

作者:RNSandi  於 2010-10-10 03:00 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村





到底我是不是個典型的中國人,具不具有典型中國人的某種思維特徵,我自己認為,我是有的.那是一種從我骨子裡發出的倔強,對民族,對國家,對自己中華文化的高傲. 我打心眼兒里感覺這世界上再沒有第二個文化是可以與之媲美了!在老美面前,就算我如何抱怨中國的缺點,我的抱怨也是帶著尊嚴和自信,因為我為我是個中國人而感到一百萬分的驕傲!這點,在美國其他人對我的歧視對我是沒有任何作用的---你歧視我?我還歧視你呢!!



先不說這個諾貝爾該不該給這個叫劉曉波的人.本身諾貝爾的聲譽早已在美國人心中下降了,07Al Gore得的那個什麼什麼環境氣候變化的無賴獎開始,到總統都沒上任啥都沒做的Obama……諾貝爾,,~簡直是個笑餅啊~~~哈哈哈~~~


1.<零八憲章>並沒有新內容.老生常談,該說的20年前早就說過了, 同樣的意思,同樣的精神,甚至是同樣的文筆!對於我這個年輕一代來講,<零八憲章>不像個<憲章>,反倒是聽起來像文化大革命時期的口號,像我父母輩人說出的腐朽老話. 可能翻譯成英文能好聽些?我得再找找英文版本的.

2. 關於<民主>.我個人覺得,可觀來講, 民主是個很不錯的概念/理念.可我有些不明白的是為什麼大家一談到<民主>,就想到美國???美國是共和國呀!!!難道大家都忘了?中國也是共和國呀(至少名字上是這樣:People』s Republic of China). 美國拿著<自由>,<民主>到處收買人心,那是人家的軟武器呀~我們怕它啥??? 看看歷史,美國<收買>的哪個國家是完全單單用<民主>說服來的???哪個不是軟硬兼施,笑裡藏刀?偷買軍火(里根總統),CIA謀殺(伊朗,沙特,瓜地馬拉),串通獨裁者(智利,墨西哥,古巴,等等等等),本。拉登就是美國一手捧起來的。

3.關於<人權>.我本人認為,<人權>不可能有一個世界統一的定義.<人權>必須建立在尊重一個民族/文化的基礎上.忽略一個民族的文化特色和傳統,就是不尊重這個民族,就是失敗.歷史上有個很好的例子:越南戰爭.我所讀過的美國自己對越南戰爭的經驗總結是: 「Ignorance of the history and culture of Vietnam……had led the country into a war that it is now profoundly regretted」. 我不能說中國沒有/不可能有西方特色的<人權>(畢竟<人權>這個詞是從美國的黑人解放演變而來的,後來由羅斯福夫人Eleanor Roosevelt 提案到聯合國,但幾十年過去,始終沒有一個統一的章法和確切的定義),但中國的<人權>要符合中國歷史,中國人文,中國文化!5000年都是封建帝王制度的一個國家怎麼會一下子「西化」?開玩笑!(我不是貶低中國的封建制度,每個國家都有自己的制度,歷史就是如此向前發展,沒有好壞。


.關於<自由>.這一話題在美國可是老生常談了,慘淡到美國人聽到<freedom>這個字,嗤之以鼻,有些諷刺的味道.劉曉波的<結社自由>,<集會自由>,<言論自由>,<宗教自由>是照搬美國30年代的口號,除了這些<自由>,其他還有<freedom from Want>,<freedom from fear>, <freedom of Choice>等等.freedom根本就是空話嘛!美國喊了一輩子的freedom,到頭誰要是信仰共產主義就是要殺頭滴.


The Sharon Statement

Adopted in conference at Sharon, Connecticut, on 11 September 1960.

In this time of moral and political crises, it is the responsibility of the youth of America to affirm certain eternal truths.

