
Thanksgiving Idioms!

作者:mollyt  於 2013-11-27 12:31 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村

作者分類:Learning English|通用分類:英文分享|已有1評論

關鍵詞:英語, 節日

Match the Thanksgiving Day Idioms with the Definitions



1.     That meal was delicious, but I can』t eat another bite. I』m stuffed.


2.     You have so many things going for you – a great marriage, good kids and a fantastic job. A lot of people would be really happy to be in your position. You should count your blessings.


3.     I』m madly in love with Joe, but my parents don』t like him. We want to get married, but I love my parents and don』t feel I can get married without their blessing.


4.     I was so mad when my boss transferred me to another area. I didn』t know anyone, the job was really difficult and I hated it, but now I like it better than my old job. So, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise.


5.     I know I』ve said I』m going to stop smoking at least ten times but this time I mean it. In fact, I』m going to stop right this minute. I』m doing it cold turkey.


6.     I thought I would love my new job. It』s exciting and the money is great but I have so much work and I』m on the road half the time. It』s turned out to be a mixed blessing.


7.     My friend talks all of the time and it sometimes gets on my nerves. The other day I was fed up and I told her to stuff it. Now she won』t speak to me at all.


8.     I can't believe the new guy at work. He's been late for work three times this week and now he wants a day off. He's a turkey.


a)    stop doing something completely without any help, do it all at once, not gradually


b)   be quiet, stop talking, shut up (Note: Shut up is considered rude.)


c)    be full, can't eat any more


d)   a stupid person, someone without any common sense


e)    something that causes you problems or difficulties in the beginning but turns out to be the best thing that could have happened to you


f)     be happy with what you have, stop asking for more


g)    something that's good and bad at the same time


h)   approval, support


adapted from http://suite101.com/a/using-idioms-connected-to-thanksgiving-in-an-esl-classroom-a302323

Good Luck and Happy Thanksgiving!









發表評論 評論 (1 個評論)

回復 meistersinger 2013-11-27 13:08
沒懂為什麼blessing跟Thanksgiving有什麼關係。是指聖誕節嗎?dressing的諧音? Canadian?

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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