

作者:Reader001  於 2017-5-22 22:58 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


Article from the New York Post.......
If you had an army some 30,000 strong and a court system stacked over the decades with judges who would allow you to break the laws, how much damage could you do to a country? We are finding out! 
 Obama said he was going to stay involved &  has moved many of his administration's top dogs over to an organization called Organizing for Action (OFA). OFA is behind the strategic and tactical implementation of the resistance we are seeing across America and politically active courts are providing the leverage for this revolution.
 OFA is dedicated to organizing communities for "progressive" change. 
 OFA members were propped up by the ex-president's message from the shadows:
"Organizing is the building block of everything great we've accomplished. Organizers around the country are fighting for change in their communities and OFA is one of the groups on the front lines...Commit to this work in 2016 and beyond."
 OFA's website says it obtained its "digital" assets from the ex-president's re-election effort and that he inspired the movement. In short, it's the shadow government organization aimed at resisting and tearing down the Constitutional Republic. 
 Paul Sperry, writing for the New York Post, says OFA  will fight President Donald Trump at every turn of his presidency and the ex-president "will command them from a bunker less than two miles from the White House." 
 Sperry writes that the ex-president is setting up a shadow government to sabotage the incoming administration through a network of  non-profits led by OFA, which is growing its war chest (more than $40 million) and has some 250 offices nationwide. 
 OFA IRS filings, according to Sperry, indicate OFA has 32,525 volunteers nationwide. 
 The ex-president and his wife will oversee the operation from their home/office near the White House.
 Think about how this works, for example: Trump issues an immigration executive order; OFA signals for protests and statements from pro-immigrant groups; ACLU lawyers file lawsuits in jurisdictions where activist judges obstruct the laws; volunteers are called to protest at airports and Congressional town hall meetings; the leftist media springs to action; the twitter sphere lights up with social media; violence follows- all emanating from the ex-president's signal that he is heartened by the protests.









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