
彭媽媽可以主持政府, 企業, 外交人士的社交聚會 Mrs. Peng can host a social gatheri

作者:轉折點  於 2020-10-13 12:59 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


Oct 26, 2015 at 11:23 PM


彭媽媽可以主持政府, 企業, 外交人士的社交聚會 Mrs. Peng can host a social gathering of government, corporate, and diplomats.


看見彭媽媽隨大大出國訪問,形象良好,受人愛戴,於是就有了recommendation。 隨著中國資本走出去,應該會有更多的國際間的交往. 交往不光只是官方的,有些時候私下的交往更起作用. 駐京有很多外國的領館,領館有領館參贊還有文化部門的官員,他們的太太,兒女平時在做什麼呢? 在中國世界五百強很多大企業集團,企業上層,他們的太太,兒女平時在做什麼呢? 中國有很多大企業家,高層官員,他們的太太還有在國外學成回國繼承家業的兒女. 中國的年青一代要走出去就需要了解別國的文化,別國的企業,要建立人脈溝通文化. 中國又有許多高層的藝術家文化人,需要施展才華的舞台.


Seeing that Mrs. Peng went abroad for a visit, she has good image and people loved her, so I will give her some recommendation. As Chinese capital goes abroad, there should be more international exchanges. Communication is not only governmental, but sometimes private exchanges are more effective. There are many foreign consulates in Beijing, and there are consulates, officials in the cultural sector, their wives, what are their children doing? In China there are World Top 500, many large enterprise groups, the upper echelons, their wives, what are the children doing? There are many big entrepreneursThere are manytop officialsbig entrepreneurs in China, and their wives and children who have returned to China to inherit their family business. The younger generation of China needs to understand the culture and business of other countries when going out, and to exchange culture establish communication channels. China has a lot high-level artists and people ofculture who like to display their talents.


是不是可以定時有非官方的私人性質的聚會,請各國的外交官幾文化參展的太太們來親自介紹他們國家的文化,並邀請他們國家的企業界人士及家屬也一起來介紹他們的公司項目. 同時中方也邀請這邊可能有商業聯繫的企業高層和子女,有興趣的文化人士子女,官方人士子女,來一起參加聚會,並有可能的展示才藝. 連吃飯加表演三四個小時外交部出錢或來人自己出. 這樣就把外交,文化私人交流,商業搭橋都匯在一起,又是一個高雅的聚會. 我覺得彭媽媽挺適合去主持這樣的聚會的,外交部的女兒們挺適合去組織這樣的聚會的.挺開心的.

Is it possible to have an unofficial private gathering regularly, and invite the diplomats from various countries to introduce the culture of their country and invite their business people and their families to introduce their company projects. At the same time, Chinese side also invites the top executives and their children who may have business contacts here, interested cultural people and children, officials and children, come to the party together, and possibly show their talents. Even eating and performing for possible three or four hoursthe Ministry of Foreign Affairs or company pays fees. This brings together diplomacy, cultural,private exchanges, and business bridges. It is also an elegant gathering. I think that Mrs. Peng is very suitable to host such a party, so aredaughters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. They are also very suitable to organize such a party. Enjoyable!









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