
1000 Movies: 001-003 The Mummy Trilogy

作者:南郭吹竽  於 2009-2-12 08:05 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



哈哈,南郭要看 1000 部好萊塢電影,第一期目標小一點,100部。





1) The Mummy                                                       (blu-ray)




2) The Mummy Returns                                         (blu-ray)




3) The Mummy Tomb of the Dragon Emperor           (blu-ray)




還沒有買到 The Scorpion King blu-ray,這是南郭很喜歡的一個系列,好像《西遊記》《封神榜》一樣過癮。好萊塢製片把古埃及金字塔及各種傳說中的故事,結合近代的考古,寫成這樣生動的故事,可以看到這麼狀光的歷史場面,真的值得多看幾次,當作南郭電影旅遊世界文明的第一站,所以專門買來 Blu-ray Trilogy,表示對製片的尊敬。












發表評論 評論 (11 個評論)

回復 marnifan 2009-2-12 09:16
did you ever see Rockeroller? ooops, don;t think it's from hollywood.
回復 redbud 2009-2-12 21:22
what's blue ray?
回復 南郭吹竽 2009-2-12 23:32
redbud: what's blue ray?
Standard TV = 480/576 lines
digital TV displays the same ines but got rid of the bad signals from analog TV.
HDTV manifactured a couple of years ago supports 720 lines
Watch this: full HDTV = 1080 x 1920 plus HD audio
Not only resolution, color and audio improved to a shocking level.
in order to display this kind of high definition pictures, a 'war' was waged between HDDVD and blu-ray and blu-ray won the battle, became standard storage for HD.
Blu-ray (not blue ray) can hold up to 25GB on a single-layer disc and 50GB on a dual-layer disc. A standard DVD can only hold 4.7GB.
In hardware, blu-ray = DVD disk, HDTV = TV, you buy/rent blu-ray movies and watch it on HDTV. However, you need a blu-ray player or playstation 3 (PS3) in order to play a blu-ray disk.
Blu-ray and HDTV revolutionized home theatre experience, bringing big screen theatre to your couch and in 南郭's understanding, a great part of the touring experience around the globe.
南郭 suggests: only buy Sony or Samsung full HDTV to get the 'amazing' color I am talking about. There is a big difference between a Sony and other full HDTV when watching movies made in 2008 or later on blu-ray.
回復 redbud 2009-2-13 05:55
南郭吹竽: Standard TV = 480/576 lines digital TV displays the same ines but got rid of the bad signals from analog TV. HDTV manifactured a couple of year
Oh! Thanks for your explanation.

Amazing technology! I don't know the TV technology has been so advanced now. I fancy owning one ;) after I sorted out my car and camera and fixed my bathroom ;). If I still have money left, I will buy a HDTV and watch those planet earth documentary recommended by  南郭. I would like to tour around the world at home too.

All the UK analog TVs will be replaced by digital TVs this year. Maybe it's time for me to invest in a HDTV. This can also be used to do worship and fellowship service at home ;)。

Does that mean I have to watch 2008 or later movies to have that kind of blu-ray effect? Where can I get blu-ray disk?
回復 南郭吹竽 2009-2-13 08:44
redbud: Oh! Thanks for your explanation.       Amazing technology! I don't know the TV technology has been so advanced now. I fancy owning one ;) after I s
blu-ray movies are quite expensive at the moment, they should be available at home appliances stores or video stores.
In Canada, 南郭 rents these movies from Blockbuster or Rogers, or buy them from Amazon.ca, Bestbuy or the Futureshop.
Most blu-ray movies made for earlier flickers are not truly HD. So don't waste your money. Even for movies made after 2008, some are not really meant for HD experience. To enjoy a movie in its wonderful colors, 'Sex and the City, the Movie' is one. To demonstrate in the most astounding clarity, the newest Harry Potter would be a good choice. 南郭 just bought 'Sex and the City, the Movie' at Wal-Mart for $31 plus tax, that could give you some idea of how expensive blu-ray movies are, at least for the time being.
Again, you need to spend a few more dollars/GBP and get a Sony/Samsung to get those colors.
Even the famed Planet Earth were originally produced for the standard TV screen, too much close-up features.
I don't know about UK, but in North America, the discovery channel offers full HD programs but unfortunately are often included in a rather expensive package, in Canada.
南郭 is expecting a blu-ray version of the '1,000 Places to See before You Die' and will make a purchase of all disks for sure for a lifetime experience of touring around the world.
For standard TV, Rick Steves' Europe All 70 Shows is a good starting point to do this project, believe you have no trouble finding that amongst your regular TV shows.
回復 marnifan 2009-2-13 12:09
南郭, 弱弱di tell you, the mummy wa shot on a SET, didn't think it was made in egypt. you did not see the real thing, blue ray or not.
等你磚頭, 頂鍋蓋爬走....
回復 南郭吹竽 2009-2-13 12:19
marnifan: 南郭, 弱弱di tell you, the mummy wa shot on a SET, didn't think it was made in egypt. you did not see the real thing, blue ray or not.    等你磚頭,
Even if you go to Egypt, you cannot see anything for real. The Giza Pyramids are surrounded by backward buildings of Cairo, really no fun at all. The collections in the Museum cannot compare with that in Great Britain and Metropolitan (NYC) Museums. The movies gave us a vivid space for imagination about what ancient Egypt might look like, with wonderful scenes and special effects and legendary spiritual experience. What else can 南郭 hope for? on account of spending only a few dollars and enjoying a full 6 hours of spectacular right in the comfort of my couch? Huh? 我的磚頭呢?
回復 marnifan 2009-2-13 12:42
南郭吹竽: Even if you go to Egypt, you cannot see anything for real. The Giza Pyramids are surrounded by backward buildings of Cairo, really no fun at all. T
you are cute. i started noticing you because of the topic of gay.want to send you a msg in private, don't know how (fa sung chiao chiao hua). can you tell me how??
回復 南郭吹竽 2009-2-13 12:46
Click the arrow next to 悄悄話, then click the last selection on bottom of list: 發送悄悄話, type in the message and click 'send'.
Copy and paste 南郭吹竽 in 收件人 field.
回復 redbud 2009-2-14 01:07
南郭吹竽: blu-ray movies are quite expensive at the moment, they should be available at home appliances stores or video stores. In Canada, 南郭 rents these
55, thanks for your explaination again. You are so knowledgable! It's very hard to run after the technology. It's probably better for me to make HDTV a strategy rather than a plan.

I probably will start to watch the Europe All 70 shows in my normal TV. I haven't watched TV for ages.
回復 redbud 2010-12-26 05:17
南郭吹竽: <div class="quote"><span class="q">redbud: what's blue ray?</span></div>Standard TV = 480/576 lines
digital TV display ...
I just bought my sony Bravia and start enjoy the HD experience.
I missed you very much.

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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