

作者:劉龍珠律師  於 2016-12-9 09:54 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


關鍵詞:storage, firearm



網路上有很多關於在加州購買槍支、運輸槍支的指南,但對於如何在家中合法地存放槍支彈藥這個問題鮮少有人涉及,其實,加州刑法典還專門對槍支彈藥的保存有規定,甚至有一項錯誤保存槍支罪(criminal storage of a firearm),了解這些法律知識對於槍支使用者或者愛好者都有幫助。

首先,關於在家中存放槍支彈藥的問題,加州法律並沒有規定槍支與彈藥必須要存放在不同的帶鎖的箱子里,法無禁止即自由,也就是說彈藥可以與槍支放在同一個槍箱里,只要槍支沒有裝彈。這裡的「裝彈」(loaded),大部分情況下是指,彈藥在槍支的槍膛里、彈藥盒裡,或者夾在槍支上等等。(法律原文見文末CA Penal Code 16840


錯誤保存槍支罪按照其嚴重程度可分為三個等級:(法律原文見文末CA Penal Code 2510025110




根據加州檢察長辦公室的法律意見,槍支與彈藥應該分開存放,並且應該使用加州槍支法核定的安全鎖,例如扳機鎖 (trigger lock)或者電纜鎖 (cable lock) 在不裝彈藥的情況下存放入帶鎖的容器中,例如加州法律核定的帶鎖的箱子或者槍支保險櫃。槍支與彈藥應該被放在不同的位置。為安全起見,槍支所有者應該同時使用安全鎖以及帶鎖的安全容器。(原文見」The Six Basic Gun Safety Rules」, Firearm Safety, State of California - Department of Justice – Kamala D. Harris Attorney General

根據常理,如果在家中要實現及時自衛,那麼可能連裝彈的時間都沒有,比較合理的做法就是保持槍支為裝彈狀態,但是要採取足夠安全的保存措施,比如採取扳機鎖(trigger lock)與槍箱的雙重保險。

最常見的安全鎖是扳機鎖(trigger lock)和電纜鎖(cable lock)。從下圖(圖片來自Amazon)可以看出,trigger lock對於鎖住槍支的扳機這一功能做出了特殊的設計。

而從下圖的cable lock(圖片來自Amazon)來看,槍支用的cable lock與一般的電纜鎖沒有太大區別。




CA Penal Code




(a) As used in Section 25800, a firearm shall be deemed to be 「loaded」 whenever both the firearm and the unexpended ammunition capable of being discharged from the firearm are in the immediate possession of the same person.

(b) As used in Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 25100) of Division 4 of Title 4, in subparagraph (A) of paragraph (6) of subdivision (c) of Section 25400, and in Sections 25850 to 26055, inclusive,

(1) A firearm shall be deemed to be 「loaded」 when there is an unexpended cartridge or shell, consisting of a case that holds a charge of powder and a bullet or shot, in, or attached in any manner to, the firearm, including, but not limited to, in the firing chamber, magazine, or clip thereof attached to the firearm.

(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), a muzzle-loader firearm shall be deemed to be loaded when it is capped or primed and has a powder charge and ball or shot in the barrel or cylinder.

(Added by Stats. 2010, Ch. 711, Sec. 6. Effective January 1, 2011. Operative January 1, 2012, by Sec. 10 of Ch. 711.)



(a) Except as provided in Section 25105, a person commits the crime of 「criminal storage of a firearm in the first degree」 if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

(1) The person keeps any loaded firearm within any premises that are under the person』s custody or control.

(2) The person knows or reasonably should know that a child is likely to gain access to the firearm without the permission of the child』s parent or legal guardian, or that a person prohibited from possessing a firearm or deadly weapon pursuant to state or federal law is likely to gain access to the firearm.

(3) The child obtains access to the firearm and thereby causes death or great bodily injury to the child or any other person, or the person prohibited from possessing a firearm or deadly weapon pursuant to state or federal law obtains access to the firearm and thereby causes death or great bodily injury to himself or herself or any other person.

(b) Except as provided in Section 25105, a person commits the crime of 「criminal storage of a firearm in the second degree」 if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

(1) The person keeps any loaded firearm within any premises that are under the person』s custody or control.

(2) The person knows or reasonably should know that a child is likely to gain access to the firearm without the permission of the child』s parent or legal guardian, or that a person prohibited from possessing a firearm or deadly weapon pursuant to state or federal law is likely to gain access to the firearm.

(3) The child obtains access to the firearm and thereby causes injury, other than great bodily injury, to the child or any other person, or carries the firearm either to a public place or in violation of Section 417, or the person prohibited from possessing a firearm or deadly weapon pursuant to state or federal law obtains access to the firearm and thereby causes injury, other than great bodily injury, to himself or herself or any other person, or carries the firearm either to a public place or in violation of Section 417.

(c) Except as provided in Section 25105, a person commits the crime of 「criminal storage of a firearm in the third degree」 if the person keeps any loaded firearm within any premises that are under the person』s custody or control and negligently stores or leaves a loaded firearm in a location where the person knows, or reasonably should know, that a child is likely to gain access to the firearm without the permission of the child』s parent or legal guardian, unless reasonable action is taken by the person to secure the firearm against access by the child.

(Amended by Stats. 2013, Ch. 758, Sec. 1.5. Effective January 1, 2014.)




(a) Criminal storage of a firearm in the first degree is punishable by imprisonment pursuant to subdivision (h) of Section 1170 for 16 months, or two or three years, by a fine not exceeding ten thousand dollars ($10,000), or by both that imprisonment and fine; or by imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding one year, by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000), or by both that imprisonment and fine.

(b) Criminal storage of a firearm in the second degree is punishable by imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding one year, by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000), or by both that imprisonment and fine.

(c) Criminal storage of a firearm in the third degree is punishable as a misdemeanor.

(Amended by Stats. 2013, Ch. 730, Sec. 2. Effective January 1, 2014.)









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