We, as young conservatives, believe:

That foremost among the transcendent values is the individual's use of his God-given free will, whence derives his right to be free from the restrictions of arbitrary force;

That liberty is indivisible, and that political freedom cannot long exist without economic freedom;(沒有經濟自由,政治自由不能長久)。

That the purpose of government is to protect those freedoms through the preservation of internal order, the provision of national defense, and the administration of justice;

That when government ventures beyond these rightful functions, it accumulates power, which tends to diminish order and liberty;

That the Constitution of the United States is the best arrangement yet devised for empowering government to fulfill its proper role, while restraining it from the concentration and abuse of power;

That the genius of the Constitution- the division of powers- is summed up in the clause that reserves primacy to the several states, or to the people, in those spheres not specifically delegated to the Federal government;

That the market economy, allocating resources by the free play of supply and demand, is the single economic system compatible with the requirements of personal freedom and constitutional government, and that it is at the same time the most productive supplier of human needs;

That when government interferes with the work of the market economy, it tends to reduce the moral and physical strength of the nation; that when it takes from one man to bestow on another, it diminishes the incentive of the first, the integrity of the second, and the moral autonomy of both;

That we will be free only so long as the national sovereignty of the United States is secure; that history shows periods of freedom are rare, and can exist only when free citizens concertedly defend their rights against all enemies;

That the forces of international Communism are, at present, the greatest single threat to these liberties;

That the United States should stress victory over, rather than coexistance with, this menace; and

That American foreign policy must be judged by this criterion: does it serve the just interests of the United States?



(don't take me wrong.我也是愛美國的,因為美國給我機遇,給我可以奮鬥努力的自由,因為美國的資本主義市場經濟體和其獨有的人文理念。因為愛美國,所以希望去了解,去學習。因為我身在美國,我願意去同化自己,但這並不代表我要放棄我祖國的文化。我願意去吸取兩種文化中好的東西,而不是腐朽愚昧。這也並不代表我希望中國跟美國一樣,而是我希望中國比美國更好!一定會!)

發表評論 評論 (272 個評論)

回復 烏卒卒 2010-10-10 03:08
回復 珍惜眼前 2010-10-10 03:18
回復 newyorker92 2010-10-10 03:37
In the past, people even run for the u.s president under communist party.  I never heard anyone got executed for believing in communism.
回復 RNSandi 2010-10-10 03:39
newyorker92: In the past, people even run for the u.s president under communist party.  I never heard anyone got executed for believing in communism.
回復 itute 2010-10-10 03:41
回復 ManCreatedGod 2010-10-10 03:44
回復 newyorker92 2010-10-10 03:47
Known officially as the Communist Party USA (CPUSA), the Communist party was formed in the United States in 1919, two years after the Russian Revolution had overthrown the monarchy and established the Soviet Union. Many American Communists had been members of the SOCIALIST PARTY OF AMERICA, but that party's socialist leadership opposed the Russian revolution and expelled those members who supported it. The Communists were even more left-wing than the Socialists and attracted a number of radicals and anarchists as well as Communists. By August 1919, only months after its founding, the Communist party had 60,000 members, while the Socialist party had only 40,000.

The administration of President WOODROW WILSON, fearful that American radicals might attempt to overthrow the U.S. government, began making mass arrests in the fall of 1919. Ultimately, 10,000 suspected subversives were arrested in what became known as the Palmer Raids (after U.S. Attorney General A. MITCHELL PALMER), with 249 deported to Russia. The Palmer Raids ended in May 1920, and the American Communists began to gain strength. In 1924, the party founded a newspaper, The Daily Worker, which, at its peak, had a circulation of 35,000. That same year, the party nominated labor activist William Z. Foster as its first candidate for U.S. president. Foster received 35,361 votes.

In 1932 Communist Party presidential candidate William Z. Foster (left) received 102,991 votes. He is pictured with his running mate James W. Ford, the first African American to run for vice president.
The death of VLADIMIR LENIN and the rise of JOSEPH STALIN caused dissent among the party in the United States, with some supporting Stalin and others supporting the views of Leon Trotsky. A number of Trotskyists formed the Communist League of America, and by 1920 the American Communist party had only 7,000 members. By then, the party was concentrating on helping to build LABOR UNIONS and improving workers' rights. They lobbied for higher wages, a national retirement program, and unemployment insurance. With so many Americans affected by the Great Depression, the Communist message sounded a note of hope to unemployed workers, and Foster received 102,991 votes in the 1932 presidential election. Still, many people were more comfortable with the less radical Socialist party, whose candidate, Norman Thomas, received 884,781 votes.

