
劉龍珠律師提醒: 全美移民檢查站在哪裡,被攔下來要如何處理

作者:劉龍珠律師  於 2017-2-18 10:52 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村





請看地圖避免移民站檢查, 但如果避免不了請看如下: 1.      你有權力不說話,但是你必須告訴移民局你不想說話。2.      保持冷靜,不要逃跑。3. 你有權不同意移民局搜索你的車子。4.      當移民局把你的車子攔下來時,如果他們要求,你必須顯示你的駕駛執照,註冊單和保險單給他們看。5.      當他們問你的移民身份時,你有權力保持沉默。不必回答你是否是美國公民,或是如何進入美國(但是如果你是在邊界或機場,必須要回答那問題)。6.      如果你不是美國公民,但是有綠卡或有效 簽證 ,當被要求時您必須顯示給移民局看。7.      永遠不要說謊你是美國公民或是提供虛假的文件給移民局。8.      當移民局把你羈押時,你有權保持沉默,你有權利請一個律師,但政府不會為你提供一個律師,必須自己花錢請律師。9.      在未與律師談話之前,絕對不要簽署任何的文件。10.  寫下你能記住的一切事情,包括移民局官員的徽章編號,任何證人的信息。如果被移民局官員打傷要拍下所有的照片。

List of Permanent Checkpoints


·        San Clemente - located 7 miles south of San Clemente on Interstate 5.

·        Temecula -located 24 miles north of Escondido on Interstate 15.

·        Highway 79 - located 1 mile west of Sunshine Summit.

·        I-8 West - located 3 miles east of Pine Valley on Interstate 8.

·        Highway 94 - located 24 miles east of San Diego on California State Route 94.

·        Highway 78/86 - located just south of the intersection of California State Routes 78 and 86 on northbound side.

·        Highway 111 - located between Niland and Bombay Beach.

·        Highway S2 - located 7 miles north of Ocotillo and I-8 in eastern San Diego County on S2 (Imperial Hwy/Sweeney Pass Road) between I-8 and State Route 78.


·         I-8 East - located 15 miles east of Yuma on Interstate 8.  

·         I-19 heading North from Nogales just north of Tubac.

·         Arivaca Road Heading Northeast through Amado, located near mile marker.

·         AZ Hwy 286 heading North from Sasabe to Three Points.  

·         AZ Hwy 86 Heading East, off the TO reservation, before three points.

·         Indian Highway 15 North of Sells near Kahatk.

·         AZ Hwy 90 heading north from Whetstone to Benson

·         AZ Hwy 80 heading north from Tombstone to Benson (at junction with AZ 82 west).

·         AZ Hwy 95 heading north from Yuma to Quartzsite 53.4 mi N of Yuma.

·         AZ Hwy 85 located 4.7 miles. 

New Mexico

·         I-10 West — located 22 miles west of Las Cruces on Interstate 10, between mile markers.

·         I-25 North — located 23 miles north of Las Cruces on Interstate 25.

·         U.S. 70 East — located 15 miles southwest of Alamogordo on U.S. Route 70, between mile markers.

·         Alamogordo — located 30 miles south of Alamogordo on US Route 54, between mile markers.

·         NM Highway 11 — located 22.6 miles south of Deming on NM Hwy 11, between mile markers.

·         NM Highway 185 — located 13 miles northwest of Radium Springs on NM Hwy 185, between mile markers.  


·         U.S. Route 62 – 33 miles east of El Paso.

·         Sierra Blanca - located 5 miles west of Sierra Blanca on Interstate 10.

·         Eagle Pass - located 11 miles east of Eagle Pass on U.S. Route 57.

·         Eagle Pass/Carrizo Springs - located 30 miles West Southwest of Eagle Pass, Texas on U.S. Route 277.

·         Brackettville/Uvalde - located 60 miles east of Del Rio, Texas on Highway 90.

·         Laredo - located 29 miles north of Laredo on Interstate 35. Laredo 83 - located 35 miles north of Laredo on Highway 83.

·         Freer - located 16 miles west of Freer on U.S. Route 59.

·         Oilton - located 6 miles east of Oilton on Highway 359.

·         Falfurias - located 14 miles south of Falfurrias on U.S. Highway 281.  

·         Sarita - located 14 miles south of Sarita on U.S. Route 77.

·         Hebbronville - located 1 mile south of Hebbronville on TX 16 S.  

·         Hebbronville - located 50 yards south on FM 1017 at "T" intersection of Highway 285.

·         Alpine - located 10 miles south of Alpine on Texas State Highway 118.

·         Brownsville - located on Boca Chica highway leading to Boca Chica Beach

·         Marfa - located 4.5 miles south of Marfa on U.S. Route 67.



Long Z. Liu, Esq.









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回復 金雞好鬥 2017-2-18 13:06
回復 maria2011 2017-2-18 22:58
回復 拖延多久 2017-6-26 15:30

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