
My Bumpy Blog Career

作者:Mir  於 2009-2-25 00:50 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



My blog career has been bumpy so far. The problem started with my name, Mir.
When the Rassian sank our boat, I started to go down as well, since Mir happened to be the name of a Rasssian space station.
But I made my name before our boat had been hit, and we were friends of Rassian then.
Besides, I condammed Rassian, and suggested to burn Rassian paper boat in one of our fellow blogger's house. If you remember, I, out of good intention, also recommended our fellow blogger to open the window due to the possibility of C + O2 === CO.
In addition, I was blamed to ask others not using English, but keep using English myself. I am referring Sir Cat's outcry. I was suggested as a liar due to the fact that I claimed one thing but did another.
That made me instantly feverish.
I do not want the kids on the street chant to me: Liar, liar, pants on fire.
I am not a liar. I love Chinese, and I hate English.
Another hit comes from the unintended connection between my name, Mir, and SirCat, especially after my 2nd blog (my last one as well, so you know how many blogs I have written if you are a good mathematician.), in which I explained why I did not like the name Sir, Lord, or Duke. To make things worse, I happened to explained to another friend that the pronounciation of my name is close to cat meow.
I am sure all these set off Sir Cat.
To calm things down, I request that my name to be pronounced as cow mo. (hoping there is no one here with name of Sir Cow)
But I really did not known Sir Cat when all these happened.
Inspite of all these, I still invited Sir Cat to be my friend.
I though have made a bunch of frineds here already. That is a bright spot of my blog career. Between us, we had good discussion about reading, reading in the bathroom, reading on the toilet, extra functions of bathroom, such as escaping duty of washing dish after meal. We also extended our discussion from toilet to the national or global issues, such as environmental concern, etc.
My plan is to pile all my blogs together one day, and make its way to Border. I have already decided the title for the book, "Paradise Lost, our bathroom". (No connection to John Milton)
I promise all my friends here a free copy with my antography, Mir.
PS: I can not type Chinese, but I love to read Chinese, which is the only language I really understand.
I allow this piece of my work to be read in the bathroom.
I also encourage you to step you head on my blog. I promise you that you won't suffer from subdural hematoma.









發表評論 評論 (12 個評論)

回復 stellazhu111 2009-2-25 05:29
Instead of books, I have a habit of reading magazines which won't take so long and I may resume what I am supposed to do after the bathroom reading.
I don't think China will take any action for Russia Event, (shall I call it event or ...?)
回復 Mir 2009-2-25 05:39
stellazhu111: Instead of books, I have a habit of reading magazines which won't take so long and I may resume what I am supposed to do after the bathroom reading
Your crab makes it so difficult to discuss about bathroom. Reading magazine in the bathroom is the beginner's stage of bathroom reading.

From magazine to book is very much like compare a buffalo wing to crab. Totally different level of appreciation.

Btw, I love to read Chinese.

I am not a Rassian. I am not even in Alaska. I  sincerely hope the Rassian space station Mir to hit a star dust.
回復 已夜 2009-2-25 20:56
回復 Mir 2009-2-26 01:58
已夜: 你說你不能輸入中文是因為系統問題還是你不會拼音?
It is both. It is hopeless.
What happened to your picture?
回復 已夜 2009-2-26 03:58
Mir: It is both. It is hopeless. What happened to your picture?
回復 Mir 2009-2-26 04:49
已夜: 這是我的原版。
Nice Roman style drapery. It minds me of Aphrodite.
回復 已夜 2009-2-26 05:01
Mir: Nice Roman style drapery. It minds me of Aphrodite.
回復 Mir 2009-2-26 05:14
已夜: ~_~
What do you think of my picture?
回復 丹奇 2009-3-21 04:33
You will enjoy being here with us. Write your story, or thoughts, and share with more of the villagers here. Let's have fun!
回復 tinydancer 2009-3-27 12:49
Your English is very GOOD!
回復 Mir 2009-3-27 13:22
tinydancer: Your English is very GOOD!
That is all you can say about my work?
回復 tinydancer 2009-3-27 19:16
Mir: That is all you can say about my work?
I will not pick a side some time

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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