

作者:海攀  於 2011-4-18 22:37 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村





























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回復 smartman 2011-4-18 22:57
Zheng only gets 1A 2Bs, an GPA of 3.33?  With such low GPA, how can he maintain his scholarship?  Does he get an RA or TA?  Based on your description, he gets a fellowship?  To renew fellowship, is there a minimum GPA requirement?
回復 德州龍 2011-4-18 23:55
smartman: Zheng only gets 1A 2Bs, an GPA of 3.33?  With such low GPA, how can he maintain his scholarship?  Does he get an RA or TA?  Based on your description, ...
I think B is good enough.
回復 smartman 2011-4-19 00:55
德州龍: I think B is good enough.
if he gets an RA, his boss wouldn't mind A or B.

if he gets a fellowship, B is good but usually not enough.
回復 海攀 2011-4-19 04:12
He is RA, mentioned before.
回復 smartman 2011-4-19 08:58
海攀: He is RA, mentioned before.
I see.  You did mention that Prof Bartman had funding to support 40+ staffs.  However, you seemed to imply that Zheng was fully engaged in study and did not work in lab on any research project. :-)
回復 nnzzll 2011-4-19 16:28
smartman: I see.  You did mention that Prof Bartman had funding to support 40+ staffs.  However, you seemed to imply that Zheng was fully engaged in study and d ...
回復 海攀 2011-4-19 21:44
smartman: I see.  You did mention that Prof Bartman had funding to support 40+ staffs.  However, you seemed to imply that Zheng was fully engaged in study and d ...
For first one to two years, he didn't have to do projects, just be helper in lab.
回復 海攀 2011-4-19 21:45
nnzzll: 呵呵,我發現smartman的英文還真是大大的好。不但對文對題很流暢,而且沒有語法上的錯誤。羨慕啊。
He can write novel in English!
回復 smartman 2011-4-20 08:27
nnzzll: 呵呵,我發現smartman的英文還真是大大的好。不但對文對題很流暢,而且沒有語法上的錯誤。羨慕啊。
thanks a lot for compliments.  i'm still far, far away from it but feel truly flattered. ^_^

please be prepared to catch up my grammer mistakes if you keep reading.  you will.  at least, i'll let you accomplish it :-)
回復 smartman 2011-4-20 08:36
海攀: For first one to two years, he didn't have to do projects, just be helper in lab.
that is fine.  in his/your letter, he wrote a lot about his painstaking transition from a 混混 into a good (though not excellent) student.  i would imagine he also needed another similiar, painful transition during his lab work?
回復 海攀 2011-4-20 11:45
smartman: that is fine.  in his/your letter, he wrote a lot about his painstaking transition from a 混混 into a good (though not excellent) student.  i would im ...
Yes, you are right. Nothing is so easy.
回復 nnzzll 2011-4-20 19:00
海攀: He can write novel in English!
回復 nnzzll 2011-4-20 19:40
smartman: thanks a lot for compliments.  i'm still far, far away from it but feel truly flattered. ^_^

please be prepared to catch up my grammer mistakes if yo ...


回復 smartman 2011-4-21 05:58
nnzzll: 看你神氣的。


Did I show 神氣 ma?  My God, you mistreated or at least misunderstood me!  I told you my English writings have grammer mistakes from time to time and someday you will find it out.  
My high school English teacher strongly encouraged me to major in English but I didn't.

If you like, I can send you, "under certain conditions", some of my Chinese writings in case you want to check my Chinese writings for grammer errors. :-)
回復 nnzzll 2011-4-21 16:34
smartman: Did I show 神氣 ma?  My God, you mistreated or at least misunderstood me!  I told you my English writings have grammer mistakes from time to time and  ...

"under certain conditions"--好啊。
回復 smartman 2011-4-22 05:46
nnzzll: 失禮,我的意思是說,你太過分謙虛了。

"under certain conditions"--好啊。
certain conditions are: 1. you need to help type my writings into e-version; 2. don't publish them online without my prior consent.

xixi, i am looking for a free Chinese typewriter. :-)
回復 nnzzll 2011-4-22 13:24
smartman: certain conditions are: 1. you need to help type my writings into e-version; 2. don't publish them online without my prior consent.

xixi, i am lookin ...
1. 要我一起幹活啊,我沒時間啊。
回復 smartman 2011-4-22 15:39
haha, that is what I had expected.  free software is hard to find nor to mention free labor. :-)  someday when/if I can find it, I will be able to change my writings into e-version and then would be able to consider online release ...
回復 rongrongrong 2011-10-19 08:50

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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