
Who you are ?

作者:天國蜜女  於 2020-6-24 10:30 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


Hello Dear all :

My name is Esther  and My nickname is Esther. This is my first online class at Chaffey College. I『ll be honest I do not have confidence about the class since I am a mid-age lady. But I still want to try. 

I feel so good about Professor Jamie Greuel. I believe it is a good beginning.

I am a writer and I published four books on amazon.com so far and I am working on two still .unfortunately all books are Chinese language. I had my Bachelor's degree and a Master's degree from three seminary.My dream is someday I will be an English writer to write stories to all world's children.

I have my own Youtube channel.I spend all time on my two channels and I work for an American company.

It is my great honey to be a student of Professor Jamie Greuel and very happy to be friends with you all in class 


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