

作者:丹奇  於 2011-10-14 23:02 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村






作者: 羅傑      翻譯: 丹奇





一部分的問題是美國人沒有注意到他們才是問題的一部分。這是「雞和雞蛋」的問題。美國人說「現在什麼都是中國造的」,但是中國會說 「你們的公司來這裡追求廉價的勞動力好提高利潤」。值得注意的是美國人並不需要買中國造的商品。但是同樣值得注意的是,他們也不想付不必要的代價購買「美國貨」。 這就是一個老式的政治問題:每個人都同意我們必須「宰殺一些母牛」但是沒人願意宰殺自己的母牛。每個人都在期待其他人做出犧牲。



現在,其他國家的問題是,如果中國決定讓其貨幣升值(也許高達40%),中國的購買力一個晚上就會呈指數級提升。讓我們想想世界上以美元為幣值的基礎產品石油。如果中國的貨幣升值40%,那他們在世界市場上購買石油就可以少支付30%費用!這個經濟動態本身就可以對其他經濟體製造大量的問題――最引人注目的就是中國獲得大量儲備的能力,基本上保持了珍貴和有限能源供應和生產的巨大動力 - 這是所有的工業經濟體(主要是美國)所依賴的










U.S. Views on China currency:

By Tadie, Economist

The USA generally holds the view that China manipulates its currency by holding down its value versus other currencies ( notably the dollar ) to maintain its export driven economy, keep employment high in the base manufacturing sector and fuel economic growth – also adding to its massive holdings of foreign currency reserves ( held in dollars, euros and yen ).

The base thought in the USA and its Euro allies is first and foremost a political one – that they ( the USA and Europe ) have been losing their manufacturing base to China over the past decade since China』s entry into the World Trade Organization ( WTO ) and gaining MOST FAVORED NATION STATUS ( for trade ) in the  USA.  The thought is that China offers a massive labor pool at inexpensive  rates.  Also, lax enforcement or non existence of environmental laws also is attractive to firms in the USA and Europe.

The concern on political types in the USA ( the U.S. Congress and President ) is one of a political nature. The citizenry ( voters ) are upset regarding the current economic situation and high unemployment in the USA. It is worth noting that in the first half of the decade ( 2000 to 2005 ) there was little concern and even less talk of China』s growing economic power.

Part of the problem is that Americans fail to note that they themselves are part of the problem. It』s a 「chicken and egg」 issue. Americans say 「everything is now made in China」 but China will say 「your companies came here for cheap labor to increase profits」. It』s well worth noting that Americans do not have to buy Chinese made goods. It』s also worth noting that they don』t want to pay the necessary price to 「buy American」. It』s the old political problem where everyone agrees we have to 「kill some cows」 but  nobody wants to kill their own cow. Everyone expects someone else to sacrifice.

Now, to say China 「manipulates」 its currency is my view absolutely true. However, the same can be said of the USA and every other large economy ( Japan, Germany, the UK, etc ). The other countries just do it in another manner – they use deficit spending, essentially increasing the supply of their own currency ( printing money ) which like an over supply of any commodity ( and money is a commodity, a fiat one, but a commodity none the less ) creates an imbalance in the 「market」 and hence drives down the price, or in this case the value of the currency.

Countries do this for an obvious reason, to drive exports. China does the same thing. The problem countries have with China is that China seems to be winning this game, for the time being.

Now, the problem for the other countries if China decides to allow its currency to rise in value ( perhaps by as much as 40% ) is that China』s purchasing power increases exponentially overnight. Let』s think of one of those base products in the world that is priced in Dollars – Oil. If China』s currency rose in value by 40% versus the Dollar overight then the price it pays for oil on the world market would be 30% less ! That economic dynamic alone could create massive problems for other economies – most notably the ability of China to acquire massive reserves and essentially hold huge power over the precious and finite supply and production of energy – which all the industrial economies ( most notably the USA ) depend upon.

If China did control or have a large share or the ability to purchase large reserves or production they could essentially hinder or even cripple western economies by either denying access to current supplies or driving the price so high that it creates crippling economic effects in those economies ( inflation, reduced production ) and hence even more dependence on China exports.

Unfortunately, for the west, politicians are prone to 「play」 to the voters and follow 「mob」 thought – that is to say and do what popular opinion dictates, rather than having a reasonable discussion of the repercussions of what such actions could cause in consequence.

It sounds good to 「bash」 China now, especially since our economy ( and the west as a whole ) is suffering the malaise of the financial meltdown of the past decade. Perhaps it』s part of our culture – it』s not our 「fault」 and we need someone to blame.

There』s a real lack of knowledge on the American populace side as to world or domestic economics, perhaps in China, too. However, politicians in America are beholden to special interest groups, popular opinion and voting groups – so if less than a transparent message works then that』s what you run with all the way to the election.


In America, the popular opinion now is that China cost us jobs, millions of them.  I would say that is true. But, China has also kept interest rates low here ( by financing our massive government spending ) as well as supplying with inexpensive goods ( keeping inflation low ). You won』t hear that side of the argument here – it』s not what people want to hear. It』s not what the politicians or media 「spin」 in their message.

To Americans its easy to say its China』s fault. In part it is, but American management and politicians instigated the problem.

In general, in America, we just need somebody to blame. It』s the American thing to do.










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回復 wcat 2011-10-14 23:06
回復 VANO 2011-10-14 23:28

回復 看得開 2011-10-14 23:32
回復 丹奇 2011-10-15 00:12
wcat: 最好的辦法是關起門來,什麼東西(石油等少數產品除外)都自己製造,不許進口。
回復 丹奇 2011-10-15 00:12
VANO: 厲害,我說的是您的翻譯。

回復 丹奇 2011-10-15 00:13
看得開: 中國因為內需總上不來,一直利用操縱匯率來保證就業。中國外儲不操縱匯率,不買美債,中國億人就要乞討為生。中國人為的廉價出口商品充斥外國市場,以低價擠垮其 ...
回復 homepeace 2011-10-15 00:33
回復 丹奇 2011-10-15 00:35
homepeace: 想起了以前的中國,什麼錯都是帝修反造成的。
回復 roaming 2011-10-15 00:40
回復 丹奇 2011-10-15 00:41
roaming: 好文!
但是升值對人民 ...
回復 人權是非 2011-10-15 00:56
回復 pengl 2011-10-15 00:58
看得開: 中國因為內需總上不來,一直利用操縱匯率來保證就業。中國外儲不操縱匯率,不買美債,中國億人就要乞討為生。中國人為的廉價出口商品充斥外國市場,以低價擠垮其 ...
回復 小小.. 2011-10-15 01:05
回復 hr8888hr 2011-10-15 01:11
人民幣升值或貶值對於西方國家同樣是個兩難名題. 讓人民幣升值, 可以減少進口擴大國內就業, 可人民幣一但升值, 世界上及自己資源的產權控制就岌岌可危.
回復 8288 2011-10-15 01:40
回復 喬雨風 2011-10-15 01:50
It's just a political game in election years.
回復 方方頭 2011-10-15 02:06
回復 微風淡淡 2011-10-15 02:06
回復 微風淡淡 2011-10-15 02:36
回復 三Y老豆 2011-10-15 02:37

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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