
叫Carl Olufsen的香港人

作者:泰峰  於 2013-7-9 13:37 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


An Indonesian ethnic Chinese couple was visiting China town. They found a tailor shop by the name of Carl Olufsen Tailor in the midst of China town. So, they went in - thinking maybe it was a Dutch Indonesian who owns the shop. (Because there are many Indonesians of mixed Dutch ancestry who left Indonesia after Sukarno came to power.)

Then they met a skinny man with a Hong Kong accent, in khaki shots and white tank/singlet, sweeping the floor.

So the couple requested to meet with Carl Olufsen the tailor, expecting the caretaker/janitor to say that Olufsen used to own the shop but sold it to the current tailor. But in an unexpected moment ... the janitor looked up with his focals down on his nose,

"I am Carl Olufsen the tailor."

After a few exchanges of incredulous expressions, Mr Olufsen said,

"Come, come, sit down, let me explain .... have some tea."

Many years ago I was at immigration, just arrived from Hong Kong. Then the immigration officer yelled out "next!" and the tall blond man in front of me appeared before the officer and the officer asked "What is your name?"

"Carl Olufsen."

Then the officer wrote his name on the form and gave it to the tall blond man,
"Fill this form and sit there and wait".

Then "next!" was my turn, and the officer asked me, "What is your name?"

I replied,
"Sam Ting".









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