
IVY錄取率創新低:爬藤不值得,有棗沒棗打一杆子算了 (ZT)

作者:泥馬  於 2016-4-5 18:07 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


關鍵詞:錄取通知書, 耶魯大學, 哈佛大學, 大學本科, 赴美留學

美常春藤大學錄取率出爐 哈佛創新低


















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回復 泥馬 2016-4-5 20:13


回復 jinren 2016-4-5 21:00
回復 十路 2016-4-5 22:57
jinren: 爬藤無用吧?精英即領袖的制度在從學校畢業后就戛然而止了,這已經成為在亞裔美國人的生活中苦澀暗流的一部分。--【紐約時報:多年前的亞裔學霸們,畢業后都過得如
回復 泥馬 2016-4-5 23:50
jinren: 爬藤無用吧?精英即領袖的制度在從學校畢業后就戛然而止了,這已經成為在亞裔美國人的生活中苦澀暗流的一部分。--【紐約時報:多年前的亞裔學霸們,畢業后都過得如
回復 白露為霜 2016-4-6 00:52
回復 泥馬 2016-4-6 01:10
白露為霜: 一輩子一次。總要試過才死心。
回復 顏瞳瞳 2016-4-6 01:27
As anything else, there should be pros and cons for getting education in ivy league schools, but if the person him/herself is not suit or is not ready for ivy, yet to chase the school names, it'd only cause more harm than benefits... thanks for sharing
回復 穿鞋的蜻蜓 2016-4-6 01:43
泥馬: 看到那篇報道了,是挺慘的。但應該是一部分,多數藤校亞裔畢業生應該比非名校亞裔畢業生混得更好些,儘管不一定有白人畢業生那麼好。專心爬藤過獨木橋所付出的代
同意。 那篇文章有些矯情,上藤校覺得划不來的, 應該是極少數,上藤校做普通人的多了,跟是否亞裔沒有直接關係。亞裔能否更多成為領袖,更是個社會問題,即亞裔本身融入社會表現和被接受程度的問題,比較猶太人印度人的演變就會有感受。說實話,從我了解的經驗看,有藤校背景只會就加分效果。如 Theodore D Chuangc 等等等等。那些心路歷程也絕非亞裔獨有。
回復 泥馬 2016-4-6 01:51
顏瞳瞳: As anything else, there should be pros and cons for getting education in ivy league schools, but if the person him/herself is not suit or is not ready
Appreciate your comment. It is already a well-established fact that Ivy schools have a lot more pros than cons so that they become dream schools for way too many high school seniors. The ever-increasing selectivity and glass ceiling encountered by many Ivy graduates make some people have a second thought about the value of pursuing an Ivy education and heavy prices associated with it. That being said, Ivy schools are nonetheless dream schools. But high school seniors will be better off if they are not obsessed with the dream. The sky is also without limit in other non-Ivy schools for them.
回復 泥馬 2016-4-6 02:06
穿鞋的蜻蜓: 同意。 那篇文章有些矯情,上藤校覺得划不來的, 應該是極少數,上藤校做普通人的多了,跟是否亞裔沒有直接關係。亞裔能否更多成為領袖,更是個社會問題,即亞裔
同感。不過它提到的一個現象很值得注意,就是那個Poker face的問題,面無表情兩眼無神不僅沒有leadership charisma, 而且inter-personal relationship也會有障礙。所以,培養陽光性格跟學習讀書一樣重要,給點陽光就燦爛的表情肯定比Poker face要受待見多了。
回復 顏瞳瞳 2016-4-6 02:09
泥馬: Appreciate your comment. It is already a well-established fact that Ivy schools have a lot more pros than cons so that they become dream schools for w
You're right.  The point I would like to make is that ivy league schools only hold pros when the students can handle the intensive competition there, some of them were forced by peer or family pressures into that environment, which may cause them extremely high stress and loss of confidence... Last fall I went to UC Berkeley to recruit for our company, seeing many low GPA students (i.e., under 3.0), including some Chinese students, that, obviously showed Berkeley was too much for them to handle... and the direct consequences are, those students couldn't land on a decent graduate school or company.
回復 泥馬 2016-4-6 02:40
