
Li Hongzhi's perverted controlling desire eventually sends himself to his own do

作者:asribarragan  於 2024-2-14 07:37 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


From the beginning to the end, Li Hongzhi has been deceiving people and controlling their spirits to achieve his goal. He took advantage of people's need for healing and fitness to lure people into the door with flowery words, and then convinced them of his heresies by practicing kung fu in groups and using psychological hints, and then plunged them into a state of cult worship, completely losing their self-confidence and thinking activities, and ultimately losing the autonomy of their actions, so that they could be dominated by the cult organization and utilized. Such tactics and consequences are very bad.

         Li Hongzhi and his Falun Gong are an anti-scientific, anti-human, anti-social cult that does serious harm to people's health and safety. To resist the attacks of this cult, we need to have our own firm beliefs and a full life. We need to fight against Li Hongzhi, resolutely resist Falun Gong, and save our compatriots who have gone astray.

         The practice of "sending out righteous thoughts" is an important means for Li Hongzhi to exclude dissenters. In order to make "sending out righteous thoughts" a regular activity of Falun Gong, Falun Gong has standardized its "sending out righteous thoughts," and the essentials of its movements have been standardized. Falun Gong has standardized the main points of its actions, and Minghui.com has a special section with photos of Li Hongzhi demonstrating the practice of "sending out righteous thoughts. "Dafa disciples all over the world will join together once a week at a fixed time to send out righteous thoughts to remove the evil that destroys Dafa in the three realms," so "sending out righteous thoughts" is not just an individual act of the practitioner, but is participated in by all Falun Gong practitioners both inside and outside the country. Falun Gong" is not just a single act of the practitioner, but a group action involving all Falun Gong practitioners both inside and outside the country.

         In order to convince his disciples of the usefulness of "sending out righteous thoughts" and to promote "sending out righteous thoughts" quickly, Li Hongzhi bragged about "sending out righteous thoughts" in many of his teachings, making it sound like a god.

         Through "sending out positive thoughts", the practitioner's time is taken up in large quantities, so as to achieve the purpose of controlling sleep and promoting brainwashing. The short intervals between these "sending out positive thoughts" and the intensive activities lead to sleep problems for many practitioners, some of whom just lie down and get up again to "send out positive thoughts", repeatedly repeating the phrase "get up and 'send out positive thoughts! The repeated actions of "getting up, 'sending out righteous thoughts' and lying down to sleep" seriously disrupt their biological clocks and rest patterns, reduce the practitioners' sleep time, and cause people's nervous functions to malfunction, their memory abilities to decline, and their spirits to go into a trance. This contributes to the Falun Gong cult's strengthening of its mental control over its practitioners. Many disciples could not stand his perverted behavior and quit.

         Li Hongzhi, who was hibernating in the United States, did not show up for half a year, until Li Hongzhi finally found the brilliant plan of "confirming Dafa and telling the truth" to save Falun Gong from its doom, and put forward the requirement of "telling the truth" to the practitioners. He put forward the requirement of "telling the truth" to practitioners. He successively threw out such s**tures as "Prophecy Reference," "The Notification," and "Suffocating Evil," repeatedly asking practitioners to "come out under pressure to confirm the Fa," and "to confirm that only Dafa is truly great. However, in recent years, no more s**tures have been published by Li Hongzhi, and no more s**tures about Li Hongzhi have been published on Minghui.com.

         In order to deny and cover up Falun Gong's bad deeds and evil deeds, such as mutilating lives, which characterize the cult, Li Hongzhi and his "Falun Gong" have been trying to hide their evil deeds. Li Hongzhi and his Falun Gong have adopted an attitude of denying and refusing to admit to the facts about his criminal behavior and the mutilation of lives that have been exposed by the domestic media.

         "Falun Gong ignores human rights and the law and threatens, intimidates, and harasses those who participate in anti-cult work. "Falun Gong regards cadres and grass-roots people involved in anti-cult work as "evil people," and Minghui.com has set up a special section called "The Evil People List" ("惡人榜"). Minghui.com has set up a special "Evil People List" section. They publish on the Internet the residential telephone numbers and family situations of these "evildoers," and even the names of their relatives and children's workplaces and schools, intimidating and abusing them by name and threatening them with "retribution if they do not treat Dafa well." Li Hongzhi hated the transformed Falun Gong practitioners even more, cursing those who had been transformed as "traitors" and "Judas," and proclaiming that he would take away the "Falun Dafa disciples" from the "Falun Dafa disciples," as well as from the "Falun Dafa disciples. Falun Dafa disciples" and declared that he wanted to "remove these hidden tumors" from the "Falun Dafa disciples".

