feel the difference. Thewhite professor treated me better. There are many Taiwanese among the students. At that time, there were very few mainlanders in the office. Only me. The graduate student sent by the Taiwan military actually posted a Taiwanese flag on the door. Then I could only write a note saying "Same root, why boiling too urgent?"  also posted on the door. Taiwanese arerich, look down upon people from the mainland. The mainlanders have higher academic level. The mainlanders are now coming at a much younger age, driving Mercedes-Benz, entering  top-ranking universities, well-dressed, gathering at the crowd, put people from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan int the vulnerable group, how they are so envious of young mainland students. Thank you Brother Hu, Xi Da Da, and the strategistthe one holding a fan, the world's Feng Shui Master. At that time, Chinese flights can fly around the world, except Taiwan. Really unbelievableThe Jews told me that from the Bible if the family is separated for forty years, they will no longer be family members. Jews, and US foreign policymakers, will never understand the Chinese nation』s eternal truth for thousands of years. It』s ridiculous to act only by the Bible.


對台灣一直並不特別有興趣,他們說從台灣北到南,開車只要四個小時,我去看在舊金山的弟弟就至少要開六個小時,太小了. 今年去了一次台灣,還是蠻欣賞台灣政府的智慧. 台灣人效仿猶太人,在全世界織造經商的網,台灣人的信息傳播非常快,也比較靈活善於找商機尤其大陸開放猶太人因為語言障礙,及對大陸信息量不夠,猶太人就大量利用台灣作為橋樑,台灣人在大陸也紮根很深. 所以台灣為了維護自身利益不會去改變現有的國際秩序. 象猶太人,他們的錢是在橫向散布世界各地的台灣經商者手裡,政府盡量少稅收,也很少做花大錢的市政建設. 他們的 power超越國界的,是在全球. 這也是他們沒有辦法中創造出的智慧的生存方式. 台灣本省人比較矮小,外省來的比較高大. 有見識的,受排擠的外省人,基本上都走了,留下的很多人眼光短淺,政治上情緒用事嘩眾取寵的政客多,眼光遠大的真正面對現實的政治家幾乎沒有. 現在還在那兒做戲一樣搞「民主」,浪費各種資源. 經搭錯了.


I have not been particularly interested in Taiwan. They said that it takes only four hours to drive from north to south of Taiwan. I have to go to see my brother in San Francisco for at least six hours. It is too small. I went to Taiwan this year. I still appreciate the wisdom of the Taiwanese government. Taiwanese follow Jewish  and weave the network of business in the world. The information dissemination of Taiwanese is very fast, and they are more flexible and good at finding business opportunities. In particular, when mainland is open, Jews have a lack of information about the mainland, and the Jews use Taiwan as a bridge. Taiwanese are deeply rooted in the mainland. Therefore, Taiwan will not change the existing international order in order to safeguard its own interests. LikeJews, their money is spread across the hands of Taiwanese business people all over the world. The government tries to reduce taxes as much as possible, and rarely does the construction of municipalities that requires big money. Their power is beyond national borders and is global. This is also their way of life created by wisdom. Local Taiwanese are relatively short, and later arriving mainlanders are relatively tall. The later mainlanders are knowledgeable, excluded bylocal peopleso they are basically goneMany people left behind are short-sighted, politically emotional, There are so many politicians who are eager to take advantage of the public, and there are few politicians are far-sighted can face reality. Now they are still performing "democracy" like a play, wasting various resources. The nerves are connected wrong.

中國是有廣大土的主權國,中國向全世界的輻射是垂直和水平3D輻射的, 才剛剛開始.去年才聽一個去大陸的台灣商人跟我說,共產黨是很厲害的. 那時候社會上輿論還是一邊倒,吹捧美國,貶低中國. 我在世界各地見過made in China的貨,我知道共產黨的厲害是到骨子裡的. 台灣人告訴我如果遇到跟外面政府有什麼衝突的事, 中國十有八九就是服從政府讓你怎麼做就怎麼做不管有理沒理. 我想在這一點上中國政府就可以有政治上吸引台灣政府的本錢,「你跟我,我可以為你據理力爭,而且我有廣大的市場,同樣相近的文化.」  台灣有價值的半導體產業,中國南方是半導體的基地,越來越大的產業鏈的集中效應,台灣是無法招架的. 台灣一個四面環水的島,基本上沒有文化古迹,不象泰國,人口密度也不算高,又很注重生態環境. 做工業會有很多污染,加工的藝術品市場只有在中國和亞洲.

