

作者:山梅子  於 2009-1-23 06:40 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村




坦白地說我每天晚上上趕著給孩子們讀書,主要是因為我自己也非常喜歡那些書。小時候一是沒有好書讀,二是家長不準讀跟課業無關的書。現在可是讓我過了把癮,幾年裡也算是讀書過千卷了。現在把其中印象深刻的幾本拿出來晒晒,說說上周剛讀的"A light in the attic" ("閣樓上的光")吧:


我以前就特別喜歡豐子愷,那天有朋友說到寫這書的傢伙有豐的風骨,而且他以前還寫過"愛心樹(Loving Tree)",所以就毫不猶豫地在時代書店買了中文版,又在圖書館找到了英文版。上周星期天開始給兩個小東西讀,先讀一遍英文,再把中文版里的同一首詩讀一遍


我真的太喜歡希爾大叔那天馬行空的想象和大智若愚的幽默反諷了,而且他書里的很多句子都帶有的禪意,所以這本書實際上很適合大人讀。 沒想到小東西們也聽得咯咯地笑,而且反覆要我讀他們覺得最有趣的那幾首。 大概希爾那難得的童真,幽默風趣的句子和簡單誇張的配圖,還是能夠直接進到孩子們的心裡吧。





Grandma sent the hammock.

The good lord sent the breeze.

I』m here to do the swinging—

Now, who』s gonna move the trees?






I shot an arrow toward the sky,

It hit a white cloud floating by.

The cloud fell dying to the shore,

I don』t shoot arrows anymore.






I』ve been working so hard you just wouldn』t believe,

And I am tired!

There』s so little time and so much to achieve,

And I am tired!

I』ve been lying here holding the grass in its place,

Pressing a leaf with the side of my face,

Tasting the apples to see if they』re sweet,

Counting the toes on a centipede』s feet.

I』ve been memorizing the shape of that cloud,

Warning the robins to not chirp so loud,

Shooing the butterflies off the tomatoes,

Keeping an eye out for floods and tornadoes.

I』ve been supervising the work of ants

And thinking of pruning the cantaloupe plants,

Timing the sun to see what time it sets,

Calling the fish to swim into my nets,

And I』ve taken twelve thousand and forty-one breaths,

And I am tired!





Channel 1』s no fun.

Channel 2』s just news.

Channel 3』s hard to see.

Channel 4 is just a bore.

Channel 5 is all jive.

Channel 6 needs to be fixed.

Channel 7 and Channel 8—

Just old movies, not so great.

Channel 9』s a waste of time.

Channel 10 is off, my child.

Wouldn』t you like to talk a while?




Frozen Dream


I』ll take the dream I had last night

And put it in my freezer,

So someday long and far away

When I』m and old grey geezer,

I』ll take it out and thaw it out,

This lovely dream I』ve frozen,

And boil it up and sit me down

And dip my old cold toes in.





The Lost Cat


We can』t find the cat,

We don』t know where she』s at,

Oh, where did she go?

Does anyone know?

Let』s ask this walking hat.



It』s Hot


It』s hot!

I can』t get cool,

I』ve drunk a quart of lemonade.

I think I』ll take my shoes off

And sit around in the shade.


It』s hot!

My back is sticky,

The sweat rolls down my chin.

I think I』ll take my clothes off

And sit around in my skin.


It』s hot!

I』ve tried with 『lectric fans,

And pools and ice cream cones.

I think I』ll take my skin off

And sit around in my bones.


It』s still hot!










發表評論 評論 (4 個評論)

回復 xqw63 2009-1-23 06:56
回復 rtc4rtc 2009-1-23 06:57
回復 水影兒 2009-1-23 13:14
回復 山梅子 2009-1-23 13:21
謝謝留言的朋友們。我的第一篇博文,居然有人來看了,並留下鼓勵。看來我這段時間來在BackChina讀博時的感覺是對的: 這兒的人們都很熱情厚道。

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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