
王立山的打油詩:失調 (Maladjustment)

作者:Cannaa  於 2012-3-5 02:30 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村




In the mental jail in Connecticut,
Social worker Mihaylo is explaining the concept of maladjustment.
If you can not get used to the jail life,
It』s maladjustment!
If you are ashamed of being stripped naked before strangers,
It』s maladjustment.

If you feel pain when being cuffed and shackled,
It』s maladjustment!

If you can not absorb mocks and slurs
Like the Jews in the concentration camps,
It』s maladjustment!

If you can not take the punches and kicks from the guards
Like Michael Tyson,
It』s maladjustment!

If you』re penned in a small cell like a pig,
And you still think of yourself a human,
It』s maladjustment!

If you still measure time with clock, not with you stomach,
If you still do not get used to the greetings of the popping doors,
If you still ask Tylenol from the nurse for your headache,
not to but it from the commissary,
It』s maladjustment!

After being humiliated, cheated, abused, brutalized, traumatized, minimized, hypnotized, demoralized, demonized, dehumanized, desensitized, victimized, baptized, and institutionalized,
And your fear still can not be conquered with trust,
Your resentment can not be coerced into acceptance,
Your dishonesty can not be hoaxed into honesty,
Your hate can not be subdued with gratitude,
Your defiance can not be primed into obedience,
You have maladjustment!
Don』t ask god why he created human,
Ask yourself why you still believe there is God!









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回復 RightSouth 2012-3-9 21:27
You have to keep being strong because the person who can eventually help you is yourself.
回復 Cannaa 2012-3-9 22:11
RightSouth: You have to keep being strong because the person who can eventually help you is yourself.
difficult! I have no time to pass the message to Dr. Wang. Anyone can right letter to him.
如有合適醫生請幫助聯繫一下,請轉發博文擴大尋找範圍, 多謝!

請先給王立山的律師JefferyLapierre(235 Church street, New Haven, CT 06510, tel.:(203)5036818,fax:(203)7896863)打電話

Lishan Wang #375805
50 Nunnawauk Road,
Newtown, CT 06470-2319

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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