

作者:clearlotus1998  於 2010-5-23 02:05 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



公元2010年5月21日一位美國遊客在美國亞利桑那州美國的大峽谷,跳懸崖身亡!美國警方講大峽谷這種事件一年平均發生十次! 偏偏讓我碰上了!緣分(I was the witness, there were about several tourists  that earlier morning and I was the only one who talked to him and tried to save his life but ....)
當時早晨5點多在那個懸崖邊有 20多個遊客,我 有機會同他談了十分鐘的話,我還想救他,但我沒有成功!!
美國的大峽谷(Grand Canyon)是世界名勝,當天是禮拜五,我在中午看見來自全世界的遊客,還有美國學校組織的春遊,看見那些天真可愛的孩子,我考慮了一天還是把我 的所見所聞和 我 真實的感受講出來!
5月20日我 從加州洛杉磯出發,當晚我 停在 一個小鎮叫( Ashfork,AZ, about 80 mile away from Grand Canyon), 離大峽谷 80 英里,一晚上才 31 美金(含稅),而在前面離大峽谷 52 英里的 Williams, 最便宜的也要 65 美金一天;而大峽谷里的 旅館最便宜的 165 美金。
我 是 凌晨 2:30 起床,3 點 出發, 我 到達 大峽谷公園是 4點30分,大峽谷公園非常大,開車不停的繞大峽谷一圈要十多個小時,我沒有帶 GPS, 也沒有去拿大峽谷的地圖,我 只想 看兩眼,攝像一下大峽谷的風光就走,就準備停半個小時,4點多時,大多數遊客還在睡覺,我就瞎碰,轉到第二停車場,(Parking lot 2),
我 到達這個停車場時,已有十幾輛車到達,大家都是想趕拍日出的景色,我 5點前先 走到 懸崖邊,太陽還未出來,我 又回到車裡,調整一下攝像機,吃點東西,一看手機,不好了, 5點 21分了,我 趕緊往懸崖邊上走,這時我看見一位大約 60 歲的 美國人 (白人)從他的車裡出來,他大概很早就坐在車裡,他肯定看見我第一次從他車邊走過,我並沒有留意, 也不知道為什麼他選擇了 我 !!
是他叫住我,問我 是不是 中國人,我說是 中國人 ,但我 在美國 住了 很長時間了,我 也算美國人!我說我 是第一次來這裡,我 想趕緊把他甩掉去看風景,他說他的名字叫xxx, : 「 I know the best
place to take photos, follow me please!"  他說他知道一個最好的地方照相,讓我跟他去!我 這時注意到他手裡拿了一個白色的信封,讓我 有點警覺(我 是讀 社會工作碩士時,上過如何預防有人自殺的課程!其中一點就是盡量同他多談話,來打消他要自殺的念頭),我 周圍的遊客不少人拿照相機,或者攝像機。
但想自殺的人一般都是單獨行動,不願意同別人交流!他邊走,還邊同我 聊天,(我 就放棄了我的職業警覺!
當時我想自己也別太神經過敏了!,其實我的的第一感覺還是對的!),我說我 從洛杉磯開車過來, 他說他也是從洛杉磯開車過來,他說他住在長灘(long beach), 他很健談,一會他告訴我,我們 走過了那個地方,我們又往回走,(我們這時是沿著懸崖邊的小路走),他開始往一個突出的懸崖角上走,他突然停住了,把手裡的信封塞到我的手裡,我一眼看見信封上三個字:"suicide "
Call ranger, ( 大峽谷是聯邦公園,警察叫 Park Ranger), 我右手趕緊把信封塞在我口袋了,我 伸手就要抓他,他已經跑到懸崖邊了,我大聲的喊他的名字 come back, please!" 太晚了!「,我 聽見他很從容的對我說的最後一句話:」Bye bye, David"
他就在我 眼前消失了, 旁邊還有另外幾個遊客都驚訝的說不出話,我趕緊打 911, 警察的警車幾分鐘就趕來了!
他跳下去是 5:34 AM, 我 打 911 是 5:35 AM, 警察說這裡是大峽谷最深的地方,跳下去,就沒救了!
我後來發現,信封里是他的車鑰匙!我把信封 給了一位漂亮的女警察!
警察從他的車裡發現:他把他的證件,現金,都在車裡擺好,警察說他是一位醫生(MD Doctor),
他完全可以住165 美金一天大峽谷旅館,甚至更高級的旅館,他是一個好人,他最後生命的24小時,他還是沒有揮霍享受!
 我 同他一起走過了他人生的最後 10分鐘的路, 我 應該有機會救他,我沒有做到,讓我 終身 悔恨!
我是想告訴所有的人,所有的 朋友:珍惜自己的寶貴生命!一失足成千古恨!
(全美國3億人口, 每年有32000人自殺,每天有 80人)
2010年 5月21日早晨 5 點24分....5 點34分一個生命就那樣消失了,警察和救援人員下午 1點多才在谷底找到
我 是今年的一位遊客!我和那位美國醫生肯定前世有緣!
(我在後來把情節用攝像,錄下來了,阿狗和 XO 都不願意幫我的忙,我現在還沒有它們轉到電腦里!)
但是 他把那個信封塞到我手裡時,我一眼看見了 suicide ,我的 反應就比短跑運動員慢了 0.5 秒,or 0.4 秒
我打 911 時,他還沒有落到谷底...他的生命還沒有停止...剛出生的太陽還照著他...他還能聽見我的呼喊...呼嘯而來的警車...


