

作者:ryu  於 2012-5-11 06:37 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


關鍵詞:維權, 山東省, 大家庭, 追捕

今天的 《 TAIPEI TIMES 》 刊發了路透社發自北京的報道 《 Activist says Shandong officials hounding his family 》 ,內容如下。
『CRAZED』:Chen Guangcheng said officials in his home province of Shandong have begun taking revenge against members of his extended family for his brazen escape.
Reuters, BEIJING

Blind Chinese activist Chen Guangcheng (陳光誠) and a family lawyer have accused local officials of detaining two of his relatives and hounding and harassing others in revenge for his recent escape from house arrest and for sparking an international furor.

Chen, whose escape last month caused embarrassment for China and led to a diplomatic crisis in US-Sino relations, said a sister-in-law and nephew had both been detained, though the lawyer added that Chen』s sister-in-law had since been released.

Chen has spoken previously of his fears for reprisals against his family, but his remarks yesterday, corroborated by the lawyer, are the first time he has relayed details of what he says is a crazed campaign of reprisals.

「Now they』re going crazy with reprisals,」 Chen said in a telephone interview from a Beijing hospital where he is being treated for injuries suffered during his escape.

「In fact, they』ve already started taking revenge,」 he said.

Chen』s story has overshadowed Sino-US diplomacy since he foiled guards and security cameras around his home in Shandong Province and was taken by supporters to Beijing where he sheltered in the US embassy for six days.

Chen is also being treated in hospital for an intestinal ailment left untreated while under house arrest for 19 months. He now plans to study in the US, where he has been offered fellowships by New York University and the University of Washington, under a deal between Beijing and Washington.

Chen said relatives back in Shandong appeared to be bearing the brunt of officials』 anger over his audacious escape and the international uproar it sparked.

The reprisals were, he said, weighing heavily on his mind though for now he was unlikely to delay his plans to go to the US.

「It shouldn』t. We』ll see,」 he said.

Chen, who recently spoke by telephone to his elderly mother, but otherwise had patchy communications with his relatives, said his biggest worry was the fate of his nephew Chen Kegui (陳可貴).

He said police had detained Chen Kegui after the nephew was accused of brandishing a kitchen cleaver at guards who had stormed into the home of the dissident』s brothers after his bold escape prompted a panicked search by officials.

「It seems the Yinan public security has already said he』s in their hands,」 the activist said, adding that a sister-in-law had also been detained.

It was not completely clear if he was referring to Chen Kegui』s mother, who the lawyer said had been detained and released, or another sister-in-law. The dissident has four sisters-in-law.

「My family is very worried,」 Chen Guangcheng said.

Liu Weiguo (劉衛國), a lawyer representing Chen Kegui, said Chen Kegui was being held at a detention center in Yinan County in Shandong, but he had no idea what charges he faced.

Yinan County Detention Center was unavailable for comment.

When asked about Chen Kegui, a woman surnamed Gao at the Yinan public security bureau said she was 「unclear」 of the situation.

Chen Kegui』s mother 「obtained a guarantee pending a trial,」 similar to bail, after her six days of detention, while his father, Chen Guangfu (陳光福), was barred from leaving the village and his mobile phone confiscated, Liu said.

Police told Chen Guangcheng』s relatives that they were searching for Chen Kegui』s wife, demanding that she sign some paperwork, although the activist said the wife might also be in police detention.

「His wife shouldn』t be under criminal detention, but that doesn』t mean she hasn』t been detained,」 he said. 「So now this Chen Kegui case is making me very worried.」

He said it was difficult to keep in touch with family members in Shandong and clarify what was going on because many of their phones were seized by officials. His wife and two young children are with him in Beijing.









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發表評論 評論 (52 個評論)

回復 fanlaifuqu 2012-5-11 06:38
回復 活水湧泉 2012-5-11 06:41
回復 總裁判 2012-5-11 06:42
回復 司徒恭平 2012-5-11 06:43
回復 嘻哈:) 2012-5-11 06:46
回復 嘻哈:) 2012-5-11 06:52
fanlaifuqu: 意料之中。在貝殼村裡都不好過。
回復 穿鞋的蜻蜓 2012-5-11 06:53
回復 xqw63 2012-5-11 06:58
回復 whyuask 2012-5-11 07:05
司徒恭平: 情理之外,意料之中。
回復 foxxfam 2012-5-11 07:07
回復 amassadinho 2012-5-11 07:17
回復 ojx111 2012-5-11 07:33
I read the original English news early. In additional to 陳可貴 who hurt other people using knife, I did not see any other relative was arrested. 陳可貴's mother was detained then released. That is within Police's right.
Your topic just misled. 秋後算賬? I don't think it was.
回復 瑋哥 2012-5-11 07:47
ojx111: I read the original English news early. In additional to 陳可貴 who hurt other people using knife, I did not see any other relative was arrested. 陳可 ...
回復 ojx111 2012-5-11 07:53
If you spend a little time to google this news and read it, you will not 聽信謠言.
官方 cannot 闢謠 for any news. For 陳光誠 news, you'd better 聽一半信一半.
回復 天涯看客 2012-5-11 07:58
回復 黃笑吾 2012-5-11 08:20
回復 hanfeng109 2012-5-11 09:39
fanlaifuqu: 意料之中。在貝殼村裡都不好過。
回復 老地雷 2012-5-11 09:47
天涯看客: 等俺出差回去寫寫親眼目睹的當地流氓政府所做所為
回復 tangremax 2012-5-11 10:15
回復 無為村姑 2012-5-11 11:35
司徒恭平: 情理之外,意料之中。

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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