
英國模特莉芙·波利(Liv Boeree)贏得歐洲撲克牌巡迴賽冠軍-Go Liv!!!

作者:十三大爺  於 2010-4-27 09:31 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



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From pony club to poker star: Glamorous British 'Iron Maiden' wins £1m in card tournament

By Nick Pisa and Andrew Levy

As a model, TV presenter, astrophysics graduate and former pony club member, there are many strings to Liv Boeree's bow.  But now she can add a new one  -  poker ace.  The 25-year-old brunette beat 1,240 contestants at a major tournament to win a cool £1.1million.  She paid only 500 euros to enter the PokerStars European Poker Tour and scooped the life-changing sum with just a pair of fives, seeing off a tough professional rival.  'Think only of the game': Briton Liv Boeree, who has just become the third woman ever to win the European Poker Tournamen

Iron Maiden: Liv is known for her love of heavy metal and guitar-playing skills, as well as her talent at the poker table。 Miss Boeree  -  nicknamed 'Iron Maiden' because of her love of heavy metal music  -  will now play for £2.2million at the grand final in Monte Carlo, which starts on Sunday.

She said: 'I have won in tournaments before but never as much as this. A million pounds is not bad for six days' work.  'Having a degree in astrophysics helps me with my game as it makes you more analytical and think logically. It's all numbers after all.  'I'm going to be smart with the money and invest in property. There is someone in my life but I'm not sure if I'll be sharing it with them just yet.'

Miss Boeree was privately educated at Ashford School for Girls in Kent, where she passed all her GCSEs and A-levels with ease. She then won a place at Manchester University and gained a first class degree in physics and astrophysics.

Liv's love of horse riding began at a young age. Here she is aged three with her mother Elaine at a pony club meeting。Poker champion Liv aged 14 with one of her favourite horses。It was at school that her competitive nature first began to surface. She told The Sun: 'At school I was captain of sports - netball, hockey, running... anything where I could compete and win.  'That's why poker hit home. I thought, "I can play against the boys and beat them up. This is great!" ' While growing up, Liv's love of horseriding became apparent, and she often spent her free time riding.  After returning home from a five-month tour earlier this month, Liv wrote on her blog: 'So I landed and was greeted by my Mum which was wonderful, and taken back to my old room which is warm and smells of dogs, just the way I like it! 

'There's something about my look': Liv is to use her millions to buy property in London and Las Vegas

'I even got greeted with a movie-like horse whinny from my old horse Bella, who has come back to live with my parents. We sold her over eight years ago and she』s just the same; still hairy, eats everything and bounces around everywhere when you ride her.'

After leaving university, she took part in, and won, a number of TV game shows. Following one appearance, she was approached by Channel 4 and invited to audition for Carol Vorderman's spot on Countdown.

She didn't get the job, but her big break came when she was asked to take part in a Channel 5 programme called Ultimate Poker Showdown  -  and was taught to play the game that has made her a millionaire.

Since then, she has worked as a TV presenter on poker channels, hosted an MTV heavy metal music awards programme and modelled for men's magazines Loaded and Maxim, as well as appearing on the covers of gambling magazines.

Over the past three years, she estimates she has won a total of £1.8million in tournaments across Europe, Australia and America, and is now ranked ninth in the league of top poker players.

Star Student: Liv on graduation day

She claims her best weapon against opponents is her trademark 'Liv Stare', which she uses to rattle their nerves.

Despite her success, she still lives at home in Milstead, a small village near Sittingbourne, Kent, with her mother Elaine Cross, 54, who runs a business selling suitcases and handbags, and stepfather Tony Cross, 53, a retired police constable.

Mrs Cross said: 'She's not really a gambler, that's the irony of it. She's very sensible and extremely careful with her money.'

She added that her daughter had a 'mathematical brain and an incredible poker face', saying: 'I don't play her at Scrabble any more. She's very competitive, she always has to win.'

Miss Boeree's father, publisher Chris Boeree, 60, said: 'She looks a million dollars and other players must be fazed by her.'

  據英國《太陽報》和《每日郵報》報道,現年25歲的英國模特莉芙·波利近日在義大利贏得歐洲撲克牌巡迴賽冠軍,收穫110萬英鎊獎金,成為史上第三位 登上冠軍寶座的女性。

  莉芙·波利是一名模特、電視節目主持人,還有天體物理學的學歷背景。她可謂集美貌、智慧、財富於一身。而且因為她酷愛重金屬音樂,而被取了個「鐵娘 子」的外號。她此次擊敗了1240名參賽選手,區區500歐元的報名費讓她最終收穫110萬英鎊獎金,可謂名副其實的「千人斬」。

  此次在義大利北部城市聖雷莫舉行的歐洲撲克牌巡迴賽,吸引了40多個國家、1240名選手參加。莉芙·波利一路過關斬將,終於在25日的決賽中擊敗了 22歲的瑞典職業撲克牌選手,登上冠軍寶座。奪冠后,莉芙·波利還將晉級在摩納哥蒙特卡洛市舉行的總決賽,比賽獎金高達220萬英鎊。


  莉芙·波利表示:「天體物理學知識對我在比賽中獲勝很有幫助,它讓我更善於分析,思考也更有邏輯性,畢竟這些都是和數字有關的。至於高額獎金,我會拿 來投資。」

  莉芙·波利畢業於英國曼徹斯特大學物理與天體物理系,從小她的成績就相當優異,每門學科成績都能輕鬆拿到A,她表示,撲克牌是她大學畢業后才學會的。 她還稱自己在學校時是體育隊隊長,曲棍球、跑步等運動都能輕易得第一,而且她還很喜歡騎馬。
























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回復 goodoctor 2010-4-27 10:27
smart girl!!
回復 婉兒 2010-4-27 14:34
回復 ManCreatedGod 2010-4-28 11:24

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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