In ten minutes I could have safe a doctors life at Grand Canyon National Park!

On May 21, 2010 an American Tourist was at Grand Canyon Arizona. He was there because he want to suicide by jumping off a cliff.  According to the police in Grand Canyon this suicidal attempts happen at least  ten times a year.  It was five in the morning and there was about twenty and more tourists around, when I saw the guy I had a chance of talking to him hoping he would change his mind, but after ten minutes of the conversation sadly I failed.  Grand Canyon, Arizona is the most famous for the scenic spot. 

That day it was a Friday, I went around noon time and I saw a lot of tourist from all over the world. I also saw student tourists from American School Organizations. When I saw the kids innocent adorable smile I thought about maybe telling them about my experience and my real feeling.

On May 20, I embarked from  Los Angeles, California. That night I stopped in a small town call Ashfork, Arizona its about eighty miles away from Grand Canyon, the Motel only cost thirty one dollar plus tax per night, but in the city Williams which is about 52 miles from Grand canyon the cheapest motel cost sixty-five dollars compare to the hotel in grand canyon in cost around one hundred and sixty-five dollars. I woke up around two thirty in the morning and started out my trip to Grand Canyon at 3 in  the morning. By the time I arrived at Grand Canyon National Park it was already four thirty. Grand Canyon National Park is very big just driving around the whole park takes at least more then ten hour. I did not brought my GPS, also I did not take any map from the visitor center, I really want to do is just simply take a look at the scenery and took some pictures.

The first thing happended before I arriving at the Gate of the National Park,  my car hit a large Elk( Huge Deer),  I have been living at US since Jan 8, 1988 and I got my driver license at about March 1988 and I did not hit any deer until that special morning!   Actually  I drove very slow about 30 mile per hour and I was almost arriving at the border of a small town before

the National Park Gate, the Elk was standing by the road?  The huge deer suddenly jumped in front of my car and I stepped my brake and my car still hit his back and because of the narrow shoulder  of the road, it was too dangerous to stop my car and I stopped at the Gas station and it was too earlier to find anyone there,  I managed to drive my car with a broke

window and even no officer at the National Park gate and I saw the pass is $25 dollar and the Green light was on and Said: Pass free and enjoy your visit and I passed free at that  time and I gussed no free lunch and the Elk already taught me a lesson.

 It was past four in the morning most majority of tourists was still sleeping, but I blindly drove around to park at parking lot 2 and  I reported my accident with the Elk to a Park staff

and he called the Park ranger and the polie could not find the injured Elk, the poor deer ran away and I hope the  Elk is still alive as my car is still alive.

When I arrive at this parking lot there was some vehicles already arriving before me because everyone wanted to catch the sunset after five' clock. I walked to the rim and looked my cell phone find out it was about 5 am and  I went back to my car to adjust my camera and eat some breakfast. Right when I look at my cell phone the time is already five twenty-one. I quickly walked toward the cliff nearby, but then I saw a sixty year old caucasian  getting out off  his vehicle. I was not sure why by he picked me and called me and asked me if I was from China.  I told him I am from China but I lived in America for a really long time I should be consider as American. I also told him this was my first time here so I wanted to safe time and quickly went look at the scenery. He told me 「 I know the best place to take photos, follow me please.」 I noticed he was holding a white envelope by now I was half aware something bad was going to happen, because I got a Master Degree in Social Work from Washington University in St.Louis, MO,  I was looking for clues when a person wanted to suicide because the rim is very dangerous. One clue that I noticed that he was not holding a camera or VideoCamera like other tourists,he was holding a white envelope, but he was willing  to talk with me friendly and his words put my alert down.

When they want to commit suicide they will mostly do it a lone and not drag anyone into it. I told him I drove from Los Angeles to OH, he said  he was also from Los Angeles but he lived in Long beach. He was a very talkative person, then one moment he said: " Lets go  back, we passed the point !' and we went to the other side near the cliff and as I followed him to the edge when he stuffed the envelope in my hand. One can clearly saw the envelope have the word 「Suicide」 on it.   I

stuffed the envelop in my pocket and right when I sticked out my hand to stop him it was already to late. He was at the edge of the cliff,  I quickly called his name 「Come Back, Please!」 but its to late and I can still clearly hear him said calmly to me 「Bye bye, David」 He vanish right before my eyes, there were two tourists saw him falling and  still could not believe what they had seen.  I quickly called  911 and the cops came around 5:40 Am.