China is a sovereign country with vast territory. China』s radiation to the whole world is vertical and horizontal 3D radiation. It has only just begun. Last year, a Taiwanese businessman who went to the mainland told me that the Communist Party is very powerful. At that time, the public opinion is still one-sided, touting the United States, demeaning China. I have seen goods made in China all over the world. I know that the Communist Party』s power is deep in the bonesTaiwanese told me that if there is any conflict with the outside government, China in all likelihood would be obedience. The government asks you to do it, no matter reasonable or notyou have to do it. I think Chinese government can politically attract the capital of the Taiwan government at this point. "You follow me, I can striving fightfor it, and I have a vast market and similar culture.」 Taiwanesethe most valuable industry is the semiconductor industry, and South China is the base of semiconductors. The more andmore concentration of the growing industrial chain is not possible for Taiwan to compete. There are basically no cultural monuments on the islands surrounded by water. Unlike Thailand, the population density is not high, and it is very ecological. The industry will have a lot of pollution. And processing of art crafts only have markets in China and Asia.


我在想台灣是不是要重新規劃,比如把污染工業移出,變成稻米水果畜牧業生產基地. 開發成養老勝地,旅遊度假和醫療康復勝地,開辦教育中心,時裝和軟體產業, 開辦各種研究機構.把台灣的藝術品和東南亞的寶石啊,鱷魚皮呀,絲綢啊,佛珠,橡膠藝術品聯繫起來,在大陸開辦象 IKEA 那樣的連鎖商場. 希望台灣的大學能夠和別的大學一起輪轉學生. 我覺得台灣在全世界的商業網是寶石, 價值非凡的. 如果你們能把這個網收在你旗下,就好像又加一雙翅膀,會飛得更遠. 還有台灣以家庭為主的小企業有很多的創意,如果有人出資加以完善,那產品是蠻吸引人的想想那些日本小電器產品台灣小吃我覺得應該申請品牌,規範製作流程,在全國各地繁華地點旅遊勝地,象成都錦里,上海城隍廟,陽朔酒吧區,同時集體開分店,可以叫台灣小吃匯,有品牌,就有人可以加盟擴店,就可以上市,中國人都喜歡吃台灣小吃,Jackie 去台灣夜市一個人就吃了一個大牛排. 只是要少吃一點波霸奶茶,聽說不太健康.習大大,希望會談順利,中華民族凝聚向前.  如果有可能,能不能請你們每個周末的時候,給小Jackie 出一個題目,讓她做演講. 她喜歡胡說八道就讓她發揮,說錯沒關係,只要言之成理,還可以找茬兒,逗她. 謝謝你們.


I wonder if Taiwan is going to re-plan, for example, to remove the polluting industry and become a production base for rice and fruit husbandry. Develop into a pension resort, a tourist resort and a medical rehabilitation resort, and open an educational center, set up fashion and software industryhaveinstitutions. Linking Taiwanese art-crafts with Southeast Asian gems, crocodile skins, silks, beads, and rubber art, opening a chain of stores like IKEA in mainland. I hope Taiwanese universities can also rotate students with other universities. I think that Taiwanese commercial network is a gemstone in the world, and its value is extraordinary. If you can put this net in your possession, you seem to add a new pair of wings, you will fly farther. Small family-oriented Taiwanese businesses have a lot of creative ideas. If someone could invest and perfect them, the products are very attractivethink about those Japanese small electrical products. Taiwanese snacks I think should apply for the brand, standardize the production process, and should be distributed at the tourist attractions in all parts of China, like Chengdu Jinli, Shanghai Chenghuang Temple, Yangshuo Bar DistrictsThey could collectively open branches, can be called Taiwanese snacks」. With brandnames, some people can join to expand store, they can go public, Chinese people like to eat Taiwanese snacks, Jackie went to Taiwan night marketalone and ate a big steak. Just not to drink Boba milk tea too much, I heard that it is not healthy. I hope that your talks will go smoothly and Chinese nation will unite forward. If possible, can you please give Jackie a request for every weekend, let her give a speech. If she likes to talk nonsense and let her show. It doesn't matter if she says something wrong, as long as it makes sense, you can also find fault with hertease her. Thank you.









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