

作者:dejavu  於 2016-1-29 22:05 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


創業不久,經歷三次合作夥伴的分開。 沒有一次不是鬧翻天的。 

First time it happened around 2008 when my friend and I wanted to buy a machinery company. At the beginning I contacted with seller, made price and negotiated with him. I also wrote business plan and marketing plan. But right before the real transaction my friend kicked me out of the deal. Eventually he failed the deal as well. It is kind of lose-lose-lose situation: for me, for him and for seller. My friend called me many times since after for another cooperation but I rejected him without any hesitation. This company still on the list now. The reason my friend kicked me out is the equity. When he asked me how to cut the pie. I ask for 45%. He rejected me and pulled off the deal because he think I am too greedy and wanted to give me a lesson. 

Second time in last year for current company. We are friends but we are so different. He always bring his mood to the business conversation and decision. He treat the talks in meeting or phone call or email very personally. The facts doesn't matter to him but attitude and the way he was feeling is much more important. It basically is big barrier for company communication. Later I decide kicked him out of the loop. He is so angry just like my feeling before. 

Third time in a few months ago. He is entrepreneur as well. We collaborated with each other for technical cooperation: he help us to do some software and we help him to do hardware things. He is very cautious person and always felt 吃虧 during the cooperation process.  It took many extra efforts to move the ball a little so it didn't worth time and money. Then we decide to pull the collaboration apart. It is not good feeling but better than continuing. 

Now all of them are still friends but limited to personal. 









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回復 borninheaven 2016-1-30 03:17
I feel you guys constantly thinking about fair shares of each other, not put efforts to make things happen. Partners are people who rely on each other to achieve the something. Lets make things happen then fight for the share, even a bloody fight, because it is a success!

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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