

作者:kukubara  於 2013-7-20 13:05 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


Four elderly men held captive in trash-filled Texas garage for as long as decade

Updated 2 hours 17 minutes ago

US police say four elderly men found living in squalid conditions in a Texas garage were held captive for up to a decade.

The men told police that they had been enticed to the house with the promise of beer and cigarettes and had been forced to hand over their social security cheques.

Three of the men were so badly malnourished that they were taken to hospital.

Three women were also found at the house, all of whom police described as mentally challenged.

Authorities are still trying to determine whether the women were also captives.

One man, who did not live in the Houston home, has been taken into custody for questioning but has not yet been charged.

Local media reported that the men were found inside a trash-filled garage with no beds to sleep on or chairs to sit on and a door that was nailed shut.

Houston police spokesman Kese Smith said one of the men told officers he had been held captive for 10 years.

Police say three men - aged 80, 74, and one in his 50s - were malnourished but did not comment on reports that they were so weakened that they were unable to walk.

A fourth man, aged 65, was found in better shape and told local media he had no desire to leave.

Sergeant Steve Murdock told the Houston Chronicle that the men appeared to be invalids and may have been homeless when they were lured into what one man called a "dungeon".

"They were prisoners in that house," Mr Murdock told the paper.

Adult protective services are interviewing the women - a grandmother, her daughter, her granddaughter and another women believed to be unrelated - to determine how they ended up in the house and under what conditions.










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