
了解南非(二) 好望角

作者:八六  於 2010-6-9 12:13 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



好望角, the cape of good hope。美麗的名字,殘酷的氣候,臨近風暴不知道掀翻了多少只船。
不是很好的錄像,希望能找到更好的: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDpWsdfFZKQ 









發表評論 評論 (13 個評論)

回復 snortbsd 2010-6-9 12:16
quite close to cape town...

nice, one side is indian ocean with warm water and another side is atlantic ocean, cold water....
回復 八六 2010-6-9 12:17
snortbsd: quite close to cape town...

nice, one side is indian ocean with warm water and another side is atlantic ocean, cold water....
ha, that's what I just read trying to learn more
回復 snortbsd 2010-6-9 12:20
八六: ha, that's what I just readtrying to learn more
well, there are great restaurants there. trips for wale watching, table mountains, sea lions, garden route driving, extreme ports...

so much to do....
回復 八六 2010-6-9 12:23
snortbsd: well, there are great restaurants there. trips for wale watching, table mountains, sea lions, garden route driving, extreme ports...

so much to do..
what is table mountain?
回復 snortbsd 2010-6-9 12:25
八六: what is table mountain?
the mountain in the background of your last blog...

see the top? it was almost flat from remote view, but it is not once you get on the top of it...

great view though....
回復 八六 2010-6-9 12:31
snortbsd: the mountain in the background of your last blog...

see the top? it was almost flat from remote view, but it is not once you get on the top of it...
I see, now I understand why it is called table mountain. It looks like the little suitecase I did my homework on when I was young.
回復 八六 2010-6-9 12:35
snortbsd: the mountain in the background of your last blog...

see the top? it was almost flat from remote view, but it is not once you get on the top of it...
I am sure it is not flat when you stand on that 'table'. We are all small creatures.
回復 snortbsd 2010-6-9 12:36
八六: I see, now I understand why it is called table mountain. It looks like the little suitecase I did my homework on when I was young.
it took me around 30 minutes to climb to the top, but you can always take cable cart. it was quite cheap back then...

but i am a hard ass and always try things in hard way....
回復 snortbsd 2010-6-9 12:37
八六: I am sure it is not flat when you stand on that 'table'. We are all small creatures.
you should go.. before you can't...
回復 八六 2010-6-9 13:27
snortbsd: you should go.. before you can't...
ha ha , there are so many beautiful places in the world.
回復 八六 2010-6-9 13:30
snortbsd: it took me around 30 minutes to climb to the top, but you can always take cable cart. it was quite cheap back then...

but i am a hard ass and always
you didn't cheat. That's the best part.
回復 wazhh 2010-6-10 13:43
回復 yuki-1217 2010-6-20 12:00

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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