
How to break the biochemical and nuclear world crisis

作者:goofegg  於 2022-6-18 20:58 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


俄再次將核武升至高度警戒, 中國也應提高核武警戒等級 音頻 作者:聖勞倫斯河評論
俄烏戰爭: 難免走向世界大戰 甚至可能走向核戰 音頻 作者:聖勞倫斯河評論
新的大戰已經爆發,中國離最終勝利,只差這一步 作者:戎評
舊世界的格局,被普京敲碎了幾個角 作者:遠方青木
疫情防控的成就和後面的緊迫形勢 音頻 作者:goofegg
北約集團的羊圈理論和世界和平的想法 音頻 作者:goofegg English
世界和平的想法的延申 音頻 作者:goofegg English
俄烏戰後世界格局的幻想 音頻 作者:goofegg
It is creepy to read the first two articles linked above. If the worst-case scenario is true, China will face a great crisis. If the current global pandemic was caused by the United States, the war would have already begun. China should do more to help speed up the disintegration of SWIFT and dollar financial hegemony systems, but first of all, we should address the risks facing our own epidemic prevention policies mentioned in 5.
As for the nuclear war mentioned in the first two chapters, how to solve this crisis is slightly mentioned in the next three chapters.
It was just an illusion that it could be realized slowly after the war, but time is running out. With the potential risk of escalation of the Russia-Ukraine war, China and Russia should communicate and discuss in-depth and eliminate the danger of nuclear war in a timely manner.
I supposed  Xi dada and Putin can talk everything , right? Including the vexation of Russia's plunder of vast amounts of land from China. This is something that must be talked about if there is ever to be a complete friendship between Russia and China. The purpose of China's talks is not to reclaim the lost land, but to pray for lasting peace between China and Russia for generations to come, and for the harmonious coexistence of the two peoples. 6, 7 articles mentioned above controversial land as condominium development zone between the two countries will become more bright and prosperous place, between the two countries as the ties between the two countries, can let two people get along, maybe it's just a beautiful vision, although was quickly can let Russia out of economic dilemma, for the two peoples is good thing, However, Putin is worried that China's infiltration could turn into a situation similar to eastern Ukraine. It doesn't matter if we don't implement it now, but the nuclear strategic security mutual trust between China and Russia mentioned in the article can be discussed and implemented on the table now.
Nuclear war, the sword of Damocles hanging over the head of mankind, is the common concern of mankind. What is terrible is that a massive and uncontrollable nuclear counterattack will inevitably lead to global suffering and the ensuing nuclear winter. The surviving human beings who have survived the long nuclear winter are bound to face the disruption of all the global industrial chains and the total reconstruction. At that time, in order to survive the difficult days, it is difficult for the technology industry to recover to the pre-nuclear level. The mutation caused by nuclear radiation residue, epidemic let human misery linger.
The world must have a convention to punish the first country and leader of the nuclear war, so that they face the unbearable weight: the first country to initiate a nuclear war is the public enemy of the world, will face the full division of the country, the leader of the nuclear war will be lured for various organizations bounty hunting; For the country that launches a nuclear war, the world does not have to make a nuclear counterattack, but after waiting for a nuclear explosion, the country faces a global siege and crusade.
I suppose the originators of both tactical and strategic use of nuclear weapons would consider the consequences of a full-scale attack and the break-up of the country?
Then the latter strategy is easy to implement: China and Russia sign treaty never to attack each other with nuclear weapons, China and India, China and France, Russia and India, Russia and France etc... Any conflict or war the countries of Eurasia will not use nuclear weapons on their own Eurasian continent.
Such a treaty is not a military alliance, but to reduce the nuclear danger. There could also be such a treaty between China and the United States, and between Russia and the United States. I think this would help reduce the global fear of nuclear crisis?
The earth has now entered a highly civilized era, and we should work together for the development of human civilization and open up new living space. If there is any more indiscriminate bombing and invasion of other countries, it should be met with global indignation, condemnation and even crusade. If big countries form alliances across shores, inciting their followers to cause trouble or even setting dogs on people for the sake of their bloodthirsty nature of capital, and artificially creating tension, someone must be in charge, and the United Nations should let it play a real role. Now the United Nations headquarters is in the United States. The United States often arbitrarily denies visas to foreign diplomats for its own selfish ends and obstructs the United Nations' efforts to maintain justice. It should consider the relocation of the United Nations headquarters.
If Putin, or future leaders, open their minds and abandon their guard and cooperate with China to form a joint government and turn it into a development zone, this must be one of the safest places in the world protected by the two great powers and the United Nations headquarters could be considered for relocation here.
The United Nations headquarters, either on the world's most safety, either on the world's most dangerous place, the most dangerous place is the Israeli and Palestinian dispute of land, here also is pretty good selection, hope that the UN can really play its role, it is time for a tragic Palestinian people no longer bullying days.
For the current global pandemic of COVID-19, we must continue to dig deep into its root cause. If it is true that the US deliberately spread the virus, it must be punished. China, Russia and other countries around the world must play their role in making the US suffer the consequences of provoking wars and spreading the virus everywhere.

