
港人亂認親戚 港府自找麻煩 - 一場中國式鬧劇

作者:fighter8  於 2019-6-16 02:44 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


最近香港事情鬧得轟轟烈烈鬧到國際上去了。國際也當然不會放過這樣又一個聲討中國的機會。其實這完全是一場中國式愚蠢的鬧劇-港人亂認親戚 港府自找麻煩。


這簡單說來就是港人其實是想跟中國人「劃清界限」,要認英國人的親戚。被否決了一次不夠,一到覺得受了點中國政府欺負,馬上又有了口實要去英國西方面前whine了,中國怎麼壞,您看我們怎麼生活?還是收留我們吧 Sir...
















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回復 qxw66 2019-6-16 03:10
回復 qxw66 2019-6-16 03:19
回復 fighter8 2019-6-16 08:13
qxw66: 華人比較自作多情。。。
回復 Sc2885375 2019-6-16 10:25


回復 Sc2885375 2019-6-16 10:55
回復 8288 2019-6-16 11:46
回復 林方華 2019-6-16 13:21
回復 Kalco 2019-6-16 15:58
回復 Sc2885375 2019-6-16 20:42
林方華: 港人的心理比較微妙,可能覺得較大陸而言很有優越性,所以有些事一往大陸靠,就不淡定了。其實大陸現在的發展尤其是東部沿海,不比香港差啊!所以本就是血濃於水

回復 Sc2885375 2019-6-16 20:58
Kalco: 如果不是制度問題和上樑不正加貪官污吏,中國對華人來說本來是很具備向心力的。
回復 qtclm326 2019-6-17 00:12
回復 fighter8 2019-6-17 09:18
今天終於花時間去找來了維基關於波多黎各的詞條,因為有網友說波多黎各就是美國一洲。錯了,這就是一個事實上獨立的國家,其全名是它Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, 僅僅是美國的一種屬地,不是美國正式的一個州。上面的人民是完全自治,雖然有美國公民權,可這是一種真正的二等公民權,也就是沒有投票權,除了基本憲法權利,不享受美國憲法保護,也不給美國交稅,當然別說要跟美國人一樣平等享受美國福利了。等於就是這是一個美國的殖民地國家。這跟殖民地人民的地位基本一樣。然後這些人民是什麼構成呢?是西班牙語系人,大量美洲土著,還有黑人,太平洋土著等等,所以跟香港台灣一樣,絕大多數是有色人種。這些有色人種已經6,7次全民公投要成為美國一個州,他們還有美國國內政客幫忙遊說國會,交提案到國會,但是每次都被美國國會否決了。最近一次是2017.

In addition to Kentucky, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Virginia, the United States has two other commonwealths, Puerto Rico and the Northern Mariana Islands, but they are of a different kind. They are not states, and have only a nonvoting representative in Congress. While residents of these islands have U.S. citizenship, they pay no federal taxes.
回復 fighter8 2019-6-17 09:54

Originally populated by the indigenous Taíno people, Puerto Rico was colonized by Spain following the arrival of Christopher Columbus in 1493. It was contested by French, Dutch, and British, but remained a Spanish possession for the next four centuries. The island's cultural and demographic landscapes were shaped by the displacement and assimilation of the native population, the forced migration of African slaves, and settlement from the Canary Islands and Andalusia. In the Spanish Empire, Puerto Rico played a secondary but strategic role compared to wealthier colonies like Peru and New Spain.[20][21] Spain's distant administrative control continued up to the end of the 19th century, producing a distinctive creole Hispanic culture and language that combined indigenous, African, and European elements.[22] In 1898, following the Spanish–American War, the United States acquired Puerto Rico under the terms of the Treaty of Paris.[4]

Puerto Ricans have been citizens of the United States since 1917, and enjoy freedom of movement between the island and the mainland.[23] As it is not a state, Puerto Rico does not have a vote in the United States Congress, which governs the territory with full jurisdiction under the Puerto Rico Federal Relations Act of 1950. However, Puerto Rico does have one non-voting member of the House called a Resident Commissioner. As residents of a U.S. territory, American citizens in Puerto Rico are disenfranchised at the national level and do not vote for president and vice president of the United States,[24] nor pay federal income tax on Puerto Rican income. Like other territories and the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico does not have U.S. senators. Congress approved a local constitution in 1952, allowing U.S. citizens on the territory to elect a governor. Puerto Rico's future political status has consistently been a matter of significant debate.[25][26]
回復 fighter8 2019-6-17 10:36

TIMELINE: Efforts to make the Philippines a US state

None of the attempts to make the Philippines a US state have been successful, or taken seriously, so far

MANILA, PHILIPPINES – Did you know that there have been attempts to make the Philippines a state of the United States of America?