 He jump off the cliff around 5:34 Am, I called the police around 5:35 Am, the police told me:" This cliff is the deepest part of the Canyon about 1.6 km, and once you jump down there is no second chance at life. "

Afterward I discovered that in the envelope was his vehicle key. I had given the envelope to a female police. The police discovered his vehicle and from searching through the vehicle they found cash and his personal file. From the personal file it state that he is a doctor, MD, he can afford the 165 dollars a night stay in Grand Canyon National Park hotel or even something more fancier. He is a very good person, for the last 24 hours of his life he did not spend frivolously. I have passed through his final ten minutes of life, I had an opportunity to rescue him but I did not because of that I felt very ashamed of myself.

At the end I just want to tell everyone 「 Treasure your own precious life. A single slip-up may cause a lasting sorrow.」

The entire population in America is around 300,000,000, in a year around there is at least 32000 committing in suicide, that mean every day there is at least eighty people.  On May 21, 2010 at  5:34Am a life is already loss, the police and rescue team did not find the remain in the valley till one in the afternoon. I was one of the 5,000,000 tourist from around the world at Grand Canyon Arizona each year and

I wish I could save his life!

 I stayed with the Park ranger for about several hours to help for the investigation of the tragedy and I went to back the cliff to record it with my video camera several hours later.

 At the end I realize I could have extend my hand to safe him one second earlier but I didn't. Just that one second it had already make a difference in the world. Right when I call police he had not hit the bottom of the valley yet, his life did not have to stop. It was like the sun is  coming out and it shines on him and he can still hear me calling his name right ....

I graduated with a Master Degree of Social Work from GWB School of Social Work in 1991 and I failed to live up to my expectations of my professors and their teachings and trainings and but I never regretted my choice, even I was laid off severla time and

I have been driving  a truck to support my my family for the last 5 years and  I am a Social Worker for my whole life and  I am proud of being one of  millions of Social workers around US and world to stand the risk to help others.

My e-mail: savelife1998@gmail.com,   if you feel you need help, please feel free to drop me some lines or call the National hot line to get help!

I respect the Doctor's choice but I still believe there are some other choices in our lives and together we can save more lives in the world.

Some experts estimate there are about 20 million abortion happened in mainland China "  and together we can do things to stop or reduce  these tragedy.











剛表態過的朋友 (4 人)

發表評論 評論 (96 個評論)

回復 ewpp 2010-5-23 02:15
回復 clearlotus1998 2010-5-23 02:21
後來警長看見我流淚,還專門派一個警察跟著我,我 問他為啥,他說:「 My Boss just wants to make sure you are OK!"
我 對他說我 沒事,他還是跟了我好幾個小時!
回復 clearlotus1998 2010-5-23 02:25
ewpp: 您已經做了您能做的了,那一刻,誰會想到。遺憾
Honda  Accord,  我也開一輛 Honda Accord.
回復 ewpp 2010-5-23 02:27
clearlotus1998: 他好像是個眼科醫生,車裡有許多儀器,他開的是一輛很久的
Honda  Accord,  我也開一輛 Honda Accord.
回復 light12 2010-5-23 02:33
回復 牡丹石頭 2010-5-23 02:52
他選擇了你做他最後決定的見證人, 那是前世的緣分, 因為他知道你一定會做得很好, 確實你這樣做了, 所以他走得非常的放心, 雖然一個生命在你眼前活生生的消失了, 帶給你的會是一輩子的記憶, 這也是他送你的禮物, 每個人的所作都有他自己的理由, 我們不必知道, 我們只要知道在他離開時是沒有牽掛了, 就沒遺憾了. 我們每個人都會有這麼一天, 我倒很敬佩這位先生的瀟灑, 也很慶幸他能夠遇到你.
回復 解濱 2010-5-23 02:58
消息已經見報。 又一起杯具啊。



回復 clearlotus1998 2010-5-23 03:02
牡丹石頭: 他選擇了你做他最後決定的見證人, 那是前世的緣分, 因為他知道你一定會做得很好, 確實你這樣做了, 所以他走得非常的放心, 雖然一個生命在你眼前活生生的消失了,
回復 烏卒卒 2010-5-23 03:05
回復 clearlotus1998 2010-5-23 03:10
light12: 夠掃興的,人生多無奈,說不定鬼魂附體。祝你安好!
回復 東方華 2010-5-23 03:12
回復 八六 2010-5-23 03:20
回復 喬雨風 2010-5-23 03:30
回復 點點星河 2010-5-23 03:31
回復 xinsheng 2010-5-23 03:44
回復 caro 2010-5-23 03:47
牡丹石頭: 他選擇了你做他最後決定的見證人, 那是前世的緣分, 因為他知道你一定會做得很好, 確實你這樣做了, 所以他走得非常的放心, 雖然一個生命在你眼前活生生的消失了,
回復 xqw63 2010-5-23 03:47
回復 caro 2010-5-23 03:51
回復 goodoctor 2010-5-23 04:17
回復 早安太陽 2010-5-23 04:35

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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