The Spanish Civil War created a renewed interest in the Communist party, with many of its members opposing the government of Francisco Franco. Many American Communists went to Spain to fight against Franco's forces. Once again, there was a mounting fear of COMMUNISM in the United States. The Communist candidate for president in 1940, Earl Browder, was forbidden to travel within the United States and had to conduct his entire campaign through written statements and recorded speeches.

During WORLD WAR II, the party had 75,000 members, and 15,000 registered Communists fought against Axis forces in Europe and Asia. The alliance with the Soviets did not survive beyond the war's end in 1945, and a wave of anti-communism swept the United States. Although the Communist party in the United States was arguably less radical than it had been in its early days (in 1948, the party endorsed the PROGRESSIVE PARTY candidate, former Vice President Henry A. Wallace, for President), the COLD WAR created a spirit of considerable distrust. In 1948, a dozen leaders of the party were arrested for violating the Alien Registration Act, which made it illegal to advocate or assist in trying to overthrow the government.

The House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) investigated individuals who were thought to have Communist ties, and Senator JOSEPH R. MCCARTHY (R-Wis.) claimed that Communists had infiltrated the federal government. Although many of these accused Communists had either never been party members or else had been involved briefly in the 1930s when the party was more active in organizing labor, invariably their lives were shattered. Membership in the Communist party dropped to about 10,000 by 1957, even though it was never illegal to be a member.

During the 1960s, the Communist party became involved in the CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT and also the antiwar movement. Gus Hall, longtime general secretary of the party, ran for President in 1968 (the party had not run its own candidate since 1940) and received only 1,075 votes. He ran in subsequent years and in 1976 he received 58,992 votes. In 1988, instead of running, Hall pledged his support to JESSE JACKSON, who was seeking the Democratic nomination for president.

In the new millennium, the CPUSA maintains its commitment to the same political ideas that drove the Russian Revolution, but it embraces a more peaceful approach to creating change and social justice. Among the ideas it actively supports are socialized medicine, improved SOCIAL SECURITY benefits, stronger legislation to protect the environment, and full funding for education. The party also seeks greater cooperation with other political groups, believing that the best way to effect change is through the strength of broad-based coalitions.

Read more: Communist Party USA - Further Readings - Communists, President, American, United, Votes, and Received http://law.jrank.org/pages/5468/Communist-Party-USA.html#ixzz11tPsOZ00
回復 newyorker92 2010-10-10 03:47
Known officially as the Communist Party USA (CPUSA), the Communist party was formed in the United States in 1919, two years after the Russian Revolution had overthrown the monarchy and established the Soviet Union. Many American Communists had been members of the SOCIALIST PARTY OF AMERICA, but that party's socialist leadership opposed the Russian revolution and expelled those members who supported it. The Communists were even more left-wing than the Socialists and attracted a number of radicals and anarchists as well as Communists. By August 1919, only months after its founding, the Communist party had 60,000 members, while the Socialist party had only 40,000.

The administration of President WOODROW WILSON, fearful that American radicals might attempt to overthrow the U.S. government, began making mass arrests in the fall of 1919. Ultimately, 10,000 suspected subversives were arrested in what became known as the Palmer Raids (after U.S. Attorney General A. MITCHELL PALMER), with 249 deported to Russia. The Palmer Raids ended in May 1920, and the American Communists began to gain strength. In 1924, the party founded a newspaper, The Daily Worker, which, at its peak, had a circulation of 35,000. That same year, the party nominated labor activist William Z. Foster as its first candidate for U.S. president. Foster received 35,361 votes.

In 1932 Communist Party presidential candidate William Z. Foster (left) received 102,991 votes. He is pictured with his running mate James W. Ford, the first African American to run for vice president.
The death of VLADIMIR LENIN and the rise of JOSEPH STALIN caused dissent among the party in the United States, with some supporting Stalin and others supporting the views of Leon Trotsky. A number of Trotskyists formed the Communist League of America, and by 1920 the American Communist party had only 7,000 members. By then, the party was concentrating on helping to build LABOR UNIONS and improving workers' rights. They lobbied for higher wages, a national retirement program, and unemployment insurance. With so many Americans affected by the Great Depression, the Communist message sounded a note of hope to unemployed workers, and Foster received 102,991 votes in the 1932 presidential election. Still, many people were more comfortable with the less radical Socialist party, whose candidate, Norman Thomas, received 884,781 votes.

