
stupid idiot- U.S. government corruption!

作者:newyorker92  於 2009-7-6 02:48 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



NORFOLK, Va. - A Federal judge sentenced a U.S. Customs and Border Protection officer to two years probation Friday for stealing a computer.

John Joseph Rendzia, Jr., 42, of Norfolk, pled guilty to embezzlement and conversion of an airline passenger's laptop computer. Judge James E. Bradberry immediately sentenced Rendzia to probation, a $500 fine and ordered restitution to the victims for the computer.

Rendzia had earlier resigned from federal service.

According to court documents, Rendzia was on duty as a CBP supervisor at the Philadelphia International Airport on March 19, 2008. A family returning from vacation left a laptop computer in the Customs area, and the laptop was missing when they returned to look for it. The family reported it stolen to airport police, and a CBP officer later found the laptop. The officer turned the computer over to Rendzia, his supervisor.

Rendzia kept the laptop and brought it to Norfolk where he was transferred in August 2008. A computer operating system on the laptop traced it to an address in Norfolk, and special agents of the Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General obtained a search warrant. Together with agents from the FBI, the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, the Norfolk Airport Police, and a detective from the Philadelphia Airport Police, seized the laptop and obtained statements from Rendzia and another person.

Forensic analysis of the laptop by NCIS confirmed that Rendzia had deleted the owner's user profiles, installed new profiles, and converted the computer to his own use.









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回復 borninheaven 2009-7-6 05:29
A stupid federal employee!

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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