Since the Philippines came under US rule in 1898, some ilustrados (upper class Filipinos) advocated the annexation of the Philippines to the US, but didn』t succeed.

Pro-US statehood movements persisted even after the US granted independence to the Philippines in 1946.

Several organizations have lobbied for US annexation, and even made it a campaign platform. None of these efforts succeeded or were ever taken seriously.

Let』s trace some of the movements that pushed for the Philippines』 US statehood. These accounts are based on news clippings from local and foreign publications.

September 19, 1971 - Former congressman Rufino Antonio launches via a newspaper advertisement the Philippine Statehood USA movement, which claims 1.25 million supporters. Its target is to reach 10 million members by 1973 to enable a plebiscite that will vote on the country』s statehood. The annexation to the US is believed to save the Philippines from "disasters" such as graft and corruption.

May 8, 1972 - Congressman Joaquin Roces moves for a congressional investigation on the movement, which most legislators dismiss as a joke.

May 14, 1972 - The Statehood Philippines Movement registers as an official political party. This move is said to be a step toward fulfiling a claim that the group will field candidates in the next elections if the planned 1973 plebiscite does not materialize. (No plebiscite or elections are held because of the imposition of Martial law in September 1972.)
1981 - Banking on a campaign platform of US annexation of the Philippines, the Federalist Party』s Bartolome Cabangbang runs for president against then reelectionist Ferdinand Marcos. He obtains 4% of total votes; Marcos gets 88%.

August 30, 1986 - The first International Statehood Conference is held in Arizona, USA, where Philippine and Puerto Rican delegates push for 51st and 52nd statehood. The conference aims to develop a process that will expedite both country's statehood dreams.

January 30, 1988 - The New Philippine Movement for US Statehood (or Statehood Movement), composed of Filipino-American members, formally petitions the US Congress to declare the Philippines as the 51st Federal State. The group informs the US Congress of its plan to submit a petition with 15 million signatures.

July 4, 1988 - Statehood Movement supporters meet in an international convention in New York City to formalize the link up of all groups supporting the annexation of the Philippines as a US state.

October 18, 2003 - Members of United Supporters of America (USA), a group that seeks to make all Filipinos US citizens, march to the US Embassy in Manila in support of US President George W Bush who is in the country for a state visit. The group is blocked by the police.

December 5, 2003 - USA leader Elly Pamatong declares his intention to run for president in the 2004 elections, and promises to make the Philippines a part of the US if he wins. He is declared a nuisance candidate.


March 2004 - The Third Option Proponents (TOP) Party, another organization that advocates the Philippines' US statehood, is founded.

January 17, 2007 - TOP chairman Brigido Asuncion Buenafe files his candidacy for the 2007 senatorial elections using the nickname "Mr RP-statehood-USA." Like Pamatong in 2003, he is declared a nuisance candidate.

November 27, 2009 - Pamatong again files his candidacy for the 2010 presidential elections using the same platform. He is again declared a nuisance candidate.

November 25, 2013 - Philippine Statehood USA publishes an online petition calling for supporters of the country's US statehood. The petition runs until December 1, 2016. – Rappler.com
回復 fighter8 2019-6-17 10:59
1986, 波多黎各和菲律賓在美國舉行大會,推動他們成為美國州的運動,想要成為第51和第52州。結果怎麼樣?呵呵。。。人家根本連正眼都不看他們一眼。香港人台灣人的結局只會更糟糕。因為中國是美國的頭號敵人。你們不認為自己是中國人,可是別人看你們就是中國人,因為你們跟我們大陸的台灣的都有共同的基因。
回復 Mingyuedangkong 2019-6-17 18:40
回復 fighter8 2019-6-18 07:13
厲害的倍可親小編,又給我畫龍點睛了 - 我的博文標題被調整了一下,讀起來就效果完全不同,大大增強了。謝謝啊。文筆功力非常強!我又得去改了。
回復 fighter8 2019-6-18 07:22
Sc2885375: 自己事,自己努力。關認親戚什麼事?栽贓嫁禍。
回復 fighter8 2019-6-18 07:22
8288: 如果香港這塊土地不是租來的如今很有可能是第二個新加坡
回復 fighter8 2019-6-18 07:26
Sc2885375: 世界上沒有絕對完美的天堂,如果中國生活安定自由,為什麼要移民重新開始?腳最誠實,包括那些為獨裁者唱讚歌的移民。

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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