
A Talented Cock

作者:BBC22  於 2008-10-13 20:18 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村

作者分類:Random Thoughts|通用分類:其它日誌

Definitely, the benefits this cock can bring to the factory in question are numerous, including :

n     enhancing the bravery and agility of the female workers in the factory, keeping them on their toes once they step into the workplace.

n     offering free entertainments for a bunch of a bunch of gloating spectators (primarily consisting of their male bosses or colleagues who have been dumped or turned down before)  and even evoking a bit of 「sexual arousal」 among a handful of 「S & M perverts」 , you never know.

n     bringing in more visitors to the factory, some driven by their curiosity about the magic cock and others intending to check out whether they』re dating the right girl (i.e. the one most sought after by the cock, that is);  hence more potential customers.

n     deterring hookers (often sporting flashy clothing)  from slipping into the factory, thus improving productivity.  



Apparently, a talented cock shouldn』t be restricted to a factory and there are some other  places to fulfil his potentials, such as:


A flat exclusive for male university students

That』s a ideal place to deploy the cock,  given the prowess of the cock in creating a 「girl-free zone」 at a flat after 11 pm, which has always been a headache for the university authorities (at least the more conservative ones in backwater areas in China).


Certain households

A henpecked husband would like to see with great interest what is going to happen with such a cock at home --- if only his idea was sanctioned by his wife.  After all, it』s no laughing matter having to face a 「cockpecked」 wife.










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