

作者:ryu  於 2013-6-14 14:01 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


「這個廣場屬於伊斯坦布爾人民,屬於整個土耳其國家的人民,以及所有的國際旅遊者。因此,我們不能讓鬧事者自由流連在這個廣場,「 埃爾多安總理說。
警方曾多次發射水炮,催淚瓦斯和橡皮子彈驅散示威者; 政府說,五人死亡,超過5000人受傷。600名警察受傷。
經過兩個星期的抗議,雷傑普·塔伊普·埃爾多安發出警告,土耳其準備使用暴力了,總理誓言,24小時內從伊斯坦布爾的塔克西姆廣場 " 刪除抗議者 " 。
埃爾多安總理還抨擊了在歐洲議會的一項決議,決議表示關注 " 土耳其警方不成比例地過度使用了武力,警方不具約束力" 的議案。
歐盟議會更表示譴責土耳其政府總理埃爾多安的反應,並指責他" 加入大了兩極分化的局面 "。

5月31日,警察暴力鎮壓了一個反對開發項目的和平靜坐,在塔克西姆廣場相鄰的隔子公園砍伐了樹木,結果爆發了抗議活動。總理埃爾多安已經拒絕了歐盟議會 「 使用警力過猛」 的批評,就在今天早上,立法機關批准了總理的議案,在舉手表決時,埃爾多安在轟隆隆、喧鬧的掌聲中誓言:「 我不會承認歐盟議會的決定,我們是要採取... 你認為你是誰? 作出這樣的決定?「
「我們將清理廣場」 ,他告訴當地黨的領導人,
然數百名抗議者仍然駐紮在鄰國各自公園,聲稱總理埃爾多安即將成功地成為奧斯曼帝國時代的軍營活動家的" Copy "......
Stand-off: Activists stand on a barricade at the entrance of Gezi Park in Istanbul today following an ultimatum by the Turkish Prime Minister 

Stand-off: Activists stand on a barricade at the entrance of Gezi Park in Istanbul today following an ultimatum by the Turkish Prime Minister.

Warning: The European Parliament has issued a resolution condemning the excessive use of force by Turkish riot police against demonstrators.

Warning: The European Parliament has issued a resolution condemning the excessive use of force by Turkish riot police against demonstrators. This activist stands on a barricade at the entrance of Gezi Park.

Troubling: This bus stop shows signs of damage following recent violent scenes in Istanbul

Troubling: This bus stop shows signs of damage following recent violent scenes in Istanbul.

Police have repeatedly fired water cannons, tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse the protesters; five people have died and over 5,000 have been injured.

The government says 600 police were injured as well.

'This square belongs to the people of Istanbul, the people of the whole country, and to all international visitors. So we cannot allow troublemakers to hang around freely in this square,' Erdogan said.

Warning: Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan today told protestors they will be removed from Taksim Square within 24 hours. Activists are pictuted standing on top of their barricade overlooking Taksim Square yesterday

Warning: Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan today told protestors they will be removed from Taksim Square within 24 hours. Activists are pictured standing on top of their barricade overlooking Taksim Square yesterday

Anger: Protestors light flares as they gather for an anti-government rally at the entrance of Gezi Park at Taksim Square last night

Anger: Protestors light flares as they gather for an anti-government rally at the entrance of Gezi Park at Taksim Square last night.

Erdogan gives final warning, says patience run out with park...

Erdogan told local party leaders. 'We will clean the square.'

Erdogan also lashed out at the European Parliament over its non-binding motion for a resolution that expressed its concern over 'the disproportionate and excessive use of force' by Turkish police.

The EU assembly said it 'deplores the reactions of the Turkish Government and of Prime Minister Erdogan' - and accused him of adding to the polarization of the situation. 

Support: German pianist Klavier Kunst performs for Turkish anti-government activists last night

Support: German pianist Klavier Kunst performs for Turkish anti-government activists last night

A masked protester is helped to his feet during clashes with Turkish riot police in central Ankara in the early hours of the morning

Night of violence: A masked protester is helped to his feet during clashes with Turkish riot police in central Ankara in the early hours of the morning

Just minutes before the legislature approved the motion in a show of hands, Erdogan thundered to raucous applause: 'I won't recognize the decision that the European Union Parliament is going to take about us ... Who do you think you are by taking such a decision?'

The protests erupted May 31 after a violent police crackdown on a peaceful sit-in by activists objecting to a development project that would cut down the trees in Gezi Park, adjacent to Taksim Square, with a replica of Ottoman-era barracks. 

Defiance: Two demonstrators sit next to an overturned car near Gezi park in central Istanbul after a night which saw yet more violent clashes with police

Defiance: Two demonstrators sit next to an overturned car near Gezi park in central Istanbul after a night which saw yet more violent clashes with police

Exhausted: Protesters cover themselves with blankets as they huddle together at Gezi Park following a night which saw police attempting to clear demonstrators from the area once and for all

Exhausted: Protesters cover themselves with blankets as they huddle together at Gezi Park

The demonstrations then spread to dozens of cities, rallying tens of thousands of people each night, and broadened to a protest over Erdogan's overall rule.

Protesters who have camped out in a peaceful sit-in in Gezi Park remained on site yesterday.

Their continued presence by the hundreds has served as a base for large numbers of protesters who have congregated by the thousands on Taksim Square - usually in the evening, after work. 

Missile: A protester hurls a tear gas canister back towards a police barricade in central Ankara in the early hours of the morning

Missile: A protester hurls a tear gas canister back towards a police barricade in central Ankara

Flashpoint: A riot police fires tear gas against anti-government protesters during clashes in Ankara in the early hours

Flashpoint: A riot police fires tear gas against anti-government protesters during clashes in Ankara.










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回復 yulinw 2013-6-14 18:18
回復 ryu 2013-6-14 22:50
yulinw:    但願不是土版的64~~
回復 徐福男兒 2013-6-14 23:56
回復 ryu 2013-6-16 07:05
徐福男兒: 以暴易暴,人類都面臨同樣的問題。

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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