The Spanish Civil War created a renewed interest in the Communist party, with many of its members opposing the government of Francisco Franco. Many American Communists went to Spain to fight against Franco's forces. Once again, there was a mounting fear of COMMUNISM in the United States. The Communist candidate for president in 1940, Earl Browder, was forbidden to travel within the United States and had to conduct his entire campaign through written statements and recorded speeches.

During WORLD WAR II, the party had 75,000 members, and 15,000 registered Communists fought against Axis forces in Europe and Asia. The alliance with the Soviets did not survive beyond the war's end in 1945, and a wave of anti-communism swept the United States. Although the Communist party in the United States was arguably less radical than it had been in its early days (in 1948, the party endorsed the PROGRESSIVE PARTY candidate, former Vice President Henry A. Wallace, for President), the COLD WAR created a spirit of considerable distrust. In 1948, a dozen leaders of the party were arrested for violating the Alien Registration Act, which made it illegal to advocate or assist in trying to overthrow the government.

The House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) investigated individuals who were thought to have Communist ties, and Senator JOSEPH R. MCCARTHY (R-Wis.) claimed that Communists had infiltrated the federal government. Although many of these accused Communists had either never been party members or else had been involved briefly in the 1930s when the party was more active in organizing labor, invariably their lives were shattered. Membership in the Communist party dropped to about 10,000 by 1957, even though it was never illegal to be a member.

During the 1960s, the Communist party became involved in the CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT and also the antiwar movement. Gus Hall, longtime general secretary of the party, ran for President in 1968 (the party had not run its own candidate since 1940) and received only 1,075 votes. He ran in subsequent years and in 1976 he received 58,992 votes. In 1988, instead of running, Hall pledged his support to JESSE JACKSON, who was seeking the Democratic nomination for president.

In the new millennium, the CPUSA maintains its commitment to the same political ideas that drove the Russian Revolution, but it embraces a more peaceful approach to creating change and social justice. Among the ideas it actively supports are socialized medicine, improved SOCIAL SECURITY benefits, stronger legislation to protect the environment, and full funding for education. The party also seeks greater cooperation with other political groups, believing that the best way to effect change is through the strength of broad-based coalitions.

Read more: Communist Party USA - Further Readings - Communists, President, American, United, Votes, and Received http://law.jrank.org/pages/5468/Communist-Party-USA.html#ixzz11tPsOZ00
回復 rongrongrong 2010-10-10 03:51
回復 ww_719 2010-10-10 03:56
回復 RNSandi 2010-10-10 03:57
newyorker92: Known officially as the Communist Party USA (CPUSA), the Communist party was formed in the United States in 1919, two years after the Russian Revolut

給你一個很重要的美國anti-communist人物:Joseph McCarthy.


回復 ww_719 2010-10-10 03:59
回復 RNSandi 2010-10-10 04:03
newyorker92: Known officially as the Communist Party USA (CPUSA), the Communist party was formed in the United States in 1919, two years after the Russian Revolut
這個叫:Gus Hall的Communist party leader 參加了四屆總統競選,true, but see what happened later:


「Hall's initial prison sentence lasted for five years」......"During an failed attempt to flee to Moscow, Hall was caught in Mexico City, and ultimately served a total of eight years in Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary"
回復 hr8888hr 2010-10-10 04:03
ww_719: 妹妹好厲害呀,難怪有人那麼愛你呢,哈哈...
回復 RNSandi 2010-10-10 04:03
ww_719: 妹妹說話真是擲地有聲呀,哈哈..贊!!!
回復 RNSandi 2010-10-10 04:07
newyorker92: Known officially as the Communist Party USA (CPUSA), the Communist party was formed in the United States in 1919, two years after the Russian Revolut
而且,有一點,朋友要弄清楚就是,美國當初的communists大部分是以labor party的身份進行競選和參加政治活動的,因為當時labor party是美國的主要政黨,communism只是理念。
回復 郭凱敏 2010-10-10 04:08
回復 郭凱敏 2010-10-10 04:13
newyorker92: Known officially as the Communist Party USA (CPUSA), the Communist party was formed in the United States in 1919, two years after the Russian Revolut
回復 BL_518 2010-10-10 04:41
回復 SirCat 2010-10-10 04:47
BL_518: 頂!您讓我再一次對您刮目相看呢~~

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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