

作者:yunmu  於 2019-5-5 06:50 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


為什麼醫生不喜歡退休 (翻譯)

Why doctors don』t like to retire

The past decade has seen an enormous upheaval in the practice of medicine. The private independent medical practice is in danger of extinction. Management overhead and red tape has skyrocketed due to government regulations and private insurance and pharmaceutical benefit rules. Added to that are multiple electronic medical records that need to be implemented, vary from one hospital to another, and often do not 「talk」 to one another. Thus, it would seem obvious that physicians are leaving their practices in large numbers. Perhaps. Perhaps not.


 An April 5, 2017 Time Magazine article broke down retirement rates by professions. They charted the percentage of workers still working after age 65. It seems that this is an accurate yardstick to measure the issue.  Topping the list of working professionals least likely to retire after 65, were tax preparers. 14.6 percent them were still working at age 66 and beyond. Pharmacists were at the bottom with only 4.3 percent. Although not near the top, physicians and surgeons were still in the top third at 8 percent.  So why then do so many physicians resist retirement? I believe there are multiple reasons.


 For many physicians, medicine is the only employment they have had in their adult life. Despite drops in salaries and autonomy, they still enjoy above-average wealth and income and may fear loss of this post-retirement. I fully retired three years ago. I have friends who still work and others who don』t. Illnesses play a role for sure. Some have few hobbies and fear boredom. That is a reasonable concern. Most of us are used to being respected by the public and inwardly fear that loss as well. My father, who had no hobbies, worked as an internist up until almost the day he died. Certainly, I am called 「mister」 a lot more these days than 「doctor.」 For me, however, there seemed to be a loss of 「purpose.」 Victor Frankl』s famous 1946 book Man』s Search for Meaning has a great quote that goes something like this: 「Your work is not your worth.」 This is a concept that is difficult for many of us to accept and grasp.

對許多醫生來說,行醫是他們成年後的唯一職業。儘管現在醫生的收入和自主權【相對】有所下降,但他們仍然享有高於平均水平的財富和收入,並可能擔心這些在退休後會減少。我三年前就完全退休了,我的一些朋友已經退休了,部分是因為疾病。但是另一些朋友仍在工作,有些人沒有什麼愛好,害怕退休后無聊。這個擔憂並非不合情理。我們中的大多數人已經習慣於受到公眾的尊重,內心害怕失去這種尊敬。我父親就沒有任何業餘愛好,直到他去世的前一天,他還在內科行醫。當然,我現在被稱為先生比被稱為醫生的次數要多得多。對我來說,似乎失去了初心。維克多·弗蘭克爾在1946年出版的著名著作《人探求的意義》中有一句名言,似乎是這樣寫的:你的工作不是你的價值 這是一個我們許多人難以掌握和接受的概念。

 Although I spent most of my career in private practice, I always felt like a teacher. I would teach my patients, younger doctors joining the practice, nurses, and pharmacists. That all disappeared as soon as I retired. I write and read a lot. I like to fish and practice tai chi. I will soon become a tai chi instructor perhaps filling one need. A good fishing friend of mine who retired from sales and many years on the road and in the air, doesn』t understand why doctors are reluctant to retire. I don』t want to be judgmental, but for him he had a job. For many doctors, we feel as if we have a calling. For me, every other January is decision time. That is when my Florida medical license is up for renewal. Although the likelihood of me returning to active practice is low, the mere act of giving this up would mean that there really is no going back.


 Lastly, the act of retirement brings into hard focus that this is indeed the 「last stage」 of one』s life. Although we deal with the death and dying of our patients daily, when it is 「our」 death and dying, well, that is a different matter. The hassles of corporate and industrialized medicine will continue to affect physician retirement rates. However, for many of those in the profession, the idea of life without medicine is just too scary to contemplate.


 英文原作者David Mokotoff是一位心臟病專科醫生,他在自己的網名David Mokotoff上發表博客。原載KevinMD.com

 Yunmu翻譯後記:作者抱怨的醫生要花費很多精力在電子病歷上,而每個醫院的電子病歷各不相同,往往彼此不能交流。其實這也是目前大多數醫生的抱怨。14年前在電子病歷仍然處於初級階段時,就有人提到過這個問題。 大多數人同意:與其將來要寫大量程序讓來自不同公司不同格式的電子病歷彼此交流,還不如建造一個統一的全國性的電子病歷讓所有醫院使用來得省錢。有人按照當年的美元價值來估算,在美國要建成一個統一的電子健康報告系統需要當年價值1560億美元的投入和5年的時間,再加上每年相當於當年480億美元的運營成本:「One study estimates that creating one in the United States within 5 years would require $156 billion in capital investment, plus $48 billion in annual operating costs」 Easing the way for the electronic health record Feb. 2007 Vol. 2 Num. 2.。但是政府拿不出這筆錢啊。









發表評論 評論 (5 個評論)

回復 borninheaven 2019-5-5 13:12
廢話, 要賺錢
回復 yunmu 2019-5-5 23:54
borninheaven: 廢話, 要賺錢
如果說收入是美國醫生選擇學醫的一個重要因素並不為過。然而不少醫生還是追夢的。例如從華盛頓DC到波士頓的東岸是醫生收入最低的地區,但是美國最好的醫院大多集中在那裡, 醫生密度也最高。至於退休,可能收入的影響不是很大。
回復 borninheaven 2019-5-6 23:48
yunmu: 如果說收入是美國醫生選擇學醫的一個重要因素並不為過。然而不少醫生還是追夢的。例如從華盛頓DC到波士頓的東岸是醫生收入最低的地區,但是美國最好的醫院大多集
回復 yunmu 2019-5-7 06:38
borninheaven: 世事總是有例外的。東岸醫院多是因為醫學院多,市場供需關係,並非東岸醫生覺悟高
回復 borninheaven 2019-5-7 06:58
yunmu: 你說的情況也存在,但是現在交通那麼發達,年青人要離開東岸醫院還是很容易的。我想他們更多的是想利用東部醫院豐富的資源來尋找改善健康世界的方法     [e

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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