
世界上最貴的房地產!$1百萬買15平米 ZT

作者:ChineseInvest88  於 2014-3-13 21:49 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


To most people, New York City has become an otherworldly real estate market. It's the town where a skyrise condo just sold for more than $50 million — and it was only that cheap because it was raw space. But to the global rich, New York is a bargain.  

A new report shows that on a per-square-foot basis, New York is half price compared to some other favorite cities of the rich.

The Knight Frank Wealth Report shows that the tiny, tony principality of Monaco remains the most world's expensive real estate market. The report found that $1 million will only get you 15 square meters of space, or about 160 square feet. So you could buy a $1 million bedroom — and presumably share a bathroom and kitchen with other property-poor millionaires. 

  • 摩納哥公國是位於歐洲的一個城邦國家。摩納哥地處法國南部,除了靠地中海的南部海岸線之外,全境北、西、東三面皆由法國包圍,主要是由摩納哥舊城和隨後建立起來的周遭地區組成。作為世界上人口最稠密的國家之一,摩納哥也是一個典型的微型國家。 維基百科

  • In New York, that same $1 million gets you a whopping 30 square meters of space, or about 419 square feet. That puts New York down at No. 6 on the list, below Monaco, Hong Kong, London, Singapore and Geneva.

  • "New York is a definite bargain from the global marketplace perspective," said Dolly Lenz, founder of Dolly Lenz Real Estate in New York. "It's not a bargain from the perspective of New Yorkers who have seen the prices quadruple over the past 20 years. But the wealthy look more globally, and when they compare these cities, New York is great value." 
    10 Most Expensive Real Estate Markets. BY ROBERT FRANK

  • 高興








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    回復 tea2011 2014-3-14 07:21
    送花閃人!  不管房價了〜
    回復 ChineseInvest88 2014-3-14 10:57
    tea2011: 送花閃人!  不管房價了〜

    facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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