Translated from:如何破局生化和核武器世界危機









發表評論 評論 (13 個評論)

回復 浮平 2022-6-18 21:16


Any criticism or deduction based on disinformation could cause more anxiety and other problems.
回復 goofegg 2022-6-18 21:30
浮平: 該文的中文版本中說【現在聯合國總部在美國,美國經常為自己私利隨意不給他國外交人員簽證,阻撓聯合國維持正義的舉措,應該考慮聯合國總部搬遷的事情了。】

回復 浮平 2022-6-18 21:33
goofegg: 這個不是我憑空冤枉的,懶得去找資料,看到的歡迎回答。

回復 goofegg 2022-6-18 21:36
浮平: 作者不是你,你只是翻譯和傳播了該文,所以提出來供你思考。

回復 浮平 2022-6-18 21:47
goofegg: 中文和翻譯都是我自己搞的。這個指控是基於事實。

事實需要依據,而不是隨口說,隨一個網路符號碼字就開始當成事實指控和 spin?

這個符號若指控 goofegg 盜竊呢,能自然而然的當成事實嗎?是基於事實嗎?

順便請教一下,大陸在大中小學的教育中是否重視了 facts and opinions 之間的區別?
回復 goofegg 2022-6-18 21:55
浮平: 你怎麼知道事實是什麼?

事實需要依據,而不是隨口說,隨一個網路符號碼字就開始當成事實指控和 spin?

這個符號若指控 goofegg 盜竊呢,能自然而然的當成事實
回復 浮平 2022-6-18 21:56
goofegg: 看到過這樣的新聞,不過懶得花功夫去找出來。
【看到過這樣的新聞】 是國內報道的新聞嗎?
回復 goofegg 2022-6-18 22:05
浮平: 【看到過這樣的新聞】 是國內報道的新聞嗎?
回復 浮平 2022-6-18 22:08
goofegg: 我看國內新聞。你覺得不可信?
這個需要你自己去對照,查詢,驗證來決定你自己的 belief,首先能夠基本區別 facts and opinions 的概念就行了。




回復 goofegg 2022-6-18 22:20
浮平: 這個需要你自己去對照,查詢,驗證來決定你自己的 belief,能夠基本區別 facts and opinions 的概念就行了。

回復 浮平 2022-6-18 22:26
goofegg: 挺唬人是不?呵呵,我靠有道翻譯弄得,之後反翻譯一下看和我要表達的意思是不是對的上,大差不差稍稍改改就成了。

回復 goofegg 2022-6-18 22:42
浮平: 好,如果感覺有點唬人就暫時到此為止。

回復 浮平 2022-6-18 22:51
goofegg: 沒生氣啊,呵呵,你願意聊我就奉陪。
所以更適合煽,不適合較真兒。      此處的「煽」不為貶義詞,只是用於意義,目的,方法,效果的關聯分析上。


subjectivity vs objectivity

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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