
這就是愛《This is love》- 寫在美國國慶

作者:嘻哈:)  於 2012-7-4 12:36 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


這就是愛《This is love》

will.i.am說:明天是7.4,聽歌吧,聽《This is love》。於是我聽了一個晚上《This is love》。「If you love it like I love it;And you feel what I feel inside......」



有我那美如仙境的後院,有我依戀的藍天白雲......「Can you feel the love?Can you feel the love?......」

請聽《This is Love》。謝謝老A幫助貼音樂!

If you love it like I love it
And you feel what I feel inside
If you want it like I want it
Then baby let』s get it tonight
If you feel it, say hell yeah (hell yeah)
Say hell yeah (hell yeah)
Say hell yeah (hell yeah)
This is love, this is love
This is love

Eva Simons
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
This is love, this is love
This is love

This is love for the beats, feel it in the streets
Love for the melody, no song is shit
The dope crusader, funky terminator
I created me a rocket just so we could rock it later
And the wait up beat is knocking got me feeling, (alright)
Cause the DJ got me walking on the ceiling, (all night)
I got a rocket full of gold,…
I fill it up with love, and then I watch it explode

If you love it like I love it
And you feel what I feel inside
If you want it like I want it
Then baby let』s get it tonight
If you feel it, say hell yeah (hell yeah)
Say hell yeah (hell yeah)
Say hell yeah (hell yeah)
This is love, this is love
This is love

Eva Simons
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
This is love, this is love
This is love, yeah!
Yeah, yeah!

This is love for the bass, and love for the treble
Love for the orchestra, violin, cello
Love for computer beat, hotter than metal
House beat housing, bouncing in the ghetto
We sip till we smash it, feeling alright
And we rock the ghetto blaster, rocking all night
I sent a rocket to the globe,…
I fill it up with love, and then I watch it explode

Eh, baby, yeah, alright
Can you feel it?
Good god, yeah, alright

Eva Simons
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
This is love, this is love
This is love

This is love, this is love, this is love
This is love, this is love, this is love
This is love, this is love, this is love
This is love, this is love, this is love

Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?










剛表態過的朋友 (21 人)

發表評論 評論 (42 個評論)

回復 淺色 2012-7-4 12:39
回復 酸柚子 2012-7-4 12:44
回復 嘻哈:) 2012-7-4 13:06
淺色: 加拿大鄰居給好心態的美國人民送祝賀來啦。
好快!somehow,好半天貼不上音樂 。聽音樂《This is love》了?你們UK排行#1喲    。祝我節日愉快 !祝你天天愉快
回復 嘻哈:) 2012-7-4 13:06
酸柚子: 節日快樂
回復 小小.. 2012-7-4 13:06
回復 嘻哈:) 2012-7-4 13:11
小小..: 節日快樂
回復 無為村姑 2012-7-4 14:05
回復 看得開 2012-7-4 14:13
強頂, 我們愛美國無商量...
God Bless USA!
回復 fressack 2012-7-4 16:30
回復 嘻哈:) 2012-7-4 19:32
無為村姑: 加拿大鄰居慶祝美國鄰居國慶快樂!
回復 yulinw 2012-7-4 19:34
   祝你們節日快樂~~ 順便說:很想看看你家那美如仙境的後院~·
回復 嘻哈:) 2012-7-4 19:34
看得開: 強頂, 我們愛美國無商量...
God Bless USA!
是愛的。也愛《This is love》,好聽極了,你聽了莫
回復 嘻哈:) 2012-7-4 19:34
fressack: 快樂節日!
回復 嘻哈:) 2012-7-4 20:14
yulinw:    祝你們節日快樂~~ 順便說:很想看看你家那美如仙境的後院~·
謝謝!這裡有俺家後院 http://my.backchina.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=305924&do=blog&id=125538
回復 mosville 2012-7-4 20:16
This is love and I feel it everyday! 節日快樂!
回復 yulinw 2012-7-4 20:20
回復 嘻哈:) 2012-7-4 20:28
mosville: This is love and I feel it everyday! 節日快樂!
回復 嘻哈:) 2012-7-4 20:37
yulinw:       原來在你家只留了表情沒有說話
那時我新,沒人愛搭理    。呵呵。。。玩笑哈。
回復 yulinw 2012-7-4 20:52
嘻哈:): 那時我新,沒人愛搭理     。呵呵。。。玩笑哈。
回復 看得開 2012-7-4 21:08
嘻哈:): 是愛的。也愛《This is love》,好聽極了,你聽了莫
從未聽過, 昨晚第一次聽,  今早又聽了二次, 開始喜歡了, 這是新歌嗎?

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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