

作者:陽關  於 2010-4-21 16:10 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



今天下午東部五點鐘, Apple Inc. 的Q2 Earnings Report一出爐,就震翻了華爾街。EPS $3.33. 誰也沒估算到這麼高。消息剛一傳出, NASDAQ''s After Hours Quotes 里的 AAPL 就從$244ish衝到了$265. 後來稍有回落。我實在是感慨美國人民的即時熱情。明天沖高到哪裡或是Dip 到什麼低價位,只有神仙知道了。
剛看完評論,就收到一個群發帖子,打開一看,是新聞鏈接還有video clips。 又是Apple. 是關於 iPad. 轉載如下。算是又一個高潮吧。
Surveillance video shows violent iPad theft at Cherry Creek Mall
Cherry Creek Mall iPad Theft

Surveillance photo of the suspect grabbing a bag containing a new iPad from Bill Jordan's grasp. Jordan lost the little finger on his left hand as a result of the attack. (Denver Police)

DENVER - Denver Police released shocking surveillance video Tuesday of a thief stealing a brand new iPad from a man in the Cherry Creek Mall, ripping off his left pinky finger in the process.

Bill Jordan says he didn't even know what an iPad was, but his company asked him to pick one up as a business gift for a co-worker.

So last Thursday, he went to the Apple store in the upscale Cherry Creek Mall, in the middle of the afternoon, to buy one.

"I kind of wrapped it around my fingers so I didn't drop it on the way out," he told us. "It was a heavy duty bag they put it in, and had real thick cords."

The mall security cameras show Jordan as he leaves the store, walks down the stairs and heads toward the exit. He's carrying the iPad in a bag.

The suspect follows Jordan as he walks out the door.

"The next thing I know, I'm spun around. I see this kid, his rear end almost on the ground, and he's pulling it out of my hand. I just remember seeing this kid pulling and pulling and pulling till it got caught. Took the flesh right off and the tendons and everything. There was nothing but bone."

The surveillance tape shows the suspect, apparently a black male, rushing out another door as Jordan holds his hand in pain. (Watch video of the assault at the bottom of this page)

Jordan says he wants the suspect caught.

"It could easily happen to somebody else because this guy obviously had no regard for people or this lives and will strike again."

Jordan had to have the little finger on his left hand amputated, especially devastating because he uses his left hand.

Metro Denver Crimestoppers is offering a $2,000 reward for information leading the capture and conviction of the suspects. To file an anonymous report, call 720-913-STOP or text message to 274637 (CRIMES), title DMCS & enter your message.

本想把video clip 貼上來。沒成功。 下面是鏈接, 有興趣的自己個去看吧。









發表評論 評論 (5 個評論)

回復 marnifan 2010-4-21 21:54
回復 陽關 2010-4-21 23:51
marnifan: 額滴森
回復 xoyuanfen 2010-4-22 01:11
我得小心, 出門時把iPad抱得死死的。
回復 陽關 2010-4-22 03:37
xoyuanfen: 我得小心, 出門時把iPad抱得死死的。
試想, 一個大美女旁邊站一個鬍子茬茬,比老黑還要黑的一個傻大個。你在紐約肯定暢通無阻。
回復 xoyuanfen 2010-4-22 03:51
陽關: 同意。
試想, 一個大美女旁邊站一個鬍子茬茬,比老黑還要黑的一個傻大個。你在紐約肯定暢通無阻。
不行, 人家都看我身邊的帥哥了, 我多沒面子。

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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