
劉龍珠律師反駁吳華楊(Frank Wu)教授種族言論(中英對照版)

作者:劉龍珠律師  於 2017-3-23 04:17 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


關鍵詞:劉龍珠, 律師, Frank, 種族

劉龍珠律師反駁吳華楊(Frank Wu)教授種族言論



 / 劉龍珠律師


Frank H. Wu吳華楊加州大學法學院教授,近期發文試圖解釋亞裔美國人之所以不被待見的原因。該文有可取之處,但作者邏輯有瑕疵。


先把種族歧視(racial discrimination)和種族主義(racism)的定義明確,話才講得清楚。




1. 吳教授說亞裔美國人不在美國的歷史記載中





2. 吳教授說亞裔美國人不是正統美國人,表現在亞裔美國人總是會被人問到:你從哪裡來?『」




3. 吳教授批評亞裔美國總是以學霸固有形像示人,因此引發了其他美國人的憤怒





4. 吳教授聲稱既非黑人,又非白人,意味著既不是多數族裔,也算不上少數族裔。



A Letter to Frank Wu About Racism

By Attorney Long Z. Liu


Frank H. Wu, a professor at UC Hastings College of Law, recently released an article attempting to explain why Asian-Americans face hatred and disrespect.  The article has a couple good points, but Wu』s logic is flawed. 


It is beneficial to begin with definitions of racial discrimination and racism. Racial discrimination is when a person is treated less favorably than another person in a similar situation because of their race, color, descent, national or ethnic origin or immigrant status.  Racism, as defined by Black』s Law Dictionary, is a set of policies that is exhibited by a person or persons toward a group of people of a different race. Often antagonistic and confronting. The assumption of lower intelligence and importance given to a person because of their racial characteristics. 


1. Wu states that Asian Americans 「have been written out of history books.」

Wu proposes that if Asian-Americans don』t appear in history books, that is an indication of racism.  I would venture to say just the opposite. The fact that a particular group is not mentioned in a history book with regards to fighting in the civil war or building the transcontinental railroad (the two examples Wu gave), does not indicate racism towards that group. If history books had mentioned that Asian-Americans helped build railroads for instance, that indicates that Asian-Americans are somehow different from other Americans. Why mention a particular group who helped build railroads? The effect is that it treats that group as being different. This is the exact opposite of the meanings of racism and racial discrimination. Deliberately inserting a group of people into a history book, where that group would not naturally fit, or when that group』s race had nothing to do with the particular historical event, would be racism in itself, as racism occurs when a racial group is treated less favorable than others.   

Pointing out a particular race fought in the civil war or built transcontinental railroads is treating that group as different, and less favorable. Wu』s claim that Asian-Americans should be acknowledged for their service to America in building the railroads, equates Asian-Americans to house guests who look for acknowledgement for helping a host clean up after a party. The only reason that the house guest and Wu are looking for special acknowledgement is that neither is 「at home,」 as they are merely guests in someone else』s space.

For example, Jeremey Lin is an American basketball player for the National Basketball Association, and he is of Chinese decent.  Lin first played for his college basketball team, at Harvard University. It did not make news that Lin got accepted into Harvard, after all, it is not news-worthy that an Asian was accepted into an Ivy-League school.  The fact that it is news-worthy that Lin, a typical nerdy-Asian and Ivy League graduate, can play professional basketball at the highest level, is in and of itself racism, because the implication is that Asians are not athletic.


2. Wu mentions that 「Asian-Americans are not 「real」 Americans, reflected in the persistent question of 『where are you really from?』」

The United States is a new nation, a nation that was founded with immigrants. Unless you are Native American, or a wild buffalo, you are 「from」 somewhere else. People are naturally curious about different cultures and ethnicities.  If someone asks another person where they are from, most of the time it is not because that person is racist. On the contrary, it indicates that person is curious about another』s culture, language, or customs. Unless that question also comes along with other, disparaging comments towards the person』s race, there is nothing discriminatory about that question.

For instance, a person with bright red hair may continually get asked if she is Irish. Just because someone inquiring about her possible Irish background does not mean that the inquirer hates Irish people.  Further, there are many 「white」 people who receive the same question whether it be due to their French, German, or British accents.  Even people from different parts of the United States, such as Texas, Minnesota or Boston are posed that question. It simply comes down to human curiosity.


3. Wu criticizes the stereotype that Asian-Americans are generally 「overachievers」 as promoting anger from other Americans

Wu states that 「a generalization about a race is suspect even if it appears positive.」  However, the very definition of racial discrimination is that a person is treated less favorably because of that person』s race, color, descent, national or ethnic origin or immigrant status.

In addition, going so far as to say that people thinking that Asian-Americans have more than their fair share promotes anger, resentment, and a lack of sympathy is simply not true. Wu claims that due to this 「false flattery,」 Asian-Americans receive no sympathy. But the fact that Wu asserts that Asian-Americans need sympathy to begin with fuels the notion of inequality.

 Just because racism is based on stereotypes or generalizations, does not mean that all generalizations are racist. To put it a different way, just because many Asian-Americans tend to be overachievers does not mean all overachievers are Asian-Americans. Wu, a distinguished law professor, has trouble with this simple logic, which ironically is a prerequisite to get into law school.


4. Wu claims that 「Being neither black nor white means not counting, not quite, as minority or majority.」

I』m not sure that Latinos, Native-Americans, Middle-Eastern people, and even groups that are considered 「white」 such as Italians and Jewish people would agree with Wu』s statement.  Many different ethnic groups and people from certain counties have been persecuted throughout American history. Wu states that the 「historic Black Civil Rights Movement」 was primarily a fight for African-American equality, and that as a result, race is framed as literally black and white. However, this assertion is inaccurate. Take President Donald Trump for example. Now, more than ever, our country is divided with regards to illegal Latino immigrants, as well as immigrants from Muslim countries.  President Trump』s perpetual plan to build his 「wall」 to keep out Latinos, and his Executive order banning immigrants from Muslim-majority countries, even those with visas, from entering the United States, proves that racism is not just black and white, in the eyes of many Americans, including President Trump.

Finally, I agree with President Trump, on something.










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