
Advantages Of Krill Oil

作者:vs2005  於 2011-11-23 06:54 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


Krill: Holding up the Marine Food Chain


Krill (euphausiids), are a small species of crustacean similar to shrimp but with external visible gills. Krill are located throughout the world. Krill often swim in large swarms of up to 60,000 in the deep ocean column. They are agile due to their feather-like legs called swimmerets, which propel them through the water. Krill also use their swimmerets to collect food to eat. Krill are believed to be mostly omnivores since they usually consume phytoplankton; however, some krill do eat small zooplankton and fish larvae.

Krill are a keystone species, which means they are very important in maintaining the marine food chain.  By eating phytoplankton and zooplankton, krill convert energy from primary producers into a form that larger animals can consume. If krill populations decrease then populations of larger animals who rely on krill as food, such as salmon, rockfish, seals, blue whales and humpback whales, will be disrupted.


During the day, krill remain deep down in the ocean to be protected from predators and to conserve energy. At night they migrate to the ocean surface to eat.

Krill have a short life span of only two years. Female krill release fertilized eggs into the ocean usually at night because the warmer water near the surface speeds the hatching process and also leaves the larvae in food rich areas. The eggs then disperse at random and the krill are left on their own.  After Krill eggs are hatched they go through numerous larval stages. Interestingly, adult krill have the ability to change the size of their bodies by molting depending on the availability of food.


Krill swim in large schools in order to avoid predation from individual small fish. However, these swarms are vulnerable to attacks by larger animals and whales, especially when they swim near the ocean surface. In this case, the krill scatter in every direction by propelling their bodies back and forth, which is termed lobstering. Some krill even molt to confuse their predators.

Krill are also affected by global warming. Krill feed on algae located underneath the Antarctic sea ice. But global warming in causing the ice to melt, which means there is less algae for the krill.

Commercial krill fisheries in the Southern Ocean in Antarctica and in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Japan began in the late 1960s. Krill is fished as a food source for people (mostly in Japan), and as animal feed, especially in fish farms.

Advantages Of Krill Oil




Krill oil is made from Antarctic krill Euphausia superba . Krill oil is unique in comparison with fish oil, mainly because bulk krill oil consists of 40% phospholipids at the minimum. Krill oil is better than fish oil mainly because it is in phospholipids form and naturally consists of excellent antioxidants. Fish oil is poor in antioxidants while krill oil offers an additional advantage of powerful antioxidants.

Krill oil is made up of 3 things — fish oil style of omega 3s, phospholipids style of omega 3s and an antioxidant. Krill oil has a longer shelf life than fish oil because of its high antioxidant makeup. Fish oil has a rather quick shelf life, and doesn」」t have the extra antioxidant qualities that krill oil has.

Krill oil is utilized easily in our body in contrast to fish oil and therefore there」」s no after taste or 「fish burps」. Krill oil also supplies vitamins A and D, which may well be absent in fish oil. Fish oil is produced by removing the oil from the fish and then purifying and deodorizing the extracted oil. Krill oil is created utilizing an unique cold-extraction procedure that changes it into a stable oil. Krill oil is superior than fish oil as there is no belching or fishy breath.

Krill oil is far better to take than fish oil which may contain substances like PCB」」s. Krill oil is shown to outshine fish oil products with regards to reducing your bad LDL cholesterol levels. Krill oil is enormously efficient in decreasing LDL-cholesterol, elevating HDL-cholesterol and reducing blood sugar levels. Krill oil might enhance weight loss by managing blood glucose and decreasing high cholesterol levels. Krill oil is able to lower your blood cholesterol levels.

Krill oil is removed from krill, a marine crustacean that very much resembles shrimp but is more compact in size. Krill oil is naturally removed from these very tiny shrimp-like crustaceans, which measure roughly three or four centimeters long. Krill oil is produced from krill caught principally in the North Pacific and Antarctic oceans. Krill oil is removed largely by Japan and Canada and exported in a very refined form.

Krill oil can help relieve signs and symptoms of premenstrual syndrome or pms better than fish oil in accordance with the University of Buffalo. Krill oil has been shown to be superior over typical fish oils.


Encyclopedia: Euphausia superba

Krill is the Norwegian word for whale food. It is also used as synonym for euphausiids, which are shrimp-like marine invertebrates, important organisms of the plankton (zooplankton).
In the literal sense krill is used as common name for the most spectacular species: the Antarctic Krill (Euphausia superba) of the Antarctic waters in the Southern Ocean. It is an euphausiid (Arthropoda / Crustacea / Malacostraca / Euphausiacea) [1] (http://www.biosis.org.uk/zrdocs/zoolinfo/grp_crus.htm#Euphausiacea). Krill live in large schools (swarms) and convert the primary production directly into a relatively large animal [2] (http://www.ecoscope.com/naturwie.htm)[3] (http://www.ecoscope.com/polarbe2.htm): they grow to a length of 6 cm, weigh 2 grammes, and live probably for 6 years.
Krill is the keystone species of the ecosystem of Antarctica, and is an important food organism for whales, seals, Leopard Seals, fur seals, Crabeater Seals, squid, icefish, penguins, albatrosses and many other birds. Their biomass is estimated to be between 100 and 800 million tonnes, making E. superba probably the most successful animal on the planet; for comparison, the total non-krill yield from all world fisheries is about 100 million tonnes per year. The fishery of krill is on the order of 90,000 tonnes per year.
The gut of E. superba can often be seen shining in green through its transparent skin, an indication that this species feeds predominantly on phytoplankton, e.g. diatoms, which it filters from the water with a "feeding basket" [4] (http://www.ecoscope.com/krill/filter/index.htm). Antarctic krill can also scrape algae from the undersurface of the pack ice [5] (http://www.ecoscope.com/icecave2.htm) and prey on copepods. Krill is also called light-shrimp because it can produce a yellow green light with light-organs at the eyes and base of the swimming legs (bioluminescence).











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回復 smusin 2011-11-23 09:08
回復 vs2005 2011-11-23 09:27
smusin: Biologists?
the information was collected from internet and was stored here for self reference and learning.  Krill oil was just introducted by a tv program, it 's very good nutrition supplement, better than fish oil. Do not hesitate to buy one if you see it in the store.
回復 smusin 2011-11-23 15:50
vs2005: the information was collected from internet and was stored here for self reference and learning.  Krill oil was just introducted by a tv program, it ' ...

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