顏瞳瞳: You're right.  The point I would like to make is that ivy league schools only hold pros when the students can handle the intensive competition there,
Wow, to recruit in UCB is quite an honor. UCB is a public school which admits students from all regions and schools within the State. Ivy schools are private schools which recruit student they choose. That makes a difference. Generally speaking, Ivy students, as a whole, have a higher caliber than public university students, though UCB has many talented students. The failures or sub-standard student ratio is much lower in Ivy schools than public universities. Most of the problems in Ivy students are difficulties in adjusting their peer comparison and expectations, i.e. some top students in their high schools become average or even mediocre students in Ivy schools when they are compared with many gifted and talented students from all over the country and the world. You are quite right that a mediocre Ivy student will have difficulty in a corporate hire interview or a decent graduate school admission. Unfortunately, both Ivy schools and those students get to know this too late.
回復 顏瞳瞳 2016-4-6 06:50
泥馬: Wow, to recruit in UCB is quite an honor. UCB is a public school which admits students from all regions and schools within the State. Ivy schools are
My undergrad was from UCB so it's fairly easy for my company sending me back to recruit.  I went to the same graduate school your young man did, therefore understand what you said, you made a great point in comparing private vs. public schools, especially for undergraduate students... thx again.
回復 泥馬 2016-4-6 14:20
顏瞳瞳: My undergrad was from UCB so it's fairly easy for my company sending me back to recruit.  I went to the same graduate school your young man did, there
Salute! Tree-huggers are the best.
回復 穿鞋的蜻蜓 2016-4-8 09:22
泥馬: 同感。不過它提到的一個現象很值得注意,就是那個Poker face的問題,面無表情兩眼無神不僅沒有leadership charisma, 而且inter-personal relationship也會有障礙
就是, 前幾天跟同事聊天, 就說 那個黑醫生卡森 表情氣質說話 有氣無力,也是挫敗的一大原因, 光有思想主意, 沒有 leadership charisma 影響人的魅力 真不行。
回復 穿鞋的蜻蜓 2016-4-8 09:23
泥馬: 同感。不過它提到的一個現象很值得注意,就是那個Poker face的問題,面無表情兩眼無神不僅沒有leadership charisma, 而且inter-personal relationship也會有障礙
就是, 前幾天跟同事聊天, 就說 那個黑醫生卡森 表情氣質說話 有氣無力,也是挫敗的一大原因, 光有思想主意, 沒有 leadership charisma 影響人的魅力 真不行。
回復 穿鞋的蜻蜓 2016-4-8 09:26
泥馬: 同感。不過它提到的一個現象很值得注意,就是那個Poker face的問題,面無表情兩眼無神不僅沒有leadership charisma, 而且inter-personal relationship也會有障礙
就是, 前幾天跟同事聊天, 就說 那個黑醫生卡森 表情氣質說話 有氣無力,也是挫敗的一大原因, 光有思想主意, 沒有 leadership charisma 影響人的魅力 真不行。
回復 泥馬 2016-4-8 16:30
穿鞋的蜻蜓: 就是, 前幾天跟同事聊天, 就說 那個黑醫生卡森 表情氣質說話 有氣無力,也是挫敗的一大原因, 光有思想主意, 沒有 leadership charisma 影響人的魅力 真不行
華裔學白人有難度,受自然災害個頭身板等比不上,再戴上一副撲克臉,遭遇職場玻璃頂就在所難免。三鍋就能吃得開,甚至能搶白人的位子當CEO。印度人的成功有學頭或借鑒意義。所以,孩子有天賦會念書是好事,但一定不要成為poker face的nerd,而盡量養成陽光性格和給點陽光就燦爛的豐富表情。
回復 穿鞋的蜻蜓 2016-4-8 19:04
泥馬: 華裔學白人有難度,受自然災害個頭身板等比不上,再戴上一副撲克臉,遭遇職場玻璃頂就在所難免。三鍋就能吃得開,甚至能搶白人的位子當CEO。印度人的成功有學頭
是,要connect, 才有更多機會,要impress,才能贏得人心。
回復 泥馬 2016-4-9 01:02
穿鞋的蜻蜓: 是,要connect, 才有更多機會,要impress,才能贏得人心。
歸納得像警句箴言,well said.

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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