

作者:fanlaifuqu  於 2019-6-22 09:34 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


ATTN: Beneficiary.
According to the ethics of an office, introduction is always very important on a first contact like this. I am Mr. Christopher A. Wray, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). This Official Memorandum is to inform you that we discovered that some officials whom work under the United States government have attempted to divert your Funds (US$10,500,000:00) through a back-door channel. We actually discovered this today, through our Secret Agents under the Disciplinary Unit of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) after we apprehended (Mr. Ali Aeraby) a terrorist and laundering suspect.
The mentioned suspect was apprehended at the Dulles International Airport early this morning, as he attempted to carry the enormous cash value of US$10,500,000:00 outside the shores of USA. In respect to the money laundering decree of United States, such amount of money cannot be moved in cash outside United States because such attempt is a criminal offense and is punishable under the money laundering act of 1982 of United States of America. This decree is a globalize law applicable in most developed countries in order to check-mate terrorism and money laundering.
From our gathered information here in this Unit, we discovered that the said Funds in question actually belongs to you, but it had been purposely delayed because the officials in charge of your Payment are into some sort of irregularities which is totally against the ethics of any Payment institution. Presently, this said Funds valued US$10,500,000:00 is under the custody of the Paying Bank (The Bank of New York Mellon) and I can assure you that your Funds will be released to you without a hitch provided that you are sincere to us in this matter. Also, we require your positive co-operation at every level because we are closely monitoring this very transaction in order to avert the bad eggs in our society of today.
Today dated 21Ist JUNE 2019, we have instructed the Executive management of (The Bank of New York Mellon) to Release the said Funds to you as the certified Beneficiary in question, because we have valuable information's/records to authenticity that the said Funds truly belongs to you. Be that as it may, you are required to provide us with below listed information's (for official verification).
1. First Name, Middle Name and Last Name.
2. Age.
3. Occupation.
4. Marital Status.
5. Direct Telephone/Fax Number.
6. Residential address.
We await your immediate compliance to this official obligation, so that you can be paid by (The Bank of New York Mellon).
Officially Sealed.
Mr. Christopher A. Wray.
Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)









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發表評論 評論 (6 個評論)

回復 法道濟 2019-6-22 09:47
回復 fanlaifuqu 2019-6-22 09:57
法道濟: 祝賀翻老,可能是奈及利亞fbi發的
回復 8288 2019-6-22 11:46
回復 徐福男兒 2019-6-23 05:17
回復 ryu 2019-6-23 06:26
8288: 看發信@後面的地址
+1 !  
回復 海外思華 2019-7-17 04:56

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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