

作者:十三大爺  於 2010-5-10 05:06 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村












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回復 snortbsd 2010-5-10 05:37
well, depends on what version you choose. try this one:

回復 十三大爺 2010-5-10 05:52
snortbsd: well, depends on what version you choose. try this one:

You are right "the Star spangled banner" is more often used as the national anthem. Do you know that Americans also use My Country, Tis of Thee as their national anthem, whose melody was derived from the British national anthem.  To me, God save the queen always rates as one of the most upbeat and most gracious national anthems.
回復 snortbsd 2010-5-10 06:40
十三大爺: You are right "the Star spangled banner" is more often used as the national anthem. Do you know that Americans also use My Country, Tis of
no, i didn't. thanks for the information.
回復 meistersinger 2010-5-11 05:46
Even though the melody was from a drinking song, these words always chock me up.

And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there;
O! say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

I once had the honor to help raise the star-spangled banner at Fort McHenry (not the big one).
回復 十三大爺 2010-5-11 06:06
meistersinger: Even though the melody was from a drinking song, these words always chock me up.

And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof t
Good for you, mister.  That's the type of patriotism and passion I'd like to see from all Americans.  All I was trying to say in the past regardless is that America should try to keep its head cool (i.e not overly heated), whether it's the left fighting the right or any shit immigration issues.  On the national anthem's nobility, I would have to stick with my choice: God save the Queen.  This, however will NOT affect on which anthem I shall place my right hand over my chest.   And the Soviet Union's anthem is damn uplifting too, at least to me.

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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