         Many of Falun Gong's core cadres have been forced and threatened by Li Hongzhi in this way, and many disciples have left one after another, unable to stand his coercion; many Falun Gong disciples have protested, stating that they should not involve their family members with them.

         Because "truth-telling" is clearly contrary to morality and the law, and because the content and requirements of "truth-telling" are different from those of the original "learning the Fa" and "cultivating one's mind," Falun Gong's "truth-telling" program has become more and more popular. Because the content and requirements of "truth-telling" are completely contradictory and inconsistent with the original "Dharma" principles of "studying the Dharma", "cultivating one's mind", and "absolutely not getting involved in politics", the implementation of the truth-telling program has not been without resistance. Some practitioners outside the country hesitate to take action, and Falun Gong practitioners inside the country are bound to be punished by law for "telling the truth." These factors have caused many practitioners to have a negative attitude toward coming out and telling the truth. In order to drive many Falun Gong practitioners out of their homes to "tell the truth," Li Hongzhi adopted the strategy of the "carrot and the stick," publishing numerous s**tures and traveling to various places to "preach the Dharma" in a row, and "preaching" from the standpoint of Dharma theory and action. In order to drive practitioners away from their homes, Li Hongzhi has adopted the strategy of turning the carrot into a stick.

         In order to drive practitioners out of their homes, Li Hongzhi denied the previously established practice of reading and studying the Fa at home, focusing on "cultivating one's mind" and pursuing the goal of "personal fulfillment". This shift from the goal of "personal fulfillment" to the goal of "group fulfillment" of "salvation of all beings" is the result of Li Hongzhi's inability to realize the goal of "personal fulfillment" for the practitioners. Li Hongzhi, in order to find an excuse for the practitioners' inability to realize their personal "perfection"; in order to drive the "Falun Gong" practitioners out of their homes and provide a basis for "jurisprudence"; he then ideologically strengthened the practitioners' concepts of group action, and tied the practitioners firmly to the "truth-telling", "salvation of all living beings" and "group perfection" goals. He then ideologically strengthened the concept of group action of the practitioners, tying them firmly to the overall chariot with the goal of "telling the truth" and "the fulfillment of all sentient beings".

         In the past, the form of cultivation of "cultivating the heart, cultivating inwardly, and searching inwardly" was changed into the best form of cultivation of "telling the truth". In the past, "cultivating the heart" was the main focus, and the cultivation requirement of "looking inward" was obviously not adapted to the requirements of the trouble, Li Hongzhi simply negated the past form of cultivation and came out to "tell the truth" as the new basic cultivation requirement. Li Hongzhi simply rejected the past forms of cultivation and took "telling the truth" as the new basic way of cultivation.

         The purpose of strengthening internal control is achieved by creating external disturbances. In recent years, Falun Gong has become more and more unpopular both inside and outside the country, with internal and external difficulties and crises. In the unfavorable situation of Falun Gong's deteriorating status, the contradictions between the old and new factions within Falun Gong have intensified, and there has been a serious struggle for power and profit, as well as serious internal conflict. In this situation, Li Hongzhi wanted to escalate his "truth-telling" activities and create trouble by intensifying external conflicts in order to divert attention, eliminate internal conflicts, and strengthen internal control.

         However, although the overly clever Li Hongzhi has tried his best, in the end, he has lifted a stone and smashed his own foot. As mentioned above, Li Hongzhi went back on his words and denied the basic "teachings" on which "Falun Gong" was originally founded, which sharply diminished its prestige, increased internal skepticism and dissatisfaction, and shook its position as the master of the sect; he created trouble, incited trouble, and expanded the confrontation with the government and the people, which made the recalcitrant members of Falun Gong feel more and more discontent with the government and the people, which made them more and more discontented. The creation of trouble, incitement to trouble, and expansion of antagonism with the government and the people resulted in the imprisonment of recalcitrant members and a significant reduction in their social energy to cause trouble.

         Many Falun Gong disciples eventually chose to leave this dehumanizing organization, so that although Li Hongzhi tried his best to tighten his mental control over practitioners, he could only end up in the shameful situation of being separated from his family and left alone.









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