
老美看中國: 想傳宗接代嗎

作者:丹奇  於 2012-1-7 00:00 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


(前言: 俺孩子他爹喜歡沒事寫點時政評論,俺就忙裡偷閒給翻譯了一下,並不代表俺的立場。分享的目的是讓俺村裡的鄉親們多一個角度了解鬼子是咋想的。好多事,光有咱自己的思想還不夠,多聽聽多看看,會比較客觀,所以,就在這裡獻醜了,多謝各位關注


找不到老婆也無所謂, 男人多過女人的邏輯思維

/他爹   翻譯/ 他娘











1.       簡單的說,就是重視女嬰。給那些生女兒的家庭稅收優惠。給他們更好的受教育機會。給那些生女孩的家長特殊的退休好好處,銀行貸款,生意機會,

2.       就像鄧小平「致富光榮」改變了中國人的思想一樣,應該有一個類似「生女兒是和諧社會的基礎」的計劃取而代之。(一群男人在外面晃蕩是很危險的,不如讓他們回家去和老婆呆在一起,你明白我的意思的。)


如果中國採取上述策略,六千萬女孩和適婚婦女短缺的問題就會很快消失,消失的速度會比你能說「你願意嫁給我嗎?」還要快。 那些出口自己的適婚婦女的國家最終也會說他們與中國進行了有意義的貿易,且幫助中國通過「中國新娘」 和他們中國出生的孩子出口他們的文化到世界各地。也許這還能舒緩國家之間的緊張關係。







The Illogical Process That Creates More Men than Women

                                                                                                By Tadie

I watched a brief news clip today about a 「dating」 show in China call 「 1 in a 100」. Like most reality tv shows it was entertaining but unlike other reality tv shows this one lays bare a very real societal issue – the huge imbalance between the male and female population in China.

After watching the show ( and the little princesses who unmercifully and harshly graded the young men ) I asked my own wife, a native of China, to answer a couple of things I just can』t understand about the culture no matter how hard I try because to me it defies logic.

The huge imbalance has been growing since 1979 when China instituted a one child policy. Historically and culturally sons have always been preferred because they can work, take over a family business, provide for parents in their old age and carry on the family name. Nearly all cultures everywhere through human history they all have held such views. Women, and girls, have always been more of a 「property」 to their husbands or families than they ever were as citizens. It』s not my view now and it never has been – but, that is its history right or wrong.

However, as I ponder this dynamic I can』t help but think of the absolute lunacy that has led to the point where now there are 60million to 80 million men who can』t find wives in China.

If families can only have 1 child, and all they want is a son so there is an heir to carry on the family name , the whole process itself will make sure that you will have many men in the society .but the problem is that the very thought process that created so many men for the purpose of carrying on the family name actually results in absolutely the opposite being true. If there are no girls for the sons the name dies during that generation.

So, giving birth to daughters is frowned upon and they are looked down upon – but by the time that girl is 18 years old or older she is much more valuable than the boy her parents had hoped to have. So, if I were an investor and I wanted a good long term investment I would have many daughters in a society like that and demand, when they got married, that her new husband and his family pay an enormous price to my daughter and to me for providing a daughter so they can carry on their family name. It』s only fair right? Otherwise their family can go extinct, like the dinosaurs, I don』t care. There are lots of other young men to court my daughter.


 But, it』s interesting that society itself gets it wrong – that boys are so valued that the value you place on them will eventually make of no value! After all, if you have a son and he can』t find a wife to carry on your name what value is he? You can』t live forever – but your name can. But if you have no grandchildren because your son is one of the 60 million young men that exceeds the supply of girls available for marriage then you have no legacy to leave.

Who is at fault for this? The very people who through their own selfishness within society wanted something for themselves to maintain tradition and culture – but they don』t understand that the very thing they try to preserve with their actions actually destroys it.

How can this imbalance be corrected? Well, to be honest the government in China hasn』t called me for advice but if they did I would say this:

1.       Make baby girls more valuable, literally. Give tax incentives to those that have daughters. Give them special placements for advanced education opportunities. Give those parents that have daughters special perks for retirement, bank loans, business opportunities, and benefits in retirement.

2.       Just like Deng Xiao Peng changed the mind set of China to understand that 「it』s glorious to be wealthy」 a similar program needs to be instituted to say 「having daughers is the foundation for a harmonious society」 ( there』s nothing more dangerous than a bunch of guys hanging out together instead of going home to their wives – if you know what I mean ).


China is well known as the great exporter to the world of many products. Perhaps they could start importing girls or women. Offer them special education opportunities, preferred housing, bonuses if they marry a Chinese man and another bonus if they have a DAUGHTER !

If China followed the above strategy that 60 million shortage of girls and marriage age women would disappear very quickly, faster than you can say 「will you marry me 「. Countries that exported their marriage aged women could also finally say they have meaningful trade with China and could also help China export some of their own culture around the world thru the 「China brides」 and their China born children. Perhaps it could even help smooth out tensions between countries.

But, one thing is for sure – if the imbalance continues to grow – Chinese society will face severe repercussions and consequences because too many people have held onto old traditions when the current environment demands change, change that will benefit society – not destroy it.

 When men don't have enough girls, then there will be no ugly girls around.

發表評論 評論 (194 個評論)

回復 早安太陽 2012-1-7 00:05
回復 遠洋副船長 2012-1-7 00:28
回復 遠洋副船長 2012-1-7 00:32
回復 meistersinger 2012-1-7 00:41
「China is well known as the great exporter to the world of many products. Perhaps they could start importing girls or women.」
This is ridiculous. I am all for improving the social status of women, but importing them? I know this is tongue-in-cheek, but it just does not sound right.
回復 在美一方 2012-1-7 00:47
    not with his point
回復 卉櫻果 2012-1-7 01:13
回復 方方頭 2012-1-7 01:18
回復 白露為霜 2012-1-7 01:28
" 就是重視女嬰。給那些生女兒的家庭稅收優惠 "

回復 白露為霜 2012-1-7 01:35
卉櫻果: 一方面女孩子多餘男孩子,一方面找不到伴侶的女孩子多的去了~
回復 走過青春 2012-1-7 01:35
回復 胡扯亂說 2012-1-7 01:42
回復 解濱 2012-1-7 02:10
回復 milu 2012-1-7 02:16
哈哈哈,丹奇是中西文化的橋樑 謝謝分享
回復 Chi202 2012-1-7 02:18
好辦! 30年河東30年河西, 一夫多妻改為一妻多夫!  
回復 銅山 2012-1-7 02:41
回復 人權是非 2012-1-7 02:51
回復 布衣人 2012-1-7 03:30
回復 homepeace 2012-1-7 04:55
回復 小百合嗎 2012-1-7 05:18
homepeace: 告訴他爹:1。在中國,論婚嫁,女的比男的吃香。2。進口新娘10多年前就開始了(來自緬甸,越南,朝鮮。。。)
回復 丹奇 2012-1-7 05:19
早安太陽:    哈哈哈,很有道理,大大